Getting new Covid booster and RSV

Posted by fmeronoff @fmeronoff, Oct 6, 2023

I have been suffering with long covid for one year--got all of my shots and boosters--my doctors say I need to get new covid booster and RSV--your thoughts?


Note from the Community Director

Mayo Clinic researchers find vaccine may reduce severity of long-haul COVID symptoms
August 23, 2023 

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I came down with Covid 19 Jan 2021. It was just before Jan 6.
I was hospitalized for 11 days. I told the ER doctor I thought I was dying.
On March 14th, 2021, I received the first vaccination. The next day I woke up and it was the Coved never went away the fever the chills. It was like covid never went away. I was lucky I still had my oxygenator. Itw as bad for 6 or 7 days . Told my doctor. No help. I was prescribed an inhaler. my breathing issues subsided. End of April beginning of May.
Everybody heard what they were saying. Get both vaccines even if you had Covid. So on August 8th 2021 I
received the second vaccination. so you say well thing could not get worse. Not worse but deadly worse. I had same side effects as the first vaccine. The first new side effect that happened Thursday morning at 2:30. had trouble breathing and my heart was beating wildly. I thought I was having a heart attack. I did not have the strength to dial 911. My breathing took a turn for the worse and fast. I went to a pulmonologist and did tests and an x-ray, and I was told that I had liquid on the left side of my chest. what they took out of my chest was one liter of fluid. your total lung capacity is 3 liters for each lung. Like driving a 6 cylinder car with one of the cylinders. Does not work very good. No more vaccines for me.
The story does end there. In October 2022 I came down with what I thought was the flu. It was mild but I was tested confirmed that it was Covid. But this one gave what first one did not. Brain Fog. It was so bad the first month in a half that I could not hold a conversation. I still have problems concentrating. 7 heart procedures later. What I experienced was a symptom called Myocarditis. It says its rare with fewer than 200,00 thousand cases a year. Sound like a big number to me. I had no know allergies at the time and I don't if they have the ability to test for it.

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Hello!When you were having trouble concentrating did you get dizzy and have to walk away.I would try to read something for not even a minute and I just could not handle it.I tried to explain this to my Doctir and he does not undersrand.


I took my new booster and the RSV vaccine. I ran a low grade fever the next evening but Tylenol and rest took care of it. I've had a lot of fatigue and hair loss after having COVID in March 2023. I have had all my boosters also. When I caught COVID, I was one month past the six months of having the last booster for the Omicron. The way I see it is that if not for having had all my boosters, how bad would COVID have effected me? Would it have been much worse? The vaccines do not appear to be causing serious issues on the most part. Better safe than sorry. I also had the paxlovid with my COVID. It definitely helped me from having a bad case. However, two weeks after having COVID, I did develope Post COVID pneumonia. That was really rough. That's when my fatigue set in. I've had fatigue since then.


I came down with Covid 19 Jan 2021. It was just before Jan 6.
I was hospitalized for 11 days. I told the ER doctor I thought I was dying.
On March 14th, 2021, I received the first vaccination. The next day I woke up and it was the Coved never went away the fever the chills. It was like covid never went away. I was lucky I still had my oxygenator. Itw as bad for 6 or 7 days . Told my doctor. No help. I was prescribed an inhaler. my breathing issues subsided. End of April beginning of May.
Everybody heard what they were saying. Get both vaccines even if you had Covid. So on August 8th 2021 I
received the second vaccination. so you say well thing could not get worse. Not worse but deadly worse. I had same side effects as the first vaccine. The first new side effect that happened Thursday morning at 2:30. had trouble breathing and my heart was beating wildly. I thought I was having a heart attack. I did not have the strength to dial 911. My breathing took a turn for the worse and fast. I went to a pulmonologist and did tests and an x-ray, and I was told that I had liquid on the left side of my chest. what they took out of my chest was one liter of fluid. your total lung capacity is 3 liters for each lung. Like driving a 6 cylinder car with one of the cylinders. Does not work very good. No more vaccines for me.
The story does end there. In October 2022 I came down with what I thought was the flu. It was mild but I was tested confirmed that it was Covid. But this one gave what first one did not. Brain Fog. It was so bad the first month in a half that I could not hold a conversation. I still have problems concentrating. 7 heart procedures later. What I experienced was a symptom called Myocarditis. It says its rare with fewer than 200,00 thousand cases a year. Sound like a big number to me. I had no know allergies at the time and I don't if they have the ability to test for it.

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Wow....vaccines are a 50/50 shot on if they will help you or not....or worse, that they will absolutely harm you......hard to trust something like that.....Good luck to you.


what where your long covid symptoms??

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It first started two weeks after getting over covid. My stomach ballooned up and then about two weeks after that I had awful stomach pain and could not tolerate anything in my stomach, even water was hard on it. I had an upper GI scope and two lower GI scopes and both showed nothing. I tested negative for H.Pylori too or any other bacteria for that matter. I DID have a HYROGEN breath test and was POSITIVE for that. I was treated with XIFAXAN oral antibiotic for one month twice per day and that helped me be able to eat again. I had lost 25 pounds and I was 121 pounds to start. At 5'7 I was down to an all time low of 98.6 lbs at one point. I currently am still bloated after I eat anything and I look 4 months pregnant by the end of the day but I now weigh 104 lbs. My body tremors and I have zaps or vibrations in my legs and torso and I feel very irritable all the time. When I am not tremoring I am not irritable though. I am very sensitive to light and sound. I seems to sweat just before awakening every day but I do NOT sweat during the night at all. MY TRYPTASE blood levels are over the norm and now the IMMUNOLOGIST I am seeing wants a bone biopsy to rule out systemic mastocytosis post covid. ALL OF MY TEETH also feel like I have bitten down on a cold ice cream blob but the dentist I saw said there is nothing he can see to cause this. No leaking fillings or anything. I have seen over ten specialists in the last year. no one other than a FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE DR has even tried to help me in a timely manner. They put me on MAST CELL STABILIZING MEDS and non steroidal anti-inflammatories because if THIS IS MAST CELL DISEASE post covid, then NSAIDS are the worst thing you can put in your body. SO I am on LOW DOSE NALTREXONE 4.5 mg ( was titrated up to that dose) every night. I am also on KETOTIFEN 1 mg every 12 hours along with an over the counter anti-histamine ( NOT BENADRYL!) I am also being ruled out for LYME DISEASE POST COVID because a strong virus can bring out smoldering lyme disease...many have it and live with it until something strong brings it out. In terms of other long covid legs feel weak even though strength tests prove otherwise and I feel brain fog and dizzy on and off. I have constant upper quadrant pain that feels like a rib is digging in to me and have had MRI's(2) of the abdomen and a HIDA scan to make sure my gall bladder and pancreas and liver, spleen were all ok and they all were. I was in excellent health prior to covid and never took any meds. not even a vitamin because I ate right and all my blood work was always perfect as were my heart rate and blood pressure. I also had feeling of pins and needles in my back and burning down my left arm. My spinal and brain MRI showed nothing to cause that. I was even ruled out for Multiple Sclerosis and other neurodegenerative disorders. I have had over 30 needle pokes and also had a spinal tap and the only thing that keeps showing up as abnormal are my TRYPTASE blood levels. They keep climbing as time passes. I am on a low histamine diet for that (PHASE I) There are several phases. My husband is an angel helping with my share of the house chores. I lose stamina easily too these days but prior to getting covid I was working at a horse barn lifting heavy things and riding horses on a drill team with kids who were 40 years younger than I. I also had a K.I.T test that Immunology ordered and that came back normal which is reassuring but the test has a small margin of error so that is why they want the bone marrow biopsy to rule our systemic mastocytosis. I am a retired RN who worked 36 years bedside and never felt like I ever had an energy issue. Now I feel so decompensated since covid.


My husband and I both received the "new" Covid vaccinations on Friday (October 13) and I ended up in ER at University of Colorado on Saturday (October 14) --- I thought I was having a stroke, could not recall items in our house, could not recall the route to ER (our daughter-in-law came from Florida to help and did not know the way, and I was of no help even though I have been there before). Very disturbing were the "crackles" all over my head. Our daughter is a physician and recommends that I not be vaccinated again. My husband had almost no reaction. Had it not been for the Bandaide on his R arm he could not have told me which arm he received the vaccination. What is this??


Wow....vaccines are a 50/50 shot on if they will help you or not....or worse, that they will absolutely harm you......hard to trust something like that.....Good luck to you.

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I agree, right now I am torn. I have dealt with LC for over a year. My symptoms do not come nearly as often, but when they do it is frightening. I'm due for the next shot and I'm worried about getting it, but yet, worried if I don't. Like millions of others, I wish covid NEVER existed!


I initiated the conversation about whether or not to get the booster. I read all of your responses and then decided with much fear to get the booster--fortunately I feel no worse then I did before the booster but certainly no better. Maybe that will come down the road--now the decision RSV or not? Thank you for all of your responses. It is good to have this group as most people who have not experienced long covid either don't understand what is going on or just say or think "just get better" I wish I could just do that!


I agree, right now I am torn. I have dealt with LC for over a year. My symptoms do not come nearly as often, but when they do it is frightening. I'm due for the next shot and I'm worried about getting it, but yet, worried if I don't. Like millions of others, I wish covid NEVER existed!

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Well....I think you said that when you got the last booster vaccine, you got I guess if it was me, I wouldn't get this booster vaccine. You sound like you are continuing to improve I would just keep continuing to heal and not get this booster vaccine that could possibly (or likely) set you back again...


Hello!When you were having trouble concentrating did you get dizzy and have to walk away.I would try to read something for not even a minute and I just could not handle it.I tried to explain this to my Doctir and he does not undersrand.

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I had that issue when I had Covid...couldn't even watch TV very was just too much for my brain I think. But my issues could have been from the extreme low sodium level I had....found out when I was taken to ER. My sodium had dropped to 102....very critical and dangerous. Spent 8 days in the hospital. I did take Paxlovid and doctors believe it interacted with the hydrochloride I was taking. Bad Bad interaction!!


I had that issue when I had Covid...couldn't even watch TV very was just too much for my brain I think. But my issues could have been from the extreme low sodium level I had....found out when I was taken to ER. My sodium had dropped to 102....very critical and dangerous. Spent 8 days in the hospital. I did take Paxlovid and doctors believe it interacted with the hydrochloride I was taking. Bad Bad interaction!!

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Yes!That is exactly what I had.The only thing I could do was stay in constant motion.My brain would not allow me to concentrate on anything.Unfortunately I believe I got covid at the same time I had an iron infusion and thought the infusion was causing this symptom.The bad side effects of covid are very similar to the negative side effects of an iron infusion.I am sure my sodium was really low during thus time.I just kept on going,but should have gone to the ER.

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