Iron Depletion in Blood related to COVID?

Posted by stellm @stellm, Jun 11, 2021

Has there been any reports of iron depletion in the blood after receiving the Pfizer vaccine?

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Thank you for all the comments. I also have low iron which is being treated with a supplement.
After I had my first Covid vaccine booster I had 2 pulmonary embolisms, a DVT in my left leg, and was diagnosed with Celiac disease and low iron. Of course, my Doctors say none of it was vaccine related. I am 75 yrs. old and was healthy before the vaccines. I am not getting any more boosters.


My aunt is currently going through the same thing and also my friends father. Both unexplained. My Aunt had iron infusions and nothing is working. She will be admitted to the hospital tonight because she is so weak. Both are elderly. Both have had ALL the tests and scopes and both were vaccinated and boostered. Does not seem like a coincidence since they both received the shots at same location

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My mom and her best friend are severely anemic now. It cant be just a coincidence. They both just started infusions.


Agree completely. Few too many coincidences. Sort of surprised to not see anything clinically showing this yet.. hope your mom and her friend get better soon!


Prior to receiving any COVID Jabs I became very tired and was diagnosed with severe anaemia.A colonoscopy showed a cancerous bowel lesion which was successfully removed. A few weeks later I had two COVID shots and a few months later I started feeling very tired again. I was convinced the cancer had returned but another colonoscopy plus a CT scan confirmed that all was OK. I am now on iron tablets and the levels are slowly improving. It was only after discovering this forum that I started joining up the dots and I am now convinced the vaccines are to blame.


I took the moderna vaccines both shots and the booster. Shots late January and late February 2021 followed by booster october 2021. Never had any issue with iron before. In annual routine blood tedt January 2022 showed severe iron deficiency with low red blood cells. Dr did colonoscopy, endoscopy, camera endoscopy and found nothing. Had 2 iron infusions- helped gor about 3 months now iron deficient again. I have 2 friends with issue. I am convinced related to cobid vaccines and I will not take any again or booster. Is here any study being done to determine if this is a side effect??


My mother had an almost identical episode - She had routine bloodwork performed at her wellness check-up with her PCP. She received a phone call the day after her appointment telling her to get to the ER right away and they will be expecting her. They looked for internal bleeding - found none. Because her red count was so low, she had developed a large blood clot and had to be put on blood thinners and was given blood transfusions, B12 etc. She had received her 2nd dose of the vaccine 6 weeks before.

When I was hospitalized for a different issue and my bloodwork came back low hemoglobin - the only new component was the COVID-19 Vaccine from Pfizer. For my mother and myself both to have the same issue when we haven't been together, been exposed to any like substance other than the vaccine, makes me a bit concerned that the vaccine may be harmful to some people.

They possibility that the vaccine is responsible needs to be seriously looked at.

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I had very low iron and hemoglobin. I had the last Moderna booster in December and began to feel tired and out of breath in January. I saw a cardiologist in Feb with no significant finds related to the shortness of breath. My GP ran new blood work and found the issues. I have had 2 iron infusions, iron pills , and endoscopy and seen a hematologist. No one seems to know what caused it. I just started investigating to see if the vaccine could possibly have caused it.


I would say there is a case for class action against the drug manufacturers, except our Government gave them immunity from litigation, while at the same time they minted many new billionaires from the windfall profits generated from Covid vaccine sales.


I had very low iron and hemoglobin. I had the last Moderna booster in December and began to feel tired and out of breath in January. I saw a cardiologist in Feb with no significant finds related to the shortness of breath. My GP ran new blood work and found the issues. I have had 2 iron infusions, iron pills , and endoscopy and seen a hematologist. No one seems to know what caused it. I just started investigating to see if the vaccine could possibly have caused it.

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I had exactly the same experience.


I got the Pfizer COVID vaccine back in May/June 2021 and shortly after started having a host of unusual symptoms pop up suddenly - heart flutters multiple times a day, very excessive fatigue, lost a pregnancy (didn't know I was at the time when I got the vaccine and fetus did not progress/grow normally by 9.5 weeks), have tingles in my arms and pain in my body, low ferritin and dropping (Aug 2021 "15", Jan 2022 "9", May 2022 was "5"), headaches, excessive hair loss, GI issues, bloating, weakness, etc. I never got boosted for fear of effectiveness vs potential reactions as you can imagine. Also, cousin has confirmed autoimmune hepatitis reaction from pfizer vaccine to the point of docs telling her to get on the liver transplant list. (ironically/thankfully her mom works for pfizer and got her a steriod treatment that seems to be working now). Shes ONLY 19 years old and very healthy - she plays ice hockey in college for crying out loud.

OK back to me... Docs say I'm just getting "older" but I only just turned 35, (33 last year at time of vaccine) and in relatively good health. Have non-autoimmue hypothyriod for years and remains stable and still is. What's baffling is I've been battle of low ferritin (5 and steadily dropping since after my first 2 doses of Pfizer vaccine - ferritin was over 20 even a year after childbirth and surgery so unless unknown internal bleeding for a year, can't pinpoint what would cause this since menstral cycles are normal and not heavy. I'm barely able to keep my iron up even with supplementing for over a year - tried a few different kinds and 1 that worked to keep my iron in good ranges during pregnancy 3 years ago isn't helping now. Originally thought bleeding or heart issue but heart sono normal and endo/colonospy show nothing - no celiac, chrons, UC. Other blood work is OK. NO KNOWN COVID positive case but did antibody test in January and was moderately high. So what is it then?? I eat well - organic, grass fed, protein and veg with and have plenty of iron in my diet but it's like my body can't absorb it or something anymore. Started seeing a hematologist and started IV iron. Waiting results of blood work from first round but now I can't help but think all these symptoms are linked to the COVID vaccine because that's when the onset started. Also saw this interesting article on corpses having very low iron, mag, cal, zinc, and excessive clotting for all ages and timing seems to be last 2 years. This page won't let me post the link but it's on theEpoch Times titled "embalmers have been finding numerous long fibrous clots that lack post mortem characteristics". The article I will warn you is a little concerning and may raise your anxiety towards COVID vaccines.

QUESTION TO THE COMMUNITY - Is anyone hearing of links between mRNA vaccines and clotting/iron issues? IF so, any known effective treatments?

All I can find is that the mRNA pfizer vaccine has been proven now to cross the liver cell walls and potentially change to DNA and create autoimmune responses and very high protein spikes. I'm no doctor but I did take (way) too many science classes in college that i never ended up using in my career bc I decided to not go the dietetics route too late...

I gather we won't know for another decade what's really going on since the covid vaccine was developed in record time with not many participants in the studies (when planning of mass injection to billions of people), just curious if any of you can shed some light and help out a young mom trying to get healthy. Thanks for reading.

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Hi Healthnut,

Yes, I've heard of potential clotting links with mRNA vaccines due to spike proteins. I've been trying to find more research results.

My "go to" response is that people be seen by a hematologist, which is what you are doing, to determine cause and best course of action. Hopefully, you've gotten some results by now.

We talk a little bit about clots on the Factor 8 thread.


Good afternoon and welcome to Mayo Connect. We are a community of people living with a wide variety of conditions and diseases, trying to live our best lives, and to help each other along the way by sharing our experiences. We are not medical professionals, and cannot give medical advice, but we can tell you what has worked for us, point you to resources, and help you to be and informed consumer and your own best advocate with your care providers.

Can you tell us a little more about what led you to ask this question? Do you have a history of anemia or another blood disorder?

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I developed Anemia after my second booster because I am a Type 1 Diabetic and also 70 years old. I had to have Iron transfusions. The problem is my Dr.(Hematologist) told me not to take anymore boosters. We are heading into a possible Covid surge again and I don't know what I can do to protect myself since the new Omicron booster is not an option for me.

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