Just approved: Evusheld for the pre-exposure prevention of COVID-19

Posted by lizzy102 @lizzy102, Dec 10, 2021

Does anyone have any more information on this just-approved by the FDA treatment for immunocompromised people? From what I am reading, it seems very exciting. Boy, what I wouldn’t give for a bit of protection from the scourge virus!

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Still no reliable, widely available test to determine the actual level of antibodies patients have, as far as I can tell. Been following Johns Hopkins University research studies on solid organ transplants and the level of protection is not very high. They are still recommending masking, distancing etc. Not sure where Evusheld puts you on this continuum. Here's a link to JH JAMA study

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Hello Joko
John Hopkins uses this test:
only available from LabCorp: SARS-CoV-2 Semi-Quant Total AB
for protection desirable Total AB > 2500u/mL


After 2 vaccines and 2 boosters my immunity to Covid was 0. So in April I received two shots of Evusheld one in each hip. . My question is when and if I should get another dose of Evusheld. I live in Florida. Thank you. Marilyn

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At my Mayo Clinic transplant checkup last week they said I should get another Evushield 6 months after my first dose. So you could confirm that with your transplant coordinator to see if that is their recommendation for you.


After 2 vaccines and 2 boosters my immunity to Covid was 0. So in April I received two shots of Evusheld one in each hip. . My question is when and if I should get another dose of Evusheld. I live in Florida. Thank you. Marilyn

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I too had both vaccines, the booster and 2 Evushield shots in each hip. And I live in Florida. I am interested in finding out this information as well.

Thanks, Michele


I’ve had all vaccines and boosters. I received the Evusheld treatment mid February of 2022. In early March I went to Mayo for my 2 year post kidney transplant checkup. The results of the biopsy showed early signs of rejection. I was treated with intensive steroid therapy for two weeks and had another biopsy at the end of April. Thankfully the steroid treatment helped. During my visit in April I was told there were “a handful “ of transplant patients who showed signs of rejection shortly after receiving the Evusheld shots and I shouldn’t get the second dose “until they know more”. At that time they tested me for COVID antibodies and I had enough to protect me. Fast forward to end of June. My husband and I traveled to Florida. I was masked but he wasn’t. We both got COVID. Neither one of us required treatment, but we were pretty miserable for 3 weeks. I still have a significant amount of post nasal drainage and not as much energy as I did but I’m feeling better each day. The bottom line is you can still catch the current variant, even with all the medical preventatives available today. My rejection could have been a coincidence but it also could have been from the Evusheld shots and the vaccines. They really don’t know. Be careful out there!


I too had both vaccines, the booster and 2 Evushield shots in each hip. And I live in Florida. I am interested in finding out this information as well.

Thanks, Michele

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Your doctor should know where to send you. I am s/e and so I went to Hollywood. There w ere 3 places. This was the closest to me. There might be other places open now.


I’ve had all vaccines and boosters. I received the Evusheld treatment mid February of 2022. In early March I went to Mayo for my 2 year post kidney transplant checkup. The results of the biopsy showed early signs of rejection. I was treated with intensive steroid therapy for two weeks and had another biopsy at the end of April. Thankfully the steroid treatment helped. During my visit in April I was told there were “a handful “ of transplant patients who showed signs of rejection shortly after receiving the Evusheld shots and I shouldn’t get the second dose “until they know more”. At that time they tested me for COVID antibodies and I had enough to protect me. Fast forward to end of June. My husband and I traveled to Florida. I was masked but he wasn’t. We both got COVID. Neither one of us required treatment, but we were pretty miserable for 3 weeks. I still have a significant amount of post nasal drainage and not as much energy as I did but I’m feeling better each day. The bottom line is you can still catch the current variant, even with all the medical preventatives available today. My rejection could have been a coincidence but it also could have been from the Evusheld shots and the vaccines. They really don’t know. Be careful out there!

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Florida is full of all kinds of Covid. I’ll bet your husband gave it to you. Being masked is pretty good coverage when you have had all the shots etc. I don’t understand why your husband would put you in this position. You had a transplant. You be careful and I hope all goes well for you. Stay safe. I am masked indoors always. Never outdoors. It’s not so terrible.


There’s no reason to shame my husband for the choice he made. The point of my post was that neither vaccines or Evusheld prevent someone from getting COVID and may even be harmful to the transplanted organ. I’m fine, but I will not risk losing my new kidney by getting any additional Evusheld doses.


There’s no reason to shame my husband for the choice he made. The point of my post was that neither vaccines or Evusheld prevent someone from getting COVID and may even be harmful to the transplanted organ. I’m fine, but I will not risk losing my new kidney by getting any additional Evusheld doses.

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You should never put your transplant at risk. I’m sure you ca find out if Evusheld had any influence. You’re right I don’t have to say anything with a negative connotation regarding your husband… he should do that himself.
Your life is more important than a mask. Be well. Take care.


I’ve had all vaccines and boosters. I received the Evusheld treatment mid February of 2022. In early March I went to Mayo for my 2 year post kidney transplant checkup. The results of the biopsy showed early signs of rejection. I was treated with intensive steroid therapy for two weeks and had another biopsy at the end of April. Thankfully the steroid treatment helped. During my visit in April I was told there were “a handful “ of transplant patients who showed signs of rejection shortly after receiving the Evusheld shots and I shouldn’t get the second dose “until they know more”. At that time they tested me for COVID antibodies and I had enough to protect me. Fast forward to end of June. My husband and I traveled to Florida. I was masked but he wasn’t. We both got COVID. Neither one of us required treatment, but we were pretty miserable for 3 weeks. I still have a significant amount of post nasal drainage and not as much energy as I did but I’m feeling better each day. The bottom line is you can still catch the current variant, even with all the medical preventatives available today. My rejection could have been a coincidence but it also could have been from the Evusheld shots and the vaccines. They really don’t know. Be careful out there!

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Hi @ladydidehart 😊 Thanks so much for the heads up about a possible link between Evusheld and rejection. Are you a kidney transplant patient like me? Did they catch the rejection during your routine protocol biopsy or were you having symptoms of rejection?
Thanks again for sharing!


I appreciate how everyone is navigating this new territory of COVID and its variants, and taking measures to reduce risk of serious outcomes with vaccines and Evushield when appropriate. This is new territory for everyone and together you can learn what questions to ask your healthcare providers and transplant teams.

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