Just approved: Evusheld for the pre-exposure prevention of COVID-19

Posted by lizzy102 @lizzy102, Dec 10, 2021

Does anyone have any more information on this just-approved by the FDA treatment for immunocompromised people? From what I am reading, it seems very exciting. Boy, what I wouldn’t give for a bit of protection from the scourge virus!

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I get neurological symptoms from Covid vaccine and can no longer take them - is this also your problem with vaccines?

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Yes that is exactly my problem - was advised to take evusheld to build up antibodies. Have this been recommended to you?


Yes. Big neuro take down form mrna affecting bowel and bladder and more x 2 months

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Don’t understand your response- take down from mrna??have you tried evusheld? I had decided to just not get any more vaccines.


I have had severe late onset reactions ( neurological- weakness in bidy, trembling, neuropathy, etc,) to Covid vaccine- so I can’t get vaccines any more. My Dr. Recommended Evusheld but am afraid I will will have same side affects.

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Hi @beegie
Did you discuss your concerns regarding Evusheld with your doctor? (He/she may have information that may comfort you).


@beegie I've had the Evusheld shots, and have by now had four vaccines, soon to have another booster. I've tolerated those so I can keep going. I think the medical profession doesn't have all the answers about COVID in particular. I was OK after Evusheld. I recently went to a pretty small gathering, later learned that there was a covid positive person there, everyone was then infected but me. It could be a coincidence but it might have been related to having Evusheld 3 weeks before. It's a very different way of reaching for immunity than the standard vaccines. When I had mine I was made to wait for one hour after the monitor for symptoms that never materialized.


@beegie I've had the Evusheld shots, and have by now had four vaccines, soon to have another booster. I've tolerated those so I can keep going. I think the medical profession doesn't have all the answers about COVID in particular. I was OK after Evusheld. I recently went to a pretty small gathering, later learned that there was a covid positive person there, everyone was then infected but me. It could be a coincidence but it might have been related to having Evusheld 3 weeks before. It's a very different way of reaching for immunity than the standard vaccines. When I had mine I was made to wait for one hour after the monitor for symptoms that never materialized.

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@katebw, Thanks for sharing your experience. That is great to hear!
What about the masking or distancing can you tell us? We’re others as careful as you?


My Dr wants me to get Evusheld but am afraid- I get neuropathy and muscle weakness following Covid vaccines- so will not get anymore. Any suggestions?

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@beegie, I am a patient, and so is everyone on Connect. We are here to share our experiences. I don't have any experience with neuropathy, but I can understand your hesitation. My suggestion, since you asked, is to share your concerns with the doctor who wants you to get the Evusheld. It is different from a vaccine, and he should be able to discuss your possible risks and benefits. The big goal here is to talk to him and determine the best protect1on for you. He it the one who can help you decide what is best for you. Call and make an appointment to speak with him/her about this.


@katebw, Thanks for sharing your experience. That is great to hear!
What about the masking or distancing can you tell us? We’re others as careful as you?

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@rosemarya we all did home tests before the dinner. So no one was masked including me (I’m not going to do that again!). I washed my hands and don’t know if others did. I’m careful about crowds and hand washing in general. When I go to the grocery store, and I do this for my 85 year old mom too, I mask and use hand sanitizer. I go during “immunity hours” in early am when everyone had to mask. I’ve started to be a little more bold- even went to the movies with my boyfriend and we masked and went early on a weekday when it wasn’t crowded. I’m really careful about avoiding infections but so are many who wind up with Covid.


@beegie I've had the Evusheld shots, and have by now had four vaccines, soon to have another booster. I've tolerated those so I can keep going. I think the medical profession doesn't have all the answers about COVID in particular. I was OK after Evusheld. I recently went to a pretty small gathering, later learned that there was a covid positive person there, everyone was then infected but me. It could be a coincidence but it might have been related to having Evusheld 3 weeks before. It's a very different way of reaching for immunity than the standard vaccines. When I had mine I was made to wait for one hour after the monitor for symptoms that never materialized.

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@beegie I've had the Evusheld shots, and have by now had four vaccines, soon to have another booster. I've tolerated those so I can keep going. I think the medical profession doesn't have all the answers about COVID in particular. I was OK after Evusheld. I recently went to a pretty small gathering, later learned that there was a covid positive person there, everyone was then infected but me. It could be a coincidence but it might have been related to having Evusheld 3 weeks before. It's a very different way of reaching for immunity than the standard vaccines. When I had mine I was made to wait for one hour after the monitor for symptoms that never materialized.

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I am afraid to get Evusheld but it seems u did well with it. Did u have any side affects? I am so happy that u have done so well with it!


Hi @beegie
Did you discuss your concerns regarding Evusheld with your doctor? (He/she may have information that may comfort you).

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Yes discussed with my Dr. No guarantees I won’t have a reaction to it so it is my decision

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