Iron Depletion in Blood related to COVID?

Posted by stellm @stellm, Jun 11, 2021

Has there been any reports of iron depletion in the blood after receiving the Pfizer vaccine?

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Oh my dear, how frightening! Everyday new information is being learned about the vaccines adverse reactions. It is important we share our experiences. Don't let anyone dismiss your concerns. Sending love and healing to you. ♡

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Hey guys I’m glad there is a forum we’re we can discuss all this .. I’m here if you all have any questions or concerns . I’m still slowly learning how to deal with this . My prayers are for you all .


My platelets have always been normal. I have taken many blood samples due to high cholesterol and platelets were always normal. My last normal reading was before I took my first Covid vaccine.

I took my first Moderna vaccine in January 2021 and my next blood draw showed my platelets were above normal. The Doc didn't say anything about, but they've been rising ever since, up to the point I went to an Oncologist. Found out I had the Jak2 mutation and on Hydrea now.

I could have gotten the mutation in Desert Storm or many other areas of operation I deployed to while in the Military. Or, it could have been introduced thru the vaccine. At the very least I do believe it was at least triggered by the vaccine.

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I was healthy never went to a dr for any serious illness until I received the Pfizer Covid vaccine . From that day on I haven’t been myself . I also had no traces of iron at the time I went to the oncologist.


My platelets were normal. I had been doing blood work for years since I had high cholesterol so I new where they were. I took the first Moderna vaccine in January and by March 2021 my platelets were above normal, and have steadily been climbing since.

I do have the JAK2 mutation. Could have gotten it from Desert Storm or the many areas of operations I was in while in the military. I believe the vaccine triggered the JAK2, or could have even introduced it.

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I believe after taking the Pfizer Covid vaccine I went down hill . I get this achy swelling pain feeling in my body it’s not a direct pain it’s all over . This is the best way I can describe it .. I am also very exhausted all the time .Has this pain occurred in any of you ? I have a awesome son who pushes me to exercise ( ride bike ) that has really helped me stay a little active and kept my mind from all this ..


I believe after taking the Pfizer Covid vaccine I went down hill . I get this achy swelling pain feeling in my body it’s not a direct pain it’s all over . This is the best way I can describe it .. I am also very exhausted all the time .Has this pain occurred in any of you ? I have a awesome son who pushes me to exercise ( ride bike ) that has really helped me stay a little active and kept my mind from all this ..

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I have the same low iron issues which is fairly much under control now but when really low I was very tired all the time but didn't have pain all over. I did have some in my chest, a feeling of pressure. Hope you have received some treatment and your iron levels are coming back to normal. I have had two iron transfusions and take supplements now.


I have the same low iron issues which is fairly much under control now but when really low I was very tired all the time but didn't have pain all over. I did have some in my chest, a feeling of pressure. Hope you have received some treatment and your iron levels are coming back to normal. I have had two iron transfusions and take supplements now.

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I did have one iron infusion but it made my body ache and I did not see a change .I was still very tired . Now I’m riding my bike about 4 times a week just about 3 miles or so . I have a little bit more energy so I do see a difference now .


These is so much money involved in the Covid response, not to mention the political capital, that I don’t think we will ever know the truth. So many of us are reporting adverse affects yet I have seen almost nothing in the news.

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You're right, there's nothing in the mainstream media about adverse effects. That's because they want the public to keep on having the jabs - so that a lot of people will carry on getting very rich from promoting them ! The love of money is the root of all evil.


I did have one iron infusion but it made my body ache and I did not see a change .I was still very tired . Now I’m riding my bike about 4 times a week just about 3 miles or so . I have a little bit more energy so I do see a difference now .

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What was your dosage?


What was your dosage?

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My iron infusion was a single dose 1 bag that was all .


You're right, there's nothing in the mainstream media about adverse effects. That's because they want the public to keep on having the jabs - so that a lot of people will carry on getting very rich from promoting them ! The love of money is the root of all evil.

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I was watching the World Series last night and became sick and tired of all the Pfizer ads telling us to take their Covid meds. Follow the $$


Based on hearing this question a second time, I dove into everything I could find about vaccines and iron deficiency - there just is no data, anywhere to suggest a link.
However, it is possible that he had some other (possibly unrecognized) infection that caused this - sometimes iron is depleted in the body while the system is fighting an infection. Unless his levels quickly return to normal, he needs a complete panel and physician consult to know what is going on.

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I do not understand how there isn't any information on this or even a study being done. I am an individual that has had the Pfizer vaccine. I have had issues with my iron levels since. I also know another mother and daughter that has the same story I do and she works with someone that has had the same issue. I do not know many people since I moved to this area. But this is small group of people that I have spoken to has the same issue. Now we are all different ages, all different medical issues, but we are all females. I am the oldest out of the other 3, I am 56 years old. I do not think anybody is doing any kind of study on it because they are not relating the iron issues to the vaccine. I have always had higher than adult mans iron levels than I had the vaccine. Poor absorption and low levels of iron. I take iron supplements everyday. I was in so much pain in my feet & legs and was so fatigued I couldn't function. Once I started the supplements it took time but the pain in my feet and legs started to feel better and I started to get more energy.

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