Continued Post-Nasal Drip and Constant Mucus in Throat

Posted by adominic @adominic, Mar 22, 2022

I was sick the last week or January/first week of February. Home Test-negative, rapid PCR-negative. All COVID symptoms and known prolonged exposure to infected individuals make me believe it was COVID. Since then, I have had a tremendously hard time dealing with post-nasal drip and mucus collecting in my throat. It is clear, sticky and almost impossible to remove from throat by coughing or clearing my throat. Flonase does nothing, allergy pills do nothing. Had anyone else had an issue like this post COVID? How long did it last? What did you do to cope? Small problem in comparison to others that post here, I realize.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Post-COVID Recovery & COVID-19 Support Group.


I don't have any suggestions to add, but I just want to say this thread has been so reassuring. I've been having a host of weird symptoms (nausea, headaches, body aches, fatigue, afib, the list goes on and on) since getting sick in November 2022, and one constant has been post-nasal drip. All my doctors were dismissive of long COVID because post-nasal drip (to their knowledge) isn't specifically a COVID symptom. I feel justified in knowing so many others have the same issue. Thank you everyone for sharing!

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I agree. This chat is needed. I really wish anything worked for me— antihistamines, prednisone, nasal rinses, steroid and non-steroidal nasal sprays, antibios, drinking water by the bucketfuls… but it just doesn’t. I’m having an endoscopy soon, and while I know— and YOU know— that stretching my esophagus won’t help? I’m going to try. I want to swallow! I can swallow food and drink no problem. It is the post nasal…. cement. Not drip, it’s the fast drying kind of cement or ceramic or glue!!
Drives. Me. Sleepless.


I agree. This chat is needed. I really wish anything worked for me— antihistamines, prednisone, nasal rinses, steroid and non-steroidal nasal sprays, antibios, drinking water by the bucketfuls… but it just doesn’t. I’m having an endoscopy soon, and while I know— and YOU know— that stretching my esophagus won’t help? I’m going to try. I want to swallow! I can swallow food and drink no problem. It is the post nasal…. cement. Not drip, it’s the fast drying kind of cement or ceramic or glue!!
Drives. Me. Sleepless.

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Has anyone else tries Amitriptyline?
Worked for me after 4 months of phlegm and coughing.


Has anyone else tries Amitriptyline?
Worked for me after 4 months of phlegm and coughing.

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Do you need a prescription for Amitriptyline? What is the dosage you used? Did you gain weight or suffer from any other side effects?


Prescription from ENT
10 mg
No side effects


Prescription from ENT
10 mg
No side effects

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To changlinhua: Um… Amitriptyline does have side effects which is not to say that everyone will experience them? But need to speak to dr. Weight gain and lots of other possibles.


I agree. This chat is needed. I really wish anything worked for me— antihistamines, prednisone, nasal rinses, steroid and non-steroidal nasal sprays, antibios, drinking water by the bucketfuls… but it just doesn’t. I’m having an endoscopy soon, and while I know— and YOU know— that stretching my esophagus won’t help? I’m going to try. I want to swallow! I can swallow food and drink no problem. It is the post nasal…. cement. Not drip, it’s the fast drying kind of cement or ceramic or glue!!
Drives. Me. Sleepless.

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I had an endoscopy done at the same time I had my 40 year colonoscopy. They said the was slight esophagitis, but nothing major. They also stretched my esophagus. This had zero help with post nasal drip and I'm constantly sniffing in the back of my nose, top of my throat area. I really wish someone could help. Best of luck. Keep posting!


hi mates....
I wanted to have some opinions... the worst food I could eat for post nasal drip, was ice creams for sure.
I thought then to eat something completely different... and i tried this food daily. It seems that it helps... I d like to know if this helps other people too.


I’ve now had your symptoms for more than three years plus many others.
Absolutely nothing has helped.
My doctor implies that my condition was not caused by the Pfizer jab. Legal action pending anywhere?


I’ve now had your symptoms for more than three years plus many others.
Absolutely nothing has helped.
My doctor implies that my condition was not caused by the Pfizer jab. Legal action pending anywhere?

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swkuhner, Bless you. I'm in my 9th month of the thick slimy mucous in the back of my throat with hypersalivation. I get choked on this stuff at night. I have tried everything over the counter, prescription & natural and absolutely nothing gets rid of it. The best thing I have used is Colgate Peroxyl....Do not swallow. Scrape your tongue several times after spitting it out and then rinse. Also, I gargle with warm salt water which thins out the thick mucous, but, its temporary. Hot lemon ginger tea helps for a while, but, it is short lived. My own personal diagnosis is that Covid attacked the mucosa in my mouth and my salivary glands. I have had my mouth cultured and it is not thrush....just normal mouth bacteria, but, it's anything but normal. I drink lots of water, got off sugar, lost weight and I could tell no difference with this stuff in my mouth. I will agree that milk products make it worse as does eating anything salty like a slice of pizza. I go to Long Covid Clinic in a few days and hopefully will get some answers. We have to all stick together. Praying for all of you. God knows.....Stay Tuned....


Hmmm.... I guess I am somewhat lucky in that I don't have the thick slime. What I get - with no warning- is a spontaneous runny nose, flowing so rapidly that by the time I've grabbed a tissue it's dripping off my chin. I've dubbed it "Covid Nose". I do not (yet) take anything, e.g., allergy meds, for it because it's so unpredictable. Just try and make sure I've got tissues with me all the time.

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