Dealing with a Spouse with a “Mild Cognitive Impairment”
My husband was diagnosed with MCI in 2019. He is pretty independent, just forgetful of time, dates, location of places, anything electronic & events from our life together (we’ve been married 52 years). It’s all just getting to me. I find myself wanting to be alone so I’m not continuously reminded of these changes. Because my friends/family are out of state, working, or involved with their own families, I really have no one to talk to so I’m seeing a therapist twice a week to deal with the sadness, anger, grief I have over his condition. I just wonder if other women find themselves in this position & how they are dealing with it.
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Hi Colleen, thank you for your kind words. We are doing fine. I am getting over the flu and my husband is busy with the newspaper. I am learning to take over the paperwork and some other things. One of the biggest is expectations. I know there are times he may remember and times he will have a blank stare. Thankfully he is almost always in a good mood and does not get upset with himself. My regards and thoughts are with you and the others in this group.
I usually get up around 6. Often my husband does, too, but other times he sleeps in. But he also goes to bed early—generally around 7:30 or 8—and I stay up until around 10:30 reading. I really look forward to those quiet hours before I lie down. I usually sleep just fine and that might be part of it—although my taking the occasional "chill pill" (doctor prescribed) probably helps, too. 🙂 I know some people need time on their own with other people than the one they're caring for, but some of us really just need the alone time.