How about a laugh, (hopefully)

Posted by Leonard @jakedduck1, Dec 31, 2018

I believe laughter is the best medicine. Laughter has actually been scientifically proven to help people with depression issues.
Let’s give it a try so we can all get happy and feel better. Many Epilepsy forums I’ve been on had joke sections. I was probably the biggest joke of all since I didn’t get a lot of the jokes. They said the jokes couldn’t be above 4th grade level for me to understand them so my jokes may be rather simplistic but let’s give it a try.
Have a lovely day everyone,

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Go visit Lori in Wisconsin and you'll get over “loving the boot, sweater and jacket weather” mighty quickly. Even here in sunny California where I live it’s 39° currently which in my opinion is brutal.

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LOL @jake and @imallears It’s balmy here today. It’s actually above zero, even with the windchill! But instead of just ‘boot, sweater/jacket’ it’s still parka with a -45 rating, hood, gator, leggings under jeans, insulated boots, mittens with hand warmers…and then the darned glasses that fog up every time we step back into the house. I love winter but looking forward to a few weeks from now when we head back to Florida. It should be back to normal there by then! LOL Hard to believe less than 2 weeks ago I was wearing shorts and t-shirt instead of multiple layers. 🥶


since hyperthyroidism can cause fatigue, I would think it would be caused from that but of course I don’t know. Have you asked your doctor? There are so many things that can cause fatigue. Are you stressed or depressed? do you have anxiety? Have you been through a recent traumatic event?
I take medications that make me tired. been on one for over 50 years but I’m semi-used to it now. I don’t know anything about thyroid problems, I’ve never been stricken with it. My mom had thyroid problems, but they might’ve been different from yours. I remember she never complained of being tired. Have you tried going to the emergency room? Did your doctor run all the usual test, if they came back normal, I would be sure to tell the emergency room doctor previous tests were normal, perhaps he’ll run some some more specific tests. Also give your doctor a thorough medical history. Have you been out of the country?
Could you have bitten by a flea or tick or other varmet? Have you been digging in the dirt has your hand in a fishbowl. have you been digging in the dirt? Has your hand in a fishbowl tell the doctor anything regardless of how insignificant you may think it is. I was wondering if you might have a parasite of some sort. How’s your diet? Do you eat junk or a variety of Whole Foods?
Good luck to you,


since hyperthyroidism can cause fatigue, I would think it would be caused from that but of course I don’t know. Have you asked your doctor? There are so many things that can cause fatigue. Are you stressed or depressed? do you have anxiety? Have you been through a recent traumatic event?
I take medications that make me tired. been on one for over 50 years but I’m semi-used to it now. I don’t know anything about thyroid problems, I’ve never been stricken with it. My mom had thyroid problems, but they might’ve been different from yours. I remember she never complained of being tired. Have you tried going to the emergency room? Did your doctor run all the usual test, if they came back normal, I would be sure to tell the emergency room doctor previous tests were normal, perhaps he’ll run some some more specific tests. Also give your doctor a thorough medical history. Have you been out of the country?
Could you have bitten by a flea or tick or other varmet? Have you been digging in the dirt has your hand in a fishbowl. have you been digging in the dirt? Has your hand in a fishbowl tell the doctor anything regardless of how insignificant you may think it is. I was wondering if you might have a parasite of some sort. How’s your diet? Do you eat junk or a variety of Whole Foods?
Good luck to you,

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Jake, what thread of conversation was this supposed to go to?


LOL @jake and @imallears It’s balmy here today. It’s actually above zero, even with the windchill! But instead of just ‘boot, sweater/jacket’ it’s still parka with a -45 rating, hood, gator, leggings under jeans, insulated boots, mittens with hand warmers…and then the darned glasses that fog up every time we step back into the house. I love winter but looking forward to a few weeks from now when we head back to Florida. It should be back to normal there by then! LOL Hard to believe less than 2 weeks ago I was wearing shorts and t-shirt instead of multiple layers. 🥶

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I'm from NY so I know all about those layers upon layers. Warm weather is creeping back up to 80 by New Years day so come on down.
Unfortunately the humidity is coming back too . This is so invigorating right now for walking and making soup. We get very thin skinned here though and most of my friends have had enough. I think you feel it more as you get older.

FL Mary


“so come on down.”
What’s on the menu?
Do you have a See’s candy store nearby or do I have to bring my own?


“so come on down.”
What’s on the menu?
Do you have a See’s candy store nearby or do I have to bring my own?

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We have a Sees pop up store in the mall about a half hour from me but I have seen Sees sold in Macys. And I will take you to a good Italian restaurant where they have a baby octopus appetizer that tastes like grilled meat…so good. And the baby clams with linguine was not bad. Christmas Eve dinner…yum.
I’m here for ya.

FL Mary


You mean you can’t pick and choose which pieces you want? What part of the wilderness do you live in for goodness sake’s. You know I meant NORMAL FOOD not stuff you saw on the Bizarre Foods TV show.
If I ate an octopus it would be like I was eating a family member of the octopus l saw at the Seattle aquarium. He looked directly at us.
Yesterday some people at Christmas dinner were eating oysters, some raw others barbecued if you can imagine such a thing. A couple of the kids that liked them were tormenting if you can imagine such a thing. A couple of the kids that liked them were tormenting me to eat one. I think it would be best if I just stayed home. I hope it won’t be too traumatic for you if I don’t come.
Enjoy your road kill concoctions.


Jake, what thread of conversation was this supposed to go to?

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Good question, I wish I knew the answer.


You mean you can’t pick and choose which pieces you want? What part of the wilderness do you live in for goodness sake’s. You know I meant NORMAL FOOD not stuff you saw on the Bizarre Foods TV show.
If I ate an octopus it would be like I was eating a family member of the octopus l saw at the Seattle aquarium. He looked directly at us.
Yesterday some people at Christmas dinner were eating oysters, some raw others barbecued if you can imagine such a thing. A couple of the kids that liked them were tormenting if you can imagine such a thing. A couple of the kids that liked them were tormenting me to eat one. I think it would be best if I just stayed home. I hope it won’t be too traumatic for you if I don’t come.
Enjoy your road kill concoctions.

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Aw it so sad you haven’t experienced the other foods. I love oysters and mussels in white wine sauce. I would rather eat an octopus than a poor cow with those beautiful big sad eyes…enjoy your burger.

I had salmon, kale with golden raisins and sweet potato waffle fries for dinner. And now I am sipping a bourbon with spiced apple cinnamon bitters and stirring the ice cubes around with a cinnamon stick. Courtesy of my darling son in law. Is that normal enough for you?

You have to try other foods…you can always spit it out. Oysters Rockefeller are fantastic and mussels in white wine with crusty Italian bread is heaven.

Sigh. I will have to try a Sees chocolate next time I see some. I have never had that brand.

Bon Appetite and Happy New Year.

FL Mary



You are a hoot and a half. This one went the rounds. Keep them coming.

FL Mary

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