Living with Neuropathy - Welcome to the group

Welcome to the Neuropathy group.
This is a welcoming, safe place where you can meet other people who are dealing with neuropathy. Let’s learn from each other and share stories about living well with neuropathy, coping with the challenges and offering tips.

I’m Colleen, and I’m the moderator of this group, and Community Director of Connect. Chances are you’ll to be greeted by volunteer patient Mentor John (@johnbishop) and fellow members when you post to this group. Learn more about Moderators and Mentors on Connect.

We look forward to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.
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Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Neuropathy Support Group.


Welcome @titansofideastookevindshort, Thanks for sharing your experience and what has helped. Do you mind sharing a little more about your diagnosis, do you have a type of neuropathy?

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I had a lifetime of dealing with illegal drug dealer and corrupt experimentation after they and corrupt government deliberately hit me double nuclear off power lines at matterhorn Dr orlando by Orlando Utilities Department when it was including electric power supply residential back then about 38 years ago..

The incident happened the same time as when you believe was filmed with Mariah Carey and Whitney houston.. and was the white flash that they complained it was too hot in the video and guaranteed that it melted the electric cables on every light and CANNOT be duplicated...

Look on You tube..

Since fixed and figured out all 100% physics and fixed all problems.. but your's and many others are basically a problem that type of emp hit everyone and resulting atomic damage put a lot of compounds together that had never been together along with creating new compounds..

For the world to recover..these new compounds have to be figured out then atomically balanced..why SO MANY contaminated food and water sources.. the covid 19 vaccine DOES have a valid purpose.. when a typical food source or other is contaminated or other.. an new food source or other compound has to be found to put it back into balance..and why additional varances..why the variances? Because all these chemicals are the heavier acids emitted by the oceans going molten along with volcanoes..

The progression of radiation is by FREE RADICAL WATER DAMAGE, water damaged by constant emp's around the earth..

Aids itself was free radical where they illegally dumped nuclear fuel in Africa where they "screwed the monkey" thinking them having no intelligence, while the same ones would die in their environment proving who's stupid with disrespect..

Nuclear fuel dumped too close to a water supply sets off slow water destruction of the water in a person's body.. it CAN be kept in balance with maintenance..

Example? Most aren't known or advertised.. but a couple examples in Africa and a mother, daughter, grandmother in the US who had what they called a growth disease with abnormal tumors but otherwise good health..

In the US luckily, seeing as they were the only ones with the problem.. meant luckily a private well most likely contaminated by dumping nuclear waste or storing it too close to a water supply..

But as the water damage eventually starts damaging tissue cells.. the cell damage is treated by iodine..BUT IT DOES NOT TREAT THE PROGRESSING WATER DAMAGE

CIGARETTE SMOKE or other burning is a nuclear teardown to next scale down.. giving components to what had a free radical take off and don't stop effect.. once there it's NEVER perfect and requires maintenance.. the other is by electrolysis but am not going to discuss it now, for it has to be totally explained or inexperience can result in death,.

Almost all waters say purified but way over mineral levels to be safe and end up shorting out peoples nervous'll know that's part of your problem if it's way worse dehydrated..

Try distilled water for drinking for a while..that's steam.. water ONLY'll be bland tasting, for minerals give water the flavor.. one thing vital though is potassium.. found in bananas, vital for heart rhythm but too much or too little will cause heart arythmias..

So an occasional banana for potassium just to make sure you have that.. that's also not talking about the acids WRONGFULLY put in hair care products.. when they were introduced those acids WERE NEVER MEANT TO BE IN THE BODY..

They was with those acids meant to fast clean oil off of was down there..and it DOESN'T all wash off. and dries.. then when you sweat while consuming sugar, your sweat containing the sugars you ate does the same as in the body..

Sweating, the unrinsed acid gets on skin by sweat, sugar in sweat coats it and same as in the body, it shoves it back into the skin by absorption, chemists didn't realize that once introduced that keeps attacking like and in the skin keeps building up until you have the equivalent of dumping battery acid in your lap until you get a CHEMICAL BURN...HERPES!

Once introduced.. it contaminates throughout the body..and in the nervous symptom duplicates mutiplesclerosis, which is caused by 2 methods, electrical shock excessive or herpes equivalent.

In the nervous system again nerves are made to carry electrons..acids aren't..and it breaks up those acids causing demilization of the brain and spinal cord.. without maintenance it's quite fast dehibilitating, and potential death.. but what I said that I'm not going to talk about now because it has to be FULLY explained to be safe..

Best thing to remember is when active, fluids are FAST pumped to kidney and bladder.. so to minimize symptoms drink water frequently and avoid caffeine except at treat times..

Dehydration a main aggravating factor in neural symptoms..

The equivalent of metals closer together to short out, then you end up getting a spinal feedback..which can be tingling skin or cramps or cramping

Young kids get heart attacks that AREN'T.. SPINAL FEEDBACK HALF THE TIME JUST LOCKED IT IN CONVULSION, those nowadays ignorant of mineral overload on the body, both natural and thinking electrolyte water safe to drink all the time..and that's when it's deadly..

Today's youth lost correct understandings about health...

The incident I talk about is also what damaged all dimensions damaging stored information everywhere..

Thanks for your offer.. and a hug to you for having done so..


This is the first time I have used this forum and am wondering about using art cherry juice for gout as I use only natural remedies if at all possible. I also have read that recent trauma can reactivate gout. I would appreciate any suggestions. Thank you!


This is the first time I have used this forum and am wondering about using art cherry juice for gout as I use only natural remedies if at all possible. I also have read that recent trauma can reactivate gout. I would appreciate any suggestions. Thank you!

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Hello @writer99, Welcome to Connect. I think it's wise to be proactive with your health and look for natural ways to help maintain your health. There is another discussion on gout that you might want to read through to learn what other members have shared helps them.

-- What are the best ways to manage Gout? Diet ideas welcome:

Here's some information on the topic of trauma causing gout flares that might be helpful -- "Injury to some joints, especially your big toe, can also trigger a gout attack. This may happen because it causes inflammation and attracts uric acid crystals to the joint " --- What Causes Gout to Flare Up? Foods, Medications, and More:

Do you mind sharing a little more about your current gout flare? Can you think of any possible triggers that may have caused it?


Hello @writer99, Welcome to Connect. I think it's wise to be proactive with your health and look for natural ways to help maintain your health. There is another discussion on gout that you might want to read through to learn what other members have shared helps them.

-- What are the best ways to manage Gout? Diet ideas welcome:

Here's some information on the topic of trauma causing gout flares that might be helpful -- "Injury to some joints, especially your big toe, can also trigger a gout attack. This may happen because it causes inflammation and attracts uric acid crystals to the joint " --- What Causes Gout to Flare Up? Foods, Medications, and More:

Do you mind sharing a little more about your current gout flare? Can you think of any possible triggers that may have caused it?

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I had it for the first time about a week ago, but never before . I was very stressed then. It went away and then came back again in both toes after a sudden surge of bad news. The left toe is okay now, just a bit red. The right one really hurts, but if I stay off it, not so bad.
I had seen the Mayo Clinic list, but noticed that healthline conflicts some with Mayo. I go to the Mayo and Cleveland Clinic for health info. I eat a natural diet with mostly organic foods and supplements. Other than the stress of the news and a small amount of whiskey (less than a regular shot, which I haven't had in ages), I really don't know. I do have serious osteoarthritis and am not young, except in spirit! Thank you for replying!


This is the first time I have used this forum and am wondering about using art cherry juice for gout as I use only natural remedies if at all possible. I also have read that recent trauma can reactivate gout. I would appreciate any suggestions. Thank you!

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Hello @writer99, welcome to Connect. I have high levels of uric acid due to one of my medications. I also have painful neuropathy in my feet. When my uric acid levels started to rise, the pain was quite excruciating.

Like you I try to manage what I can by eating well. The links John posted are helpful and will help you know what foods to avoid, if you don’t know already. I don’t drink and I don’t eat beef or pork. I also don’t eat refined sugars, white flour, etc. I used to eat turkey, but I’ve been phasing it out of my diet as I notice that I can get gout flare ups from it.

I’ve done research on cherries, which does seem to show a correlation in reducing uric acid in one’s body. Plus, they’re healthy certainly won’t hurt! My diet and eating 5-6 cherries each day seems to be working for me. I’ve not had a bad flare for a couple months. I buy frozen unsweetened cherries and keep them in a small jar in my refrigerator. I’ll be getting my quarterly labs done next month so I’ll be able to see what my uric acid levels are at.

Here’s an article -

Best wishes, Athena


Hello @writer99, welcome to Connect. I have high levels of uric acid due to one of my medications. I also have painful neuropathy in my feet. When my uric acid levels started to rise, the pain was quite excruciating.

Like you I try to manage what I can by eating well. The links John posted are helpful and will help you know what foods to avoid, if you don’t know already. I don’t drink and I don’t eat beef or pork. I also don’t eat refined sugars, white flour, etc. I used to eat turkey, but I’ve been phasing it out of my diet as I notice that I can get gout flare ups from it.

I’ve done research on cherries, which does seem to show a correlation in reducing uric acid in one’s body. Plus, they’re healthy certainly won’t hurt! My diet and eating 5-6 cherries each day seems to be working for me. I’ve not had a bad flare for a couple months. I buy frozen unsweetened cherries and keep them in a small jar in my refrigerator. I’ll be getting my quarterly labs done next month so I’ll be able to see what my uric acid levels are at.

Here’s an article -

Best wishes, Athena

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Thanks, Athena. Good information on that site. I often go there, but missed that particular one.
I just remembered something I'd forgotten that happened before I had the first gout attack. I am very thin and underweight. Since I overdo and then become very tired, I thought (wrongly it turns out) that if I upped my protein it might give me more energy. Even though grass fed or as natural as possible for chicken, even ham, after a holiday meal of boeuf bourguignon, the next morning I was in agony with both toes. Looked it up online and it said that could also set it off.
Very careful now, back to eggs and some cheese until I find a balance.


Thanks, Athena. Good information on that site. I often go there, but missed that particular one.
I just remembered something I'd forgotten that happened before I had the first gout attack. I am very thin and underweight. Since I overdo and then become very tired, I thought (wrongly it turns out) that if I upped my protein it might give me more energy. Even though grass fed or as natural as possible for chicken, even ham, after a holiday meal of boeuf bourguignon, the next morning I was in agony with both toes. Looked it up online and it said that could also set it off.
Very careful now, back to eggs and some cheese until I find a balance.

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Unfortunately, one can find out the hard way with flare ups. I stick mostly with soy products, beans, and duck for protein. I only cook meat in sauces, beans, casseroles, so it limits the amount of protein I get in a single meal. Maybe that helps? It’s great you perceptive and tracking! Do you take cherries?

I’m also fairly thin, 5’ 5”, 107 pounds. So, I do a protein drink made with Orgain protein powder each morning to supplement. It’s a natural product and the plain flavor has no sweetener. It hasn’t thus far, anyway, bothered me.

Let me know if you find more useful info to share!


Unfortunately, one can find out the hard way with flare ups. I stick mostly with soy products, beans, and duck for protein. I only cook meat in sauces, beans, casseroles, so it limits the amount of protein I get in a single meal. Maybe that helps? It’s great you perceptive and tracking! Do you take cherries?

I’m also fairly thin, 5’ 5”, 107 pounds. So, I do a protein drink made with Orgain protein powder each morning to supplement. It’s a natural product and the plain flavor has no sweetener. It hasn’t thus far, anyway, bothered me.

Let me know if you find more useful info to share!

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Thanks for the suggestion. I checked out the ingredients and the only one I could be allergic to are chia seeds. I have multiple allergies, and can be allergic to almost anything...and have! So I will try to locate another protein powder. Now if I could only remember the one I used to take?
I do use buckwheat which I find very good for health. I eat it as a cereal and also can be used in many vegetarian/vegan recipes.
Take care.


@theodore1238, My neurologist basically told me the same thing, there's nothing he can do to help with the numbness and said just to call if it gets worse. That's what brought me to Connect and searching for what coud help. The Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy has some information on exercises that might be helpful here --

They had a webinar on May 21, 2021 you might find helpful also.

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I was the first patient to receive platelet rich plasma injections in my feet today for neuropathy . At the Fargo Sanford Podiatry department.

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