Phlegm in my throat and post nasal drip after Covid

Posted by danny2022 @danny2022, Dec 18, 2022

Ever since I had covid in January of 2022 I recovered from the virus but I was left with a constant phlegm in the back of my throat and post nasal drip that will not go away. The feeling of having mucus in the back of my throat actually gets worse when I try to get rid of it by coughing. I have been given steroid inhalers, albuterol, allergy medication, but none of these work. The mucus gets worse especially after I eat. I've never felt like this before and it all started after covid. Can anybody relate to what I am going through?

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Thanks for the input. I will try some of those things. The strange thing is that nothing shows up in bloodwork.


Today I cough so hard the first time in my life, blood came out of my mouth with Phelgm.
Mentally getting ready.

Hopefully nothing serious as I'm going to do my blood checks.

Prayers needed.



Today I cough so hard the first time in my life, blood came out of my mouth with Phelgm.
Mentally getting ready.

Hopefully nothing serious as I'm going to do my blood checks.

Prayers needed.


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Awful. Flonase and Sudafed have worked for me. Almost gone. I stopped the meds as it was giving me a super dry mouth.


Awful. Flonase and Sudafed have worked for me. Almost gone. I stopped the meds as it was giving me a super dry mouth.

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Only 15mg Sudafed is available. Currently I'm unsing Advil cold and Sinus which give relief for few hours. Aren't these medicines like Advil, Tylenol,Sudafed for Sinus and mucus are bad for long term?

I heard some people have nose surgery where they remove extra bones and flesh to clear your nasal passage and it worked for them until it regrow.
I never used any pain killers in my life and now feels bad using it but for how long?
Hospitol system is collapsed in Canada. Goodluck if you get Specialist appointment in an year so called developed country with every year lots of Specialists from different countries driving Uber because of lots of restrictions to get their licenses.


I was drinking a shake tonight and when I was done, I had a metallic taste in my mouth. I’ve had the slimy mucus in my throat for 3 years since Covid. I’m so tired of it

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I’m the same coming up 3 years.Driving me insane I hope one day it will go away.Constant chest infections altho recently it seems better I’m doing so much to prevent it tho lol


I have had the same symptoms as all of you for 7 months. Coughing until I dry heave, constant super thick snot running down the back of my throat. 2 rounds of antibiotics and steroids without much relief. One day our cook at work made me lemon and grapefruit peel tea. I drank the awful cup full. I know it sounds weird but all the snot and phlegm was 99% gone the next morning and has been gone since. Trust me the awful taste is well worth the relief. I have continued to drink at least a cup full of the tea a day. It is still gone! I hope this will help someone out there.

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How does one make this peel tea?


I am getting better! After 4 months of almost continuous post-nasal drip, mucous, and coughing, I am feeling like it is easing up.
Maybe it’s the 10 mg Amitriptyline prescribed by an EMT taken in the evening. Maybe it was just going to get better on its own. At any rate, I am grateful.

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Thank you for letting us know you are getting better @elliottwoodworks ! Thank God for these small improvements! I am also getting better! I've been taking a nasal formula from the herbal dispensary at our acupuncture school for 4 weeks now and added oregano oil supplements two weeks ago. It's been 8 weeks since first covid symptoms. I am finally ... let's say 90% better. That is huge. Hang in there fellow phelgm sufferers. We will get through this!


Had COVID in December 2022. Terrible thick white sticky catarrh in throat. Yet no runny nose. It started 2 weeks after and is as bad. Tried steroid sprays including Beconase,steroid tablets, several anti allergy meds, antibiotics, none have worked.
The only temporary things that help are inhaling steam from the ceramic Potters see pix, sipping warm to hot ginger cordial. NeilMed sinus wash outs easier than Neto pots. I now have started using nasal vents improving nasal breathing, and practicing Pilates breathing, taught as inhaling deeply with ribs expanding laterally. Along with being propped up at night I had my first nights sleep for months. But it is temporary I’m afraid and daytime I still sound like a walrus concerning the dogs.


How does one make this peel tea?

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Peel and dice. Add to a gallon of water. Boil for 10 min. Strain off the liquid and drink the liquid.


Peel and dice. Add to a gallon of water. Boil for 10 min. Strain off the liquid and drink the liquid.

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Thank you friend

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