High calcium score: I'm in shock

Posted by sjy70 @sjy70, Jun 14, 2021

Hi everyone... just wanted to share my last few days - I'm scared and lost and was just hoping to hear from some people who have been in my place. Long story short - I went in for a "routine" checkup at age 50 to make sure my heart was okay. I had a stress test two years ago that was fine. But I do have a family history, and somewhat high LDL and blood pressure so the doctor sent me for a cardiac calcium score. It came back at 407 at age 50!!! That's like the 98th percentile for my age, which is shocking. I do Crossfit and have done half marathons so it was totally unexpected. Now I'm going for another stress test in two weeks to make sure no blockages are over 70%, and I'm not sure of the steps after that.... I'm terrified of needing open heart surgery - I've gotten myself into a place of being okay with a stent if needed. I know it's better to know than not know, but I just feel like my life was suddenly ripped out from under me and to be honest I'm spinning right now... every waking second I feel like I'm going to drop over..

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58 Year old, no history of High Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure or Diabetes, non-smoker, non-drinker, fairly active only risk factor is BMI of 32, fairly active. Requested a CAC score at my physical, came back at 716...I was shocked. Doc prescribed 20mg Atorvastatin and raised to 40mg after 30 days. Echocardiogram and Nuclear Stress test came back as no blockages and normal heart function. Said come back in a year, She also said that the CAC can't determine if the plaque is inside or outside the arteries. Doc said most of your plaque must be on the outside. For the past 6 months, I have been walking 2-4 miles every day, eating better, have lost 30 lbs with goal of losing 30 more. My test results were 2 months ago. Dr said I was heading in the correct direction.

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I always ask ... "what are your numbers?" Other than physical presentation, this is the go to for docs. I'm not a med pro, btw.

Total cholesterol?
METS from stress tests? How long and at what heart rate?
Ejection fractions?
Blood sugar? A1C?

Right direction on weight loss - weight does matter fir heart health.


58 Year old, no history of High Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure or Diabetes, non-smoker, non-drinker, fairly active only risk factor is BMI of 32, fairly active. Requested a CAC score at my physical, came back at 716...I was shocked. Doc prescribed 20mg Atorvastatin and raised to 40mg after 30 days. Echocardiogram and Nuclear Stress test came back as no blockages and normal heart function. Said come back in a year, She also said that the CAC can't determine if the plaque is inside or outside the arteries. Doc said most of your plaque must be on the outside. For the past 6 months, I have been walking 2-4 miles every day, eating better, have lost 30 lbs with goal of losing 30 more. My test results were 2 months ago. Dr said I was heading in the correct direction.

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My calcium score is over 1000. They are able to use AI to determine plaque build up using the information from the Cardiac CT Scan and I was told I have worrisome plaque in my right and middle arteries. The only non surgical fix is to drop my LDL to 55, so far the closest I've gotten is 62. And cholesterol lowering drugs are the only way to get that low unless I want to live off of grass and twigs!

Kudos to you! Sounds like you are doing a wonderful job managing your health.

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