Phlegm in my throat and post nasal drip after Covid

Posted by danny2022 @danny2022, Dec 18, 2022

Ever since I had covid in January of 2022 I recovered from the virus but I was left with a constant phlegm in the back of my throat and post nasal drip that will not go away. The feeling of having mucus in the back of my throat actually gets worse when I try to get rid of it by coughing. I have been given steroid inhalers, albuterol, allergy medication, but none of these work. The mucus gets worse especially after I eat. I've never felt like this before and it all started after covid. Can anybody relate to what I am going through?

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Sorry I did not communicate correctly, I get a test for the Biofilm I just have it everywhere, even over my fingernails.

I had to beg for the culture even though I don’t even have my own arm hairs I’ve been to six different doctors insane

I do have a crown in my mouth and the teeth have bothered me and then developers for two years after reading some of this I’m gonna get it taken out. I’m on an anabiotic for the avatars and I tried to clean biofilm off yesterday and it just came right back I can’t even moisturize my face. How do you guys cope with this?

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I'm so sorry. What is avatars? How were you tested for biofilm? Praying for you to get some relief. God Bless You!


I'm so sorry. What is avatars? How were you tested for biofilm? Praying for you to get some relief. God Bless You!

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I was not tested for biofilm if I could type as well as I think that would be a miracle lol

I discovered the bio film myself two years ago believe it or not I knew my skin was very different overnight and I took a picture and looked at it a couple weeks later and you can see the bio film and where it is being put on my face after I had a salivary glands swell up in my cheek and I have not been diagnosed since then

My gums deteriorated a lot within six months and I’ve had five teeth removed. I work with a good oral surgeon, but from a dental perspective, I had 3 different dentist tell me Periodontal disease which is absolutely not true. I’ve always taken care of my teeth.

So now I know I’ve had C. albicans for two years and as a result of that in the bio film, I have parasites and no one believed me because they can’t see yeast.

recently I was in the ER and the doctor thought I was crazy and he said bio film didn’t exist and he’s been practicing medicine for 15 years all over the world but he did the swab test in my mouth anyway I wanted to get that far so I’m grateful for that

I went to see five dermatologist who told me there was nothing wrong and I did go to one that said they were advanced in morgellons ( I never thought I had that, but I also know that it was some thing not normal ) and other things so I thought OK they’re open minded. Before I went, I removed the bio film from my eyebrows, thinking that the top of my head is close to that my eyes nose ears. It’s a good spot to find some thing so that you would keep looking but he didn’t. Lol. The doctor gave me ivermectin just to prove to me that I didn’t have parasites and then he was going to put me on a psych med for delusional, parasiteus, so I thought OK And the parasite world blew up all over my skin - mouth eyes, ears head.

I decided to try to get the bio film off my arms and hands and I started getting bit all over my legs.

I went back to the dermatologist and told him I wanted an arm scrape so we could document what parasites were present. The doctor is like 12 and thinks he knows everything but I thought he was going to faint when he saw what I was dealing with after telling me there was nothing wrong. I had scabies, crusted, scabies, eye scabies, and Demadex all living in my nose and mouth and ears and eyes and all over my body. I had two different species of mites living in my hair and one type of parasite, wrapping around my hair, strands, and because of bio film and nobody willing to pick up a Magnifier. I even bought one brand new in the box so they could luck without feeling like they were going to get infected, but they refuse to use it

I’ve literally been dealing with that part of it for a year and it has damaged . My skin

I am almost at the end of the ivermectin and I don’t feel any parasites anymore. Right now I’m worried about what’s on my spit skin be in candidas auroras instead of Albicans, which would make it more dangerous for me. Friday I started on a medication for the Albicans

I live in the Twin Cities and I go to M health Fairview and they are not a good healthcare system. One of the ER docs kicked me out of the ER room one time and told me that the emergency room is for emergencies even though I had a lot of pressure from the parasites behind my eye, but he didn’t believe me

but now that I’ve gotten this far, I really hope they continue to Improve my situation if for nothing else to learn something about it since I knew what was going on and I have been doing a lot of research I the right places like Mayo. When I try to talk about what I know and understand according to the research papers, I’ve read, then they just think I’m crazier or trying to be smarter than they are and that never flies.

I’m too sick to work or there are days where I feel like I might affect my coworkers that working has been hard and Putting us in financial dire straits so to speak but we’ll get through it. I just have to keep up the good fight without losing my strength and trying to stay calm enough not to yell at the doctors because then I’m done there’s been times I’m sitting in the doctors office and I just shake and I don’t know what to do because I want to say some thing and I can’t , so I get in my car. I crank the music and I scream a few times as loud as I can and then I get on my merry way. Lol God bless you too.


Has anyone noticed that if as I’ve now noticed if I eat something sweet like a biscuit within an hr the mucus is much worse as it it also if I have a fizzy mixer drink? . I have had PND only after COVID for four months but although continual since then I’ve looked out for anything that worsens it. Steam or hot drinks help but nighttime is awful.


I was not tested for biofilm if I could type as well as I think that would be a miracle lol

I discovered the bio film myself two years ago believe it or not I knew my skin was very different overnight and I took a picture and looked at it a couple weeks later and you can see the bio film and where it is being put on my face after I had a salivary glands swell up in my cheek and I have not been diagnosed since then

My gums deteriorated a lot within six months and I’ve had five teeth removed. I work with a good oral surgeon, but from a dental perspective, I had 3 different dentist tell me Periodontal disease which is absolutely not true. I’ve always taken care of my teeth.

So now I know I’ve had C. albicans for two years and as a result of that in the bio film, I have parasites and no one believed me because they can’t see yeast.

recently I was in the ER and the doctor thought I was crazy and he said bio film didn’t exist and he’s been practicing medicine for 15 years all over the world but he did the swab test in my mouth anyway I wanted to get that far so I’m grateful for that

I went to see five dermatologist who told me there was nothing wrong and I did go to one that said they were advanced in morgellons ( I never thought I had that, but I also know that it was some thing not normal ) and other things so I thought OK they’re open minded. Before I went, I removed the bio film from my eyebrows, thinking that the top of my head is close to that my eyes nose ears. It’s a good spot to find some thing so that you would keep looking but he didn’t. Lol. The doctor gave me ivermectin just to prove to me that I didn’t have parasites and then he was going to put me on a psych med for delusional, parasiteus, so I thought OK And the parasite world blew up all over my skin - mouth eyes, ears head.

I decided to try to get the bio film off my arms and hands and I started getting bit all over my legs.

I went back to the dermatologist and told him I wanted an arm scrape so we could document what parasites were present. The doctor is like 12 and thinks he knows everything but I thought he was going to faint when he saw what I was dealing with after telling me there was nothing wrong. I had scabies, crusted, scabies, eye scabies, and Demadex all living in my nose and mouth and ears and eyes and all over my body. I had two different species of mites living in my hair and one type of parasite, wrapping around my hair, strands, and because of bio film and nobody willing to pick up a Magnifier. I even bought one brand new in the box so they could luck without feeling like they were going to get infected, but they refuse to use it

I’ve literally been dealing with that part of it for a year and it has damaged . My skin

I am almost at the end of the ivermectin and I don’t feel any parasites anymore. Right now I’m worried about what’s on my spit skin be in candidas auroras instead of Albicans, which would make it more dangerous for me. Friday I started on a medication for the Albicans

I live in the Twin Cities and I go to M health Fairview and they are not a good healthcare system. One of the ER docs kicked me out of the ER room one time and told me that the emergency room is for emergencies even though I had a lot of pressure from the parasites behind my eye, but he didn’t believe me

but now that I’ve gotten this far, I really hope they continue to Improve my situation if for nothing else to learn something about it since I knew what was going on and I have been doing a lot of research I the right places like Mayo. When I try to talk about what I know and understand according to the research papers, I’ve read, then they just think I’m crazier or trying to be smarter than they are and that never flies.

I’m too sick to work or there are days where I feel like I might affect my coworkers that working has been hard and Putting us in financial dire straits so to speak but we’ll get through it. I just have to keep up the good fight without losing my strength and trying to stay calm enough not to yell at the doctors because then I’m done there’s been times I’m sitting in the doctors office and I just shake and I don’t know what to do because I want to say some thing and I can’t , so I get in my car. I crank the music and I scream a few times as loud as I can and then I get on my merry way. Lol God bless you too.

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I believe you and I am so sorry you are going through this. Praying for you and God Bless you.


Has anyone noticed that if as I’ve now noticed if I eat something sweet like a biscuit within an hr the mucus is much worse as it it also if I have a fizzy mixer drink? . I have had PND only after COVID for four months but although continual since then I’ve looked out for anything that worsens it. Steam or hot drinks help but nighttime is awful.

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I have had thick sticky saliva since Covid that will not go away. It gets in the back of my throat and wakes me up at night. I've been to 5 different doctors about it. One cultured my mouth and it came back normal. They are baffled. I notice that if I eat pizza its worse, acid, sodium or dairy maybe? It's worse in the mornings when I get up. It's like foam. I have to scrape my tongue several times a day and rinse with mouth wash and I spit all day long. They call it hypersalivation. I've never had this until Covid. I am also taking a mucus thinner and drinking plenty of water which helps some. Antihistamines help to dry it up some, but, that dries my eyes out which are already dry. Is yours anything like this at all? Praying for you.


I have that really bad too! I thought I was alone. My ENT says he CAN NOT see it in a scope?? It is really bad and annoying. I also have thrush (candida). Does you Doctor see the ball of phlegm? Sometimes feels like lining one side of throat. I would line help to rid this.


I got the most help from a Dermatologist that has tried everything for this. She cultured my mouth and nothing significant showed up...just normal mouth bacteria. I had a really bad metallic taste in my mouth and she recommended getting my B12, Zinc & Iron checked. My B12 was very low. I have been on B12 shots now for 2 months which has removed the metallic taste in my mouth. (Look up low B12). You can also get glossy tongue from low B12. Go under Google Scholar and type in hypersalivation after Covid. It mentions thrush and then angular chelitis and hypersalivation. I had a bad case of thrush with Covid and then the hypersalivation (thick slicky saliva) started after the thrush cleared up. I have tried everything and nothing has really helped. Listerine works for a little while daily. I also use Peroxdyl (Colgate) once daily. It has peroxide in it and will bring to surface on your tongue all the excess and you can scrape it off better with a tongue scraper. Have you tried an over the counter antihistamine? They help, but, IF you have dry eyes already like I do, it will make them worse. Certain foods make mine worse such as pizza. Is it the tomato (acidic), cheese (dairy) or sodium? I don't know and I try to steer clear of pizza. I've battled this since last October. Some days are better than others. I am praying for you as it is an ordeal. God Bless You!


It is enlightening to read these comments. I have suffered with long covid since August 2022 and have had a chronic cough and post nasal drainage the whole time. The debilitating fatigue and weakness are so overwhelming, I ignore all the other symptoms the best I can. I appreciate the input here. It appears the medical profession has little to offer us at this time. Hopefully they will soon.


I believe you and I am so sorry you are going through this. Praying for you and God Bless you.

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I love your hashtag


I got the most help from a Dermatologist that has tried everything for this. She cultured my mouth and nothing significant showed up...just normal mouth bacteria. I had a really bad metallic taste in my mouth and she recommended getting my B12, Zinc & Iron checked. My B12 was very low. I have been on B12 shots now for 2 months which has removed the metallic taste in my mouth. (Look up low B12). You can also get glossy tongue from low B12. Go under Google Scholar and type in hypersalivation after Covid. It mentions thrush and then angular chelitis and hypersalivation. I had a bad case of thrush with Covid and then the hypersalivation (thick slicky saliva) started after the thrush cleared up. I have tried everything and nothing has really helped. Listerine works for a little while daily. I also use Peroxdyl (Colgate) once daily. It has peroxide in it and will bring to surface on your tongue all the excess and you can scrape it off better with a tongue scraper. Have you tried an over the counter antihistamine? They help, but, IF you have dry eyes already like I do, it will make them worse. Certain foods make mine worse such as pizza. Is it the tomato (acidic), cheese (dairy) or sodium? I don't know and I try to steer clear of pizza. I've battled this since last October. Some days are better than others. I am praying for you as it is an ordeal. God Bless You!

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This might be part of the issue. I to contracted Covid 3 1/2 months ago, and along with G.I. issues have a ongoing histamine issue...does not seem to stop. Given there is a possibility that the COVID has altered something in G.I. tract, and created an environment of bacteria.

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