Let’s Go Walking! Join me for a virtual walking support group

Posted by Becky, Volunteer Mentor @becsbuddy, Feb 19, 2020

Many of you living with cancer or an autoimmune disease, like me, deal with daily fatigue. You know that exercise is so important to your health, but it’s so hard. There’s always an excuse: it’s too cold or hot, it’s going to rain or it’s raining, or it’s snowy and icy, or I just don’t want to. I, too, have all these excuses, but I have a new rescue dog who wants to go out and who doesn’t care about my excuses! And I’ve got traction devices for my boots.Now I just need a walking group who will keep me accountable. People who say, ‘let’s go for a walk.'

And I thought: What about my virtual friends on MayoClinicConnect?

Mayo Clinic has an easy 12-week walking program to get us started! Here’s the link:
- Get walking with this 12-week walking schedule https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/get-walking-with-this-12-week-walking-schedule/

So let’s form a virtual walking group. We can agree to walk every day and encourage each other through Connect. We can walk outdoors, in a mall, or in the red center, or in the hallways of our apartment building.

Who’s in? Who’s going to join me?

Come on, Let’s Go Walking!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Just Want to Talk Support Group.


Oh Laurie, you know Leonard - 6 candy bars will barely get him up and moving...you nee to offer more like 6 pounds!

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Hahaha, yep Sue, I recall Jake's voracious appetite for sweets! Six candy bars would only be a teaser for him.


Boy! Two people I’ve missed and here they are all in one day! So glad to e-see you @artist01 and @jakedduck1 . Maybe if we can keep up with Leonard, he’ll give us a candy bar as we leave him in the dust!


Boy! Two people I’ve missed and here they are all in one day! So glad to e-see you @artist01 and @jakedduck1 . Maybe if we can keep up with Leonard, he’ll give us a candy bar as we leave him in the dust!

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Hey Becky! So happy to know that I've been missed. I missed you too.
And we both missed Jake!


Hey everyone, I’m trying hard to meet my goal of 4000 every day, but, it’s hard sometimes. Today I’m inGrand Lake in the Rocky Mountains at an elevation of 8600 ft. I got to thinking that maybe, at this altitude, each step should be counted as 2 steps! Then I can meet my goal! What do you think?


Hey everyone, I’m trying hard to meet my goal of 4000 every day, but, it’s hard sometimes. Today I’m inGrand Lake in the Rocky Mountains at an elevation of 8600 ft. I got to thinking that maybe, at this altitude, each step should be counted as 2 steps! Then I can meet my goal! What do you think?

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Oh Becky, at that elevation I would be in bed with my inhaler, not walking! I am sure every step counts as two.
Today, I adventured with my daughter and 2 grandsons - my FitBit just told me we did over 13000 steps - I think I'll take tomorrow off from walking!
We walked to the famous Minneapolis Sculpture Garden, (home of the Spoon & Cherrie and Giant Blue Rooster, among other awesome works) let the boys take the lead going through it , then back into downtown to see where Mom & Dad went to college and Grandpa taught, on to walk the antique Stone Arch Bridge over the Mississippi...Can you tell that even though my daughter was raised in the 'burbs, she and I are still City Kids - and hers are excited every time we have an adventure there?


Hey everyone, I’m trying hard to meet my goal of 4000 every day, but, it’s hard sometimes. Today I’m inGrand Lake in the Rocky Mountains at an elevation of 8600 ft. I got to thinking that maybe, at this altitude, each step should be counted as 2 steps! Then I can meet my goal! What do you think?

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Becky, yes, you do get extra credit for hiking in the mountains! Last spring we went camping in the White Mountains in Arizona, 6000+ ft elevation. After we got there and set up our site, I took my dog for a short walk. I was amazed how exhausted I was. The next day my husband and I did a lot of hiking, and it still didn’t dawn on me why I was always tired. The pine trees and fresh mountains air should have made we feel invigorated, but I forgot to factor in the effects of higher elevation.


@becsbuddy Yes! Go, you, doing any kind of walking/hiking in the mountains! You definitely get extra credit! I didn’t do as well this week, just due to scheduling and work! BUT, I hit my goal at least 4 out of 7, with a couple of 5k days. I’m going to try to get in a rhythm this week and see how many days I hit it!


@becsbuddy Yes! Go, you, doing any kind of walking/hiking in the mountains! You definitely get extra credit! I didn’t do as well this week, just due to scheduling and work! BUT, I hit my goal at least 4 out of 7, with a couple of 5k days. I’m going to try to get in a rhythm this week and see how many days I hit it!

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@kathyholmes. @alive Well, by your standards, l did pretty well. 3000 and 4700 feet! So if I double that, what do I get?? The town is only a single short street so I told my husband I had to walk both ways. I’m exhausted today!
@alive I really should be used to this—we live at 5200 feet. I used to do OK at 9000 ft. But not anymore. My son and family live at 8000’ but I seem to do OK there.
Promise to get back on my feet tomorrow!


Happy Hump Day! How’s everyone doing with their walking? I think we should celebrate all our efforts! I started the week well! I’m encouraging myself to try new things as I am new to the Jacksonville area. (BTW, any other walkers here?) Monday I walked at a beach park and rewarded myself with some time on the beach after. Last night I met my daughter and my granddog at a park halfway between us for a lovely walk among the trees. I’m edging my 4k a day up to 5k. I’m supposed to break up walking with recumbent machines for my knees so finally going to check out our exercise room in our apartment complex. I’m eager to hear about everyone else’s week! I have also been working and cleaning our apartment and making yummy meals! 🙂


Happy Hump Day! How’s everyone doing with their walking? I think we should celebrate all our efforts! I started the week well! I’m encouraging myself to try new things as I am new to the Jacksonville area. (BTW, any other walkers here?) Monday I walked at a beach park and rewarded myself with some time on the beach after. Last night I met my daughter and my granddog at a park halfway between us for a lovely walk among the trees. I’m edging my 4k a day up to 5k. I’m supposed to break up walking with recumbent machines for my knees so finally going to check out our exercise room in our apartment complex. I’m eager to hear about everyone else’s week! I have also been working and cleaning our apartment and making yummy meals! 🙂

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The heat index was over 100F before noon yesterday with poor air quality, so my walks yesterday were inside Walmart and another large store. People looked at me strangely as I strode through the aisles with a shopping bag over my shoulder, but I got my errands done and managed over 4000 steps. Today is similar, but the air is even worse, so I need to figure out where to walk inside again...sigh.
But tomorrow, no matter what, family tradition dictates I will be walking at least 10000 steps at the state fair with my extended family group of 18! 3 generations, ages from 4 - 76. We are happily post-stroller and pre-wheelchair with this group - have pushed both there many times. Two of the little boys will experience the fair for the first time, with the other cousins leading the way - should be great fun!


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