Down in the dumps again – challenges with adult children
Hi everyone! It’s been awhile since I’ve posted. I started taking Cymbalta and got off the other stuff. I was doing better but the past 2 months or so not so good. I’m struggling with feeling invisible and I’m feeling very unappreciated. I feel my kids only call when they want something or have a problem. They never ask how I’m feeling nor do they try and help. I had a procedure done yesterday and neither one bothered to check on me. Adding this to my depression isn’t good. Do any of you have these same feelings about your kids?What should I do?
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@merpreb Thank you but I am more of a follower. 😉
@Paris me too it's a high in my life
With my kids We talk often about everything. Ask your son opened ended questions so he replies in more detail.
@lizzyisme Great idea thanks
@kdo0827 - just wanted to check in and see how you your spirits are lately, how your energy is and how the amphetamine and dextroamphetamine combination (Adderall) is going for you now that you've taken it for a bit?
Thanks Lisa for checking in on me! I’m feeling much better. It’s like a new world has opened up. I have great energy which lasts 5 hours or so. On days I need additional energy I take 2. Most days I only take 1-10mg. Hope you’re doing and feeling well!
@kdo0827- Great news!
I at times struggle with being too visible. Always want my adult children to believe things are good. I am the only family they have. Just how I am.
@parus- Good morning- Saying that you are too visible do you meant that you are in their lives and give advice or opinions too much? I'm not sure what you mean.
@merpreb Thank you for asking. I meant I do not want them to know how I struggle at times. I am not in the least a meddlesome mom. I enjoy hearing what they want to share. I went through a time feeling left out. I moved past that. I did not like the texting thing and now I enjoy it!! A good way to touch base. I no longer feel ignored when I get no reply. I am in the loop. Sometimes I try too hard. Things are better now since I have learned to relax some. Got wordy again. 🥴