Iron Depletion in Blood related to COVID?

Posted by stellm @stellm, Jun 11, 2021

Has there been any reports of iron depletion in the blood after receiving the Pfizer vaccine?

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My husband and I had the two shots in the Pfizer primary series at the beginning of 2021 and the booster in September of that year. We had an additional booster on June 2 of this year, but decided to get the Moderna version. On July 17, after seeing double and feeling weak, my husband was admitted to the ED with possible TIA. At that time his iron was 58, down from 95 in January. He was released on July 20th with no confirmation of TIA. On August 31 he saw his hematologist who ordered iron infusion because his iron had decreased to 39. He had the infusion on Sept 9th. On Sept 22nd developed Afib with HR at 158, likely caused by low iron. Back to ED where he was stabilized and eventually diagnosed with autoimmune hemolytic anemia and given immunoglobulin infusions because his blood was hemolyzing - red blood cells breaking down. He's 91 and this was viewed as a safe therapy. He's now home, hemoglobin increasing, feels very good and we'll see the hematologist Oct 21st where I get to ask him what he thinks about the vaccine-low iron connection! Doctors have lots of patients, but I only have one and I'm always prowling around, trying to solve medical mysteries. BTW, after answering my husband's recent V-Safe check-in with negative information I have had a call from the Vaccine Management people but have not yet called back, but fully intend to. Sorry if TMI but I'm so happy to find this discussion!

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I hope your husband does well. Good luck discussing the results of the vaccine (low iron) with your doctor. I have not heard of any Docs admitting the cause was the vaccine. It's like they are told not to discuss. I went through the same thing with low iron after two Pfizer shots. Still do not have good levels yet after two infusions and taking daily Iron. I mentioned my thoughts to two doctors as was mostly ignored. BTW, no boosters for me!


I hope your husband does well. Good luck discussing the results of the vaccine (low iron) with your doctor. I have not heard of any Docs admitting the cause was the vaccine. It's like they are told not to discuss. I went through the same thing with low iron after two Pfizer shots. Still do not have good levels yet after two infusions and taking daily Iron. I mentioned my thoughts to two doctors as was mostly ignored. BTW, no boosters for me!

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Ya I asked my hematologist if he was seeing any correlation or heard of anything about sudden low iron/ferritin and COVID or COVD vaccine. I also got the 2 initial Pfizer shots and no boosters. My hematologist honestly stated he's been so busy the past year it's been hard to even keep up with published journals let alone correlations and his colleagues seemed to be in the same boat. All he could say is that he is more busy with IV iron than he ever has been.

on another note - hearing a handful of people that have COVID now and they're boosted so it seems it's not even effective anymore at preventing a cold. I actually got COVID about a month ago and it was super mild case. Probably one of the most mild colds I've ever had. BUT i did take a bunch of vitamins and benadryl and such before even testing positive. Still taking vit D, zinc, magnesium and now Allegra (although I think Benadryl worked better and nurse said to try Pepcid).

Good luck to you and hope you get well soon!


I also had the Moderna and developed low iron after booster and also had to have iron infusions. My hematologist told me not to take the new Bivarent vaccine. I had an antibody test to see if I still have antibodies from the last booster and it came back that I did.

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That's what I've been telling all my family and friends. At LEAST get an antibody test FIRST before boosting. Unfortunately this test is typically not covered by insurance bc not deemed "necessary" or treatment. Ironically, I know handful of people with COVID right now that were boosted... sooo doesn't even seem to be effective now. Either way, I'm done. My body is still "recovering" from whatever is in that pfizer vax and too many other "freak" medical things going on with family and friends from autoimmune hep/failing liver at 19 and sudden adult dealth from cardiac arrest.


Ok... I had 2 pfizer shots the beginning of 2021. In September I had a suspicious mole removed and it came back as nothing serious at that point. In November I had to have an iron infusion.
Fast forward January 5 2022 I had a new mole same spot removed and it came back a stage 2 melanoma! At that time I had surgery to make sure it was completely removed and tested lymph nodes as well... it was already in the lymph nodes! Now its stage 3 melanoma and I am on immunotherapy. Fast forward again to September and I had to have another iron infusion shortly after I had a terrible bout with covid! Less than one year from the last iron infusion!
So is there a connection to the vaccine and the fast growing cancer and iron deficiency? Your guess is as good as mine and we will probably never get answers...


I have wondered the same about my iron level and Covid vaccine. My hemoglobin level would come back up every time with oral iron and my doctor would tell me to stop taking iron “it’s not good to take iron all the time”. After my first Pfizer vaccine in January, 2021 and subsequent boosters it has not come back up with oral iron and 5 iron infusions. She referred me to hematologist in September and I was diagnosed with Waldenstrom’s. Did Covid vaccine “turn on” genotype (if this is correct word?).


I have wondered the same about my iron level and Covid vaccine. My hemoglobin level would come back up every time with oral iron and my doctor would tell me to stop taking iron “it’s not good to take iron all the time”. After my first Pfizer vaccine in January, 2021 and subsequent boosters it has not come back up with oral iron and 5 iron infusions. She referred me to hematologist in September and I was diagnosed with Waldenstrom’s. Did Covid vaccine “turn on” genotype (if this is correct word?).

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I many questions we will probably not get answers to. I see my oncologist/hemotologist next week and I am going to ask him... I will update after I speak with him.


This thread is old, but there is evidence the vaccines can cause or make worse various types of blood disorders including anemias. People aren't posting to VAERS because their doctors are refusing to admit there may be a link between the vaccine and anemia. All things being equal, my ability to exercise and my endurance levels went steadily down after I got the second Moderna shot, I am 63 years old so always wonder if I am just getting old. When I got Covid 9 months later (in spite of being vaccinated) my energy level and my ability to exercise at altitude (I live in the mountains) went to the lowest level ever. Finally I was diagnosed with anemia (my hemoglobin was at 7.9). I have had all the GI tests for bleeding, none detected.


Get her to a Hematologist. They will be the best to treat the low iron. I have had two infusions of iron so far. Had the second one 1 week ago. Feeling fairly good right now. Have to do another blood test the end of April and hopefully the iron level will be close to normal. I saw where one person on here said they were scheduled to have 5 infusions. My infusion is called Infed.

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I am sitting in infusion room, receiving my 3rd infusion of iron. 500 each session. After 2nd one, could hardly walk after infusion. My GP decided I should go every other week. So today length of the delivery time to 4+ hours with added saline. Doctor said if side effects persists after this will reconsider dose amount. The nurses say 300 is usual. Currently my ferritin is at 9, (was12 in 2010) have erosive lichen planus orally and vaginally. Hair has started to fall out. Tried pill and liquid to no effect. So hope 5 is a charm!


I also have experienced this - after taking the Johnson & Johnson shot I was fatigued (sleeping 12-15 hours a day) for several weeks. After my doctor/lab tests came back, my hemoglobin / hemocrit / ferritin was extremely low, ferritin is "3" hemoglobin "9". I have zero history of anemia.

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I had the J&J and no history of anemia
Before they figured out what it was my hemoglobin was 5.4 and ferritin was 2. I was in the hospital for 2 days and had 3 blood transfusions and 2 bags of iron.
My ferritin is still low and then dropped more. I had a hysterectomy recently so we will see if that helps. But the at home test showed blood in my stool again (after I requested it to be retested - they were just thinking it was a gyn issue).
So it’s been a year and 1/2 and I am still struggling with keeping my ferritin levels up - before they hysterectomy I had 2 treatments of iron IV.


This thread is old, but there is evidence the vaccines can cause or make worse various types of blood disorders including anemias. People aren't posting to VAERS because their doctors are refusing to admit there may be a link between the vaccine and anemia. All things being equal, my ability to exercise and my endurance levels went steadily down after I got the second Moderna shot, I am 63 years old so always wonder if I am just getting old. When I got Covid 9 months later (in spite of being vaccinated) my energy level and my ability to exercise at altitude (I live in the mountains) went to the lowest level ever. Finally I was diagnosed with anemia (my hemoglobin was at 7.9). I have had all the GI tests for bleeding, none detected.

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Same - did they test your stool

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