Iron Depletion in Blood related to COVID?

Posted by stellm @stellm, Jun 11, 2021

Has there been any reports of iron depletion in the blood after receiving the Pfizer vaccine?

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I do not understand how there isn't any information on this or even a study being done. I am an individual that has had the Pfizer vaccine. I have had issues with my iron levels since. I also know another mother and daughter that has the same story I do and she works with someone that has had the same issue. I do not know many people since I moved to this area. But this is small group of people that I have spoken to has the same issue. Now we are all different ages, all different medical issues, but we are all females. I am the oldest out of the other 3, I am 56 years old. I do not think anybody is doing any kind of study on it because they are not relating the iron issues to the vaccine. I have always had higher than adult mans iron levels than I had the vaccine. Poor absorption and low levels of iron. I take iron supplements everyday. I was in so much pain in my feet & legs and was so fatigued I couldn't function. Once I started the supplements it took time but the pain in my feet and legs started to feel better and I started to get more energy.

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I 100% agree with you, I think there are a lot of people out there with low iron that either don’t know it yet, have discovered it long after they’ve had the vaccine or haven’t related back to the vaccine. The thing that made me make the connection is that I got tinnitus shortly after my 2nd shot, and it can be related to low iron. I’ve heard of more than a few cases anecdotally on my social circle. 6 months of supplements did absolutely nothing for me so now I’m eating to see a hematologist. Could be 18 months.


I do not understand how there isn't any information on this or even a study being done. I am an individual that has had the Pfizer vaccine. I have had issues with my iron levels since. I also know another mother and daughter that has the same story I do and she works with someone that has had the same issue. I do not know many people since I moved to this area. But this is small group of people that I have spoken to has the same issue. Now we are all different ages, all different medical issues, but we are all females. I am the oldest out of the other 3, I am 56 years old. I do not think anybody is doing any kind of study on it because they are not relating the iron issues to the vaccine. I have always had higher than adult mans iron levels than I had the vaccine. Poor absorption and low levels of iron. I take iron supplements everyday. I was in so much pain in my feet & legs and was so fatigued I couldn't function. Once I started the supplements it took time but the pain in my feet and legs started to feel better and I started to get more energy.

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I had two doses of the Moderna shot (these are not technically vaccines), and experienced drastic anemia that put me in the hospital receiving blood transfusions and, later, I had to get iron infusions. I don't have a history of anemia and am past menopause. I was tested for other possible reasons for the blood loss, all were negative. No one during my long search for a reason for my sudden anemia ever mentioned the Covid shots as a possible cause. I reported my injury to the VAERS agency and never received a reply, nor was this problem looked into. Pfizer, and the other manufacturers, don't care. They can't be sued, and their only interest is their quarterly bottom line. I think we are on our own, but thankfully we have these forums to express our concerns.


I do not understand how there isn't any information on this or even a study being done. I am an individual that has had the Pfizer vaccine. I have had issues with my iron levels since. I also know another mother and daughter that has the same story I do and she works with someone that has had the same issue. I do not know many people since I moved to this area. But this is small group of people that I have spoken to has the same issue. Now we are all different ages, all different medical issues, but we are all females. I am the oldest out of the other 3, I am 56 years old. I do not think anybody is doing any kind of study on it because they are not relating the iron issues to the vaccine. I have always had higher than adult mans iron levels than I had the vaccine. Poor absorption and low levels of iron. I take iron supplements everyday. I was in so much pain in my feet & legs and was so fatigued I couldn't function. Once I started the supplements it took time but the pain in my feet and legs started to feel better and I started to get more energy.

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Would you mind describing the pain that you had in your legs please? I've also developed severe fatigue and pain in my ankles and legs since the vaccines last January.I've been taking Feramax daily since and seem to be getting better very slowly.Looking forward to seeing my latest blood results.


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Can you tell us a little more about what led you to ask this question? Do you have a history of anemia or another blood disorder?

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My Iron went down to a 2 out of now where’s recently. Only possible explanation at present outside of cancer, is that calcium may have been blocking absorption. Waiting for next draw to see if iron levels go
Up. I’ve always had slight anemia but never even had symptoms or needed to supplement all that much. My friend is experiencing a similar issue and doing transfusions. My husband got Myocarditis from the vaccine and was in the hospital for a week and on bed rest for 3 weeks. Just figured I’d look and see if something new was coming out with the vaccine info related to this…


I think this is an important thread. If there was a Nobel Prize for truth seeking, I would jointly award it to the thread starter and the first few posters who said "me too".

I am here to say "Me too".
Surely, everyone has noticed by now that almost every case here is pretty much the same? I am guessing that many of you are in the USA? I am in the UK. The wonderful doctors and Nursing Practioners at my GP Surgery are currently unaware of any link between Unexplained Anemia and the Covid Vaccine. (Most seem to be aware of Long Covid + Anemia).

What does this mean? It means that many more people are going to be worried sick as doctors do the only thing that they can.....which is to follow current protocol on unexplained anemia. My strong impression (I am just guessing) is this. Pfizer (and other companies) are overwhelmed with people saying that the vaccine has done them harm. Let's think about this. Let's imagine that half a million people have reported that they have lost sense of taste or smell, which they find distressing. Another 5 thousand people have reported that they have unexplained anemia after getting their Covid Booster.
What should Pfizer do? I say they should be sympathetic to the larger group, but they should treat the unexplained anemia as requiring urgent and extensive research. But is that what is happening? I suspect it is "only 5000" (my wild guess) because most people simply don't know. Some of you are life long blood donors. Without would you have known?

I am grateful to every single person who has posted on this thread. It is incredible that doctors have told you, or your loved ones, that their red blood count is so is "undetectable".....but the anemia remains unexplained. Hopefully the iron supplements (or infusions) will eventually bring the numbers up. But questions remain. Including: Should I take the Covid Booster next year? And...most important of all........why are Medical and Healthcare journalist not onto this? Do they not read Mayo Clinic Discussions?


I've had covid twice, and received the 1st 2 Pfizer covid-19 vaccinations and since that time, I had Covid. I'm 73 years old and for the 1st time in my life, my iron count is low. Since the blood work, I've had a colonoscopy which showed nothing abnormal. I will be receiving iron infusions and am scheduled for a endoscopy next month. My hematologist believes the low iron count is a result of my receiving the covid vaccine.


I think this is an important thread. If there was a Nobel Prize for truth seeking, I would jointly award it to the thread starter and the first few posters who said "me too".

I am here to say "Me too".
Surely, everyone has noticed by now that almost every case here is pretty much the same? I am guessing that many of you are in the USA? I am in the UK. The wonderful doctors and Nursing Practioners at my GP Surgery are currently unaware of any link between Unexplained Anemia and the Covid Vaccine. (Most seem to be aware of Long Covid + Anemia).

What does this mean? It means that many more people are going to be worried sick as doctors do the only thing that they can.....which is to follow current protocol on unexplained anemia. My strong impression (I am just guessing) is this. Pfizer (and other companies) are overwhelmed with people saying that the vaccine has done them harm. Let's think about this. Let's imagine that half a million people have reported that they have lost sense of taste or smell, which they find distressing. Another 5 thousand people have reported that they have unexplained anemia after getting their Covid Booster.
What should Pfizer do? I say they should be sympathetic to the larger group, but they should treat the unexplained anemia as requiring urgent and extensive research. But is that what is happening? I suspect it is "only 5000" (my wild guess) because most people simply don't know. Some of you are life long blood donors. Without would you have known?

I am grateful to every single person who has posted on this thread. It is incredible that doctors have told you, or your loved ones, that their red blood count is so is "undetectable".....but the anemia remains unexplained. Hopefully the iron supplements (or infusions) will eventually bring the numbers up. But questions remain. Including: Should I take the Covid Booster next year? And...most important of all........why are Medical and Healthcare journalist not onto this? Do they not read Mayo Clinic Discussions?

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As one that does not run for the shots I believe in your natural process of the body's ability to heal itself and fight off the virus . This sounds so simple and lots more I could say but will not here as I also believe in the Docs and their ability to help us with our medical issues. I'm 79 and believe in a natural immunity. I believe we were sold a bill of goods with this virus.


I think this is an important thread. If there was a Nobel Prize for truth seeking, I would jointly award it to the thread starter and the first few posters who said "me too".

I am here to say "Me too".
Surely, everyone has noticed by now that almost every case here is pretty much the same? I am guessing that many of you are in the USA? I am in the UK. The wonderful doctors and Nursing Practioners at my GP Surgery are currently unaware of any link between Unexplained Anemia and the Covid Vaccine. (Most seem to be aware of Long Covid + Anemia).

What does this mean? It means that many more people are going to be worried sick as doctors do the only thing that they can.....which is to follow current protocol on unexplained anemia. My strong impression (I am just guessing) is this. Pfizer (and other companies) are overwhelmed with people saying that the vaccine has done them harm. Let's think about this. Let's imagine that half a million people have reported that they have lost sense of taste or smell, which they find distressing. Another 5 thousand people have reported that they have unexplained anemia after getting their Covid Booster.
What should Pfizer do? I say they should be sympathetic to the larger group, but they should treat the unexplained anemia as requiring urgent and extensive research. But is that what is happening? I suspect it is "only 5000" (my wild guess) because most people simply don't know. Some of you are life long blood donors. Without would you have known?

I am grateful to every single person who has posted on this thread. It is incredible that doctors have told you, or your loved ones, that their red blood count is so is "undetectable".....but the anemia remains unexplained. Hopefully the iron supplements (or infusions) will eventually bring the numbers up. But questions remain. Including: Should I take the Covid Booster next year? And...most important of all........why are Medical and Healthcare journalist not onto this? Do they not read Mayo Clinic Discussions?

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I agree with everything you have stated here. I too have been affected by this, my levels aren’t super low but I normally have very good levels. I took iron supplements for 6 months with no change in any of the blood indicators. I am now waiting for a referral to a hematologist which could take 18 months. Also, my sister in law has recently found out she’s anemic too, with no known cause.


I think this is an important thread. If there was a Nobel Prize for truth seeking, I would jointly award it to the thread starter and the first few posters who said "me too".

I am here to say "Me too".
Surely, everyone has noticed by now that almost every case here is pretty much the same? I am guessing that many of you are in the USA? I am in the UK. The wonderful doctors and Nursing Practioners at my GP Surgery are currently unaware of any link between Unexplained Anemia and the Covid Vaccine. (Most seem to be aware of Long Covid + Anemia).

What does this mean? It means that many more people are going to be worried sick as doctors do the only thing that they can.....which is to follow current protocol on unexplained anemia. My strong impression (I am just guessing) is this. Pfizer (and other companies) are overwhelmed with people saying that the vaccine has done them harm. Let's think about this. Let's imagine that half a million people have reported that they have lost sense of taste or smell, which they find distressing. Another 5 thousand people have reported that they have unexplained anemia after getting their Covid Booster.
What should Pfizer do? I say they should be sympathetic to the larger group, but they should treat the unexplained anemia as requiring urgent and extensive research. But is that what is happening? I suspect it is "only 5000" (my wild guess) because most people simply don't know. Some of you are life long blood donors. Without would you have known?

I am grateful to every single person who has posted on this thread. It is incredible that doctors have told you, or your loved ones, that their red blood count is so is "undetectable".....but the anemia remains unexplained. Hopefully the iron supplements (or infusions) will eventually bring the numbers up. But questions remain. Including: Should I take the Covid Booster next year? And...most important of all........why are Medical and Healthcare journalist not onto this? Do they not read Mayo Clinic Discussions?

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Well said.

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