Doing things to relieve depression... Motivation and ideas

Posted by mscosette @mscosette, Mar 22, 2018

Hi I just started with Mayo Clinic connect yesterday. I noticed a couple people commented on motivation. This is something that I definitely can relate to and would like to discuss with others.
I have struggled with depression since my teens I and now 57 I've been seeing a wonderful psychiatrist for many years, take depression meds, and have been in and out of therapy. My clinical depression is pretty well controlled.
However I am finding myself very lonely and vulnerable.
And I want to fight this. There are things I know I need to do that would help me. But I'm not doing them.
Basically I sleep, work, watch TV and overeat at times.
My goals right now are to exercise, do what I need to do to be around people more. Really anything rather than watching television all evening would be better for me.
What has worked for other people? I thought it would be helpful to have people that I can share these types of issues with.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Depression & Anxiety Support Group.


It also covers statements that someone who is depressed might find helpful to hear.
Tell Them You Care. ...
Remind Them You're There for Them. ...
Ask How You Can Help. ...
Urge Them to Talk With a Doctor. ...
Ask Them If They Want to Talk. ...
Remind Them That They Matter. ...
Tell Them You Understand (If You Really Do)

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well said


Google search: Best Motivational then go to Video tab in Google. I find videos such as these improve my moods when things seem so hard.


It also covers statements that someone who is depressed might find helpful to hear.
Tell Them You Care. ...
Remind Them You're There for Them. ...
Ask How You Can Help. ...
Urge Them to Talk With a Doctor. ...
Ask Them If They Want to Talk. ...
Remind Them That They Matter. ...
Tell Them You Understand (If You Really Do)

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@john123marshal Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. You have listed some great things to help someone out.

I am curious, what led you to Mayo Clinic Connect? Do you have depression? If so, what has worked for you?


@john123marshal Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. You have listed some great things to help someone out.

I am curious, what led you to Mayo Clinic Connect? Do you have depression? If so, what has worked for you?

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No i don't have any depression, there is only problem is daily basis headache. is that any possible which release my headache.


No i don't have any depression, there is only problem is daily basis headache. is that any possible which release my headache.

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@gingerw Thank you for you recommendation.


I need help. I suffer from debilitating anxiety. Next Tuesday I am going for bowel tests and the anxiety has already kicked in. Nasty case of What if.?. I have prickles and I feel sick. Medication is not helping and I can’t sleep. Added to which I am selling my house!
Psychologist is sympathetic and recommends breathing exercises and keeping busy but really says I just have to push through it. Any ideas.


I like doing exercise videos on YouTube, especially things like beginner yoga or beginner Tai Chi. I find those classes easy enough to follow along with without practice (hence, beginners, lol), and they tend to be shorter. Short walks outside are truly amazing for depression and shifting your mindset, however with winter coming, I just cannot force myself outside, and these videos allow me to get 20-30 good minutes of exercise w limited space and very little, if any, equipment. Yoga and Tai Chi both have the added benefits of helping your body AND your mind, and can help w anxiety as well, yippee!!!


I need help. I suffer from debilitating anxiety. Next Tuesday I am going for bowel tests and the anxiety has already kicked in. Nasty case of What if.?. I have prickles and I feel sick. Medication is not helping and I can’t sleep. Added to which I am selling my house!
Psychologist is sympathetic and recommends breathing exercises and keeping busy but really says I just have to push through it. Any ideas.

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I think the gut has a huge impact on depression and anxiety, studies have shown it and I also did a thesis on the subject. And my passion for the subject comes from living with a mental illness that while I do take some medications, I also use a probiotic (20 billion) which has proved to be very helpful for the symptoms of anxiety. Many of the neurotransmitter systems that are studied for mental health are impacted by the microbiome in the gut. I also suffer from gastroparesis (have seen GI in Rochester) and have found the probiotic has helped this. Is it a cure, no. But the difference for both anxiety/depression and my GI issues has been significant.

Best to you!



I think the gut has a huge impact on depression and anxiety, studies have shown it and I also did a thesis on the subject. And my passion for the subject comes from living with a mental illness that while I do take some medications, I also use a probiotic (20 billion) which has proved to be very helpful for the symptoms of anxiety. Many of the neurotransmitter systems that are studied for mental health are impacted by the microbiome in the gut. I also suffer from gastroparesis (have seen GI in Rochester) and have found the probiotic has helped this. Is it a cure, no. But the difference for both anxiety/depression and my GI issues has been significant.

Best to you!

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What probiotic..?

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