Living with Neuropathy - Welcome to the group

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My name is Lorena and I am 65 years old. I retired as a nurse in the first week of march of 2021. Two days after I retired I woke up and had full onset of pin pricks and ant bite feelings all over. I also had pains in my eyes. I was awakened one night with a pain that went all the way across my lower abdomen. I got a neuro consult. They have tested my blood, they did the test for feeling, upper and lower EMG's. They did a skin biopsy of my right thigh and lower calf. I read up on small nerve fiber disorder so I could be prepared. I was diagnosed with it. Mine is non-length dependent. My EMG's were good. I do have right hand carpal tunnel. They also did an MRI of my brain and it was clean. They did a cervical MRI of my neck and I have degenerative spondylosis pretty much throughout the area. At the C-7-T-1 there is a small right paracentral disc protrusion causing some right lateral recess stenosis. I also did a right and left mouth swab to test for genetics. That is not back yet.
Normal for thigh is 9.1 and calf is 5.2. My numbers are Thigh is 1.21 and calf is 1.15. I was also checked for autoimmune diseases and was they were negative. My initial bloodwork form the neurology office was negative except that I was anemic. My iron was 2 points low. I have had my eyes checked and the ophthalmologist told me I had no damage to my eyes. I have continue to have the pains in my eyes. I am going back to him. I know that people can get dry eyes, but I read the symptoms and I do not feel like it is dry eyes.
I am very freaked out about this. I have been taking rosuvastatin for about a year and a half so I stopped it. I also stopped my pantoprazole. One of my nurse friends told me her sister had been taking Lipitor for 20 years and she woke up one morning with an onset of pain all over her body a level 9 and pains in her eyes. She stopped the Lipitor and her pain came down to a 1. I do take B-12 and D-3. My B-12 three blood draws ago was high. Then is was normal and this time it was high again. I asked if their were any other tests I should take. This will probably mean my small nerve fiber is idiopathic. I have had some pains in different places that have never happened before. I have also had brain fog. I think that I am very stressed out and that is why I am having the brain fog. I also have constipation and have had diarrhea. I have not been constipated in years. I am also sweating. It comes on and sweat pours from my head. I wonder if they are any other tests I should take. This all happened rapidly. So if the pain started the beginning of March and my nerve numbers are low what does this mean for me. I am still having prick pains and ant bite feelings. I feel like I will just have to wait for the other shoe to drop to fine out what else will happen to me. The onset was very rapid. I read that nerves can regenerate. Not having a diagnosis to go with this is hard. I don't feel the need to take any medicine for pain right now. I am taking Alpha-Lioic acid 400 mg bid. I asked the Neuro Dr. how many patients he had that woke up with this rapid onset and he said only two. That it is rare. So will my nerves just die and then I won't have any pain? I am not sure about much of anything right now.

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I was diagnosed with idiopathic mall fiber neuropathy about 5 years ago. I have seen 4 different neurologists, and 2 neurosurgeons. I have had every test in the books, and they all come back normal except for the skin biopsy and the sweat test. I spent a week at Mayo in Rochester a few weeks ago, and after MANY tests they still come back with idiopathic small fiber neuropathy. My pain is burning in both feet. I am taking a small dose of gabapentin, and Cymbalta 60mg. Both are basically useless. I was referred to Mayo’s Pain Clinic. I have opted for neuromodulation using a stimulator HF10 or a dorsal root ganglion stimulator. More than likely it will be the DRG.

Nothing works well for neuropathy, and research seems to be only for pain management. It’s cannot be cured. Neuromodulation is my last hope. For some, it can help tremendously. Since my pain is localized I have high hopes. Not sure if I will have it done at Mayo or at another pain clinic. It such an easy thing to do to see if it works BEFORE it’s permanently implanted. This should be interesting.


I was diagnosed with idiopathic mall fiber neuropathy about 5 years ago. I have seen 4 different neurologists, and 2 neurosurgeons. I have had every test in the books, and they all come back normal except for the skin biopsy and the sweat test. I spent a week at Mayo in Rochester a few weeks ago, and after MANY tests they still come back with idiopathic small fiber neuropathy. My pain is burning in both feet. I am taking a small dose of gabapentin, and Cymbalta 60mg. Both are basically useless. I was referred to Mayo’s Pain Clinic. I have opted for neuromodulation using a stimulator HF10 or a dorsal root ganglion stimulator. More than likely it will be the DRG.

Nothing works well for neuropathy, and research seems to be only for pain management. It’s cannot be cured. Neuromodulation is my last hope. For some, it can help tremendously. Since my pain is localized I have high hopes. Not sure if I will have it done at Mayo or at another pain clinic. It such an easy thing to do to see if it works BEFORE it’s permanently implanted. This should be interesting.

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Having worked in Hospice nursing I learned some things about pain meds. There are all kinds of pain meds. Not all meds work the same for everybody. Pain is individualized. My nerve biopsy had very low numbers. So what happened to me was rapid. I am not quite sure what my next step is yet. I have been researching my diagnosis. I already stopped taking two of my meds. I am fast becoming not a fan of medications. I sincerely hope the Neuromodulation works for you.


@rnlorena, You mentioned in your first post that you saw an ophthalmologist and they said you had no damage to your eyes. If it were me, I would want to get another opinion just because it's my eyes and I would hate for it to get worse. I imagine you have probably already done some searching on your symptoms but just in case here are some possibilities - What can cause sharp pain in the eye?:

Have you thought about seeking a second opinion at a major teaching hospital or health facility like Mayo Clinic? If you would like to seek help from Mayo Clinic, contact one of the appointment offices. The contact information for Minnesota, Arizona and Florida can be found here

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I have a lot going on here at home right now. I may in the near future have to attempt a second opinion.


I've become aware that many miracles have occurred from the use of stem cell therapy. I'm hoping there are groups working with stem cells to regenerate the blood vessels and nerves destroyed by diabetic neuropathy and cure us of that debilating disease. When I have pain, I rub on Nystatin and Triamcinolone Acetonide Cream, and it works immediately for me. Bill


I've become aware that many miracles have occurred from the use of stem cell therapy. I'm hoping there are groups working with stem cells to regenerate the blood vessels and nerves destroyed by diabetic neuropathy and cure us of that debilating disease. When I have pain, I rub on Nystatin and Triamcinolone Acetonide Cream, and it works immediately for me. Bill

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Hello @billyutley, Welcome to Connect, an online community where patients and caregivers share their experiences, find support and exchange information with others. You may be interested in the following discussions:

-- Stem Cell Therapy for Neuropathy -
-- Member Neuropathy Journey Stories: What's Yours?:

Thank you for sharing what helps with your pain. Have you been diagnosed with neuropathy caused by your diabetes?


The bottoms of my feet hurt so bad after I do my four block walk twice a day. Does anybody have a brand of socks that have very padded bottoms that might help me?

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I’ve read some good things about Feetures Socks And I’m going to specialty shoe store in Colorado Springs to check them out. Will let you know what I think. I appreciate this website so much


I’ve read some good things about Feetures Socks And I’m going to specialty shoe store in Colorado Springs to check them out. Will let you know what I think. I appreciate this website so much

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Please keep us posted!


My name is Lorena and I am 65 years old. I retired as a nurse in the first week of march of 2021. Two days after I retired I woke up and had full onset of pin pricks and ant bite feelings all over. I also had pains in my eyes. I was awakened one night with a pain that went all the way across my lower abdomen. I got a neuro consult. They have tested my blood, they did the test for feeling, upper and lower EMG's. They did a skin biopsy of my right thigh and lower calf. I read up on small nerve fiber disorder so I could be prepared. I was diagnosed with it. Mine is non-length dependent. My EMG's were good. I do have right hand carpal tunnel. They also did an MRI of my brain and it was clean. They did a cervical MRI of my neck and I have degenerative spondylosis pretty much throughout the area. At the C-7-T-1 there is a small right paracentral disc protrusion causing some right lateral recess stenosis. I also did a right and left mouth swab to test for genetics. That is not back yet.
Normal for thigh is 9.1 and calf is 5.2. My numbers are Thigh is 1.21 and calf is 1.15. I was also checked for autoimmune diseases and was they were negative. My initial bloodwork form the neurology office was negative except that I was anemic. My iron was 2 points low. I have had my eyes checked and the ophthalmologist told me I had no damage to my eyes. I have continue to have the pains in my eyes. I am going back to him. I know that people can get dry eyes, but I read the symptoms and I do not feel like it is dry eyes.
I am very freaked out about this. I have been taking rosuvastatin for about a year and a half so I stopped it. I also stopped my pantoprazole. One of my nurse friends told me her sister had been taking Lipitor for 20 years and she woke up one morning with an onset of pain all over her body a level 9 and pains in her eyes. She stopped the Lipitor and her pain came down to a 1. I do take B-12 and D-3. My B-12 three blood draws ago was high. Then is was normal and this time it was high again. I asked if their were any other tests I should take. This will probably mean my small nerve fiber is idiopathic. I have had some pains in different places that have never happened before. I have also had brain fog. I think that I am very stressed out and that is why I am having the brain fog. I also have constipation and have had diarrhea. I have not been constipated in years. I am also sweating. It comes on and sweat pours from my head. I wonder if they are any other tests I should take. This all happened rapidly. So if the pain started the beginning of March and my nerve numbers are low what does this mean for me. I am still having prick pains and ant bite feelings. I feel like I will just have to wait for the other shoe to drop to fine out what else will happen to me. The onset was very rapid. I read that nerves can regenerate. Not having a diagnosis to go with this is hard. I don't feel the need to take any medicine for pain right now. I am taking Alpha-Lioic acid 400 mg bid. I asked the Neuro Dr. how many patients he had that woke up with this rapid onset and he said only two. That it is rare. So will my nerves just die and then I won't have any pain? I am not sure about much of anything right now.

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Hi @rnlorena
I had a sudden onset of tingling/burning all over following a Flu Shot in 2010. It was H1N1 Preservative Free Fluzone. Minutes after I got it my whole back felt sunburned. Then tingling/burning started in my upper body and moved down through my lower body. Those symptoms went on for several weeks then my hearing was affected by loud roaring for a month. My hearing is still affected and I use closed captioning on my TV. I also ended up with generalized weakness and had difficulty with everything - walking, getting up from a chair, driving, lifting groceries etc. I walked with a cane for nearly a year, and my strength never fully returned. I had a lot of Physical Therapy just to get stronger. I wonder if you have had any Vaccines lately that might have caused it? I also get stabbing pains behind my eyes and at the inner corners. My Corneal Specialist said they are neurologically related not an eye problem. I have Migraines, and feel they are related and so I take Fiorcet for them which gets rid of them. Ice Pick Headaches can cause them also.


In reply to @tanilyn "Thank you!!" + (show)

Thank you!!

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