Is there a good alternative to statins? I was put on Rasusvastatin 10

Posted by cfbauer @cfbauer, Aug 26, 2023

I'm looking for an alternative to statins. I had an episode of dizziness ( a potential side effect) and fell 10 feet onto my head. I was fortunate to not break my neck. The result was a concussion and severe neck sprain with a lot of pain. I work around macchinery and at heights.

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Always Think, what is the lesser of 2 Evils


How long were you on this statin? How old are you? What are your lipid numbers?

Did your doctor prescribe an alternative statin with different side effects? This is a normal first step.

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I had the same result with statins. Tried different ones, low dose, every other day. I had every side effect in the enclosed pamphlet. I tried over a few months and was going to have to quit working and go on disability just from statins. I read a book about the different LDL particles. The small ones being bad and large fluffy ones being not so bad. My calcium score was 70. My small LDL particle score was 108, large was 22.2. I am told that people often are put on statins because of their Cholesterol numbers and LDL numbers when, in fact, a look at their particles indicates a different picture. I tend to get the side effects of medicines that the 1-10% people and some side effects are life threatening. Do I die from statibs or a heart attack?

Can anyone tell ne something natursl I can use

My weight is good, I walk and do yoga. I just started weight resistance ecercise classes. I eat healthy. I do eat a fair amount of carbs. I take multivitamins and other suppliments.


Always Think, what is the lesser of 2 Evils

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In my case when I asked myself that, it was take statins and lie in bed in pain OR not take them and MAYBE die sooner, but enjoy life until I died. I chose not to take statins, but I would want to try other things. The injectable med has worse side effects.


I had the same result with statins. Tried different ones, low dose, every other day. I had every side effect in the enclosed pamphlet. I tried over a few months and was going to have to quit working and go on disability just from statins. I read a book about the different LDL particles. The small ones being bad and large fluffy ones being not so bad. My calcium score was 70. My small LDL particle score was 108, large was 22.2. I am told that people often are put on statins because of their Cholesterol numbers and LDL numbers when, in fact, a look at their particles indicates a different picture. I tend to get the side effects of medicines that the 1-10% people and some side effects are life threatening. Do I die from statibs or a heart attack?

Can anyone tell ne something natursl I can use

My weight is good, I walk and do yoga. I just started weight resistance ecercise classes. I eat healthy. I do eat a fair amount of carbs. I take multivitamins and other suppliments.

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I am NOT going to take statins because of a severe reaction I had. I would rather die from the big C (coronary) than constantly worrying about a statin side effect, which in my case could have resulted in death or quadripelgia. My wife had a reaction to lipitor. She had severe chest pain which radiated to her back and mimicked a heart attack and resulted in a trip to the ER. I am currently taking a natural product, "Cholestrice", to control LDL and cholesterol. My cardiologist is on board with this. I'll have a blood draw after day 30 to see what the results are. He is a DO and has seen positive results. This product contains red yeast rice, plant sterols, pantethine, and policosanol.


Hi, I am currently on rovastatin. I take it every other day to minimize the side effects. My son I n law was just put on devastating 20 mgs. A day. I can't imagine how he is going to feel. An active 40 yr old with a very physical demanding job.


I am NOT going to take statins because of a severe reaction I had. I would rather die from the big C (coronary) than constantly worrying about a statin side effect, which in my case could have resulted in death or quadripelgia. My wife had a reaction to lipitor. She had severe chest pain which radiated to her back and mimicked a heart attack and resulted in a trip to the ER. I am currently taking a natural product, "Cholestrice", to control LDL and cholesterol. My cardiologist is on board with this. I'll have a blood draw after day 30 to see what the results are. He is a DO and has seen positive results. This product contains red yeast rice, plant sterols, pantethine, and policosanol.

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Thank you SOOOO much!


I am NOT going to take statins because of a severe reaction I had. I would rather die from the big C (coronary) than constantly worrying about a statin side effect, which in my case could have resulted in death or quadripelgia. My wife had a reaction to lipitor. She had severe chest pain which radiated to her back and mimicked a heart attack and resulted in a trip to the ER. I am currently taking a natural product, "Cholestrice", to control LDL and cholesterol. My cardiologist is on board with this. I'll have a blood draw after day 30 to see what the results are. He is a DO and has seen positive results. This product contains red yeast rice, plant sterols, pantethine, and policosanol.

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Which brand of Cholestrice do you use. I’m going to try it. Thank you so much.


In my case when I asked myself that, it was take statins and lie in bed in pain OR not take them and MAYBE die sooner, but enjoy life until I died. I chose not to take statins, but I would want to try other things. The injectable med has worse side effects.

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Thank you so much!!! I think I’m going to try the supplement mentioned in this thread, but if it doesn’t work, my next will be Zetia based on your information. One thing zetia doesn’t do is reduce the plaque so you are still at the same (?) risk as it only lowers cholesterol. Do you know anything about this? All information is greatly appreciated!

Zetia had been previously shown to reduce cholesterol by about 15-20 percent, which makes it a better cholesterol-lowering medication than traditional drugs like Zocor. However, Zetia had not been shown to prevent the buildup of fatty plaques on the insides or arteries that commonly lead to heart attacks and strokes.

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