Continued Post-Nasal Drip and Constant Mucus in Throat

Posted by adominic @adominic, Mar 22, 2022

I was sick the last week or January/first week of February. Home Test-negative, rapid PCR-negative. All COVID symptoms and known prolonged exposure to infected individuals make me believe it was COVID. Since then, I have had a tremendously hard time dealing with post-nasal drip and mucus collecting in my throat. It is clear, sticky and almost impossible to remove from throat by coughing or clearing my throat. Flonase does nothing, allergy pills do nothing. Had anyone else had an issue like this post COVID? How long did it last? What did you do to cope? Small problem in comparison to others that post here, I realize.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Post-COVID Recovery & COVID-19 Support Group.


Yes!! I’ve never heard anyone else mention it or associate it with Long Covid. My doctors have referred me to a gastroenterologist for an endoscopy and an esophagram. Everything seemed normal in the barium swallow test, except for diminished esophageal peristalsis.

Has anyone else choked because of this? I’ve had a terrible time with choking. I’ve had the Heimlich maneuver performed on me 4 times in the last year because of the mucus. There are a lot of foods I won’t eat now.

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Yes, I experienced a lot of choking. Because of my post nasal drip, by vocal chords got so swollen that it felt like a fist was in my throat. This often plugged up my throat area and when I laid down, I would get the drip going down my wind pipe. This would cause me to choke. After stopping the post nasal drip (see comments below) my vocal chords went back to normal size and I quit choking. However, I would recommend that you sleep elevated.

I am a long COVID patient, and I will say that there isn't anything at root cause that is not related to long COVID. Regardless of what doctors may say. Why? Because the COVID virus attacked the immune system and damaged it. Now we are more susceptible than ever to any other immune issue. I had COVID Pneumonia and was in the hospital 21 days, on oxygen for 18 months, and now going into my third year of recovery. Life is never the same after COVID.

I have a team dealing with my throat and my esophagus - ENT and Gastroenterologist. I developed achalasia from the COVID - my esophagus doesn't move my food down the food pipe.

I write about my LONG COVID journey in my blog
Good luck.


Hopefully, everyone with mucous issues have had several Nasal-Endoscopy tests performed. I say several, because it took three different ENTs to finally find the cause of my problem. All three ENTs did the exact same Nasal-Endoscopy, yet it took a University ENT to find the cancer near my vocal cords, and later finding my vocal cords to be paralyzed. During radiation treatments I contracted Covid, breaking ribs with four months of forceful coughing. After the radiation treatment, it was becoming more difficult to breath because of thick mucus stuck in my throat. Then, Covid struck again, and right after the second "vaccination." After that second bout, no amount of nebulizing would alleviate the thick, stuck mucus. Literally, at deaths door, this wonderful ENT found the vocal cords to be paralyzed and suggested a Tracheotomy...I know...who wants a horrible Tracheotomy? I sure didn't, but you know what? It is the best thing that has happened to me throughout this ordeal. All the gunk can be easily coughed right out that hole in my neck or suctioned if needed. Imagine a clogged sink drain where the clog is out of reach. Now imagine that drain with a hole drilled where the clog accumulates. Most days, I forget the tracheotomy is even there, really. All this to say, please find out the condition of your vocal cords. They are the door that open and close allowing mucus through. Radiation, Covid, or a combination of the two can wreak havoc on these mechanisms. A Swallow Study is a fabulous procedure too. It will show you eating and drinking on a screen. This is done through an X-ray type machine. Best wishes to all the mucus sufferers.

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I have had this as well. I have an ENT scope every time I see my ENT and have been through all the swallow and endoscopy tests. These are all well worth it. Its amazing what you will find about how COVID has affected your throat, vocal chords and esophagus and gut.

Highly recommend that all Long Haulers who has post nasal drip and mucus issues see and ENT. The ENT goes from the Sinus (Ears, Nose and throat) through the vocal chords. The Gastro guy will go from the throat down through the esophagus. Two different paths.

Believe or not, swollen vocal chords can cause choking.


Hi. I have had the same problem for 2 years. I just recently recovered. I have an article I wrote on my blog This site is about my journey with post covid and all the symptoms and issues I had and how I have either recovered or in treatment for issue. Post Nasal drip is natural response in your system to keep your throat and nasal passages wet. Normally, you don't notice it. However, when we start to cough or get allergies, our throat becomes irritated and our body signals to produce more mucus. Then we cough more, our throats get saturated with mucus as well as our esophagus, and we want to cough more and it becomes a vicious cycle. What we need to do is break the cycle. But how? Well it depends on what is causing the issue. If it an infection in the sinuses or Eustachian tubes (ears) then you need an antibiotic. A DECONGESTANT ONLY would also be advantageous. Do not use an expectorant unless your chest is congested. If it is allergies, then a doctor might also add an inhaler or nebulizer. I have used all. What I found most helpful and stopped both my cough and my nasal drip was just a decongestant SUDAFED PE. My doctor suggested it. If you are coughing and it is dry (no mucus) ask the doctor for Tessalon Perles. This is a pill that works on the smooth tissues of the throat and esophagus and will stop the cough. This is stop the continued irritation. I assume you have been to the doctor to see what is causing the post nasal drip. If the doctor is putting you off and telling you he does not know it or is saying it is allergies, demand an antibiotic to at least alleviate the infection if there is one. Mucinex was given to me in the hospital because I had pneumonia. If your issues are NOT stemmed from the lungs, Mucinex will not do you any good. It has an expectorant that is designed to soften and liquify the mucus and expel it from the body.
Good luck.

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dvierheller, I cannot find your article. Has it been removed? Would love to read about your journey. Thank you for all your wonderful input. A lot of the things you mentioned I cannot take like Sudafed and or decongestant due to it elevating my heart rate and blood pressure. I do take the Tessalon Perles during the day. I do take Guaifenesin (mucous thinner) when it gets really bad. I will probably be seeing a pulmonologist soon per my visit last week with my primary. God Bless You!


this is my main page. You can tab through over to BLOG and POST NASAL DRIP is the top article. I just started the blog so there are only 3 articles. But please read the home page and my story page.


Yes, it's been almost two years since covid and I still get the clear sticky mucos in the back ofy throat. Your discription of it is perfect


Hi. I have had the same problem for 2 years. I just recently recovered. I have an article I wrote on my blog This site is about my journey with post covid and all the symptoms and issues I had and how I have either recovered or in treatment for issue. Post Nasal drip is natural response in your system to keep your throat and nasal passages wet. Normally, you don't notice it. However, when we start to cough or get allergies, our throat becomes irritated and our body signals to produce more mucus. Then we cough more, our throats get saturated with mucus as well as our esophagus, and we want to cough more and it becomes a vicious cycle. What we need to do is break the cycle. But how? Well it depends on what is causing the issue. If it an infection in the sinuses or Eustachian tubes (ears) then you need an antibiotic. A DECONGESTANT ONLY would also be advantageous. Do not use an expectorant unless your chest is congested. If it is allergies, then a doctor might also add an inhaler or nebulizer. I have used all. What I found most helpful and stopped both my cough and my nasal drip was just a decongestant SUDAFED PE. My doctor suggested it. If you are coughing and it is dry (no mucus) ask the doctor for Tessalon Perles. This is a pill that works on the smooth tissues of the throat and esophagus and will stop the cough. This is stop the continued irritation. I assume you have been to the doctor to see what is causing the post nasal drip. If the doctor is putting you off and telling you he does not know it or is saying it is allergies, demand an antibiotic to at least alleviate the infection if there is one. Mucinex was given to me in the hospital because I had pneumonia. If your issues are NOT stemmed from the lungs, Mucinex will not do you any good. It has an expectorant that is designed to soften and liquify the mucus and expel it from the body.
Good luck.

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I see that some are having trouble with my website. you need the full address:

I have never been diagnosed with Covid but received 2 doses of covid vaccine in April/May 21. Since that time it seems I have had this same chronic feeling of pflegm in the throat and constantly swallowing and never goes away. I am wondering if others that have had the vaccine and have also experienced this problem. Now 18 months later I am still struggling with these same symptoms.

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Have you found anything that helps. I have the same issue and it’s been a struggle
I have tried pretty much everything and I’m hoping it will go away on its own. I did read someone else’s comment who said they’ve had it for fifteen years.!


Simple as it sounds, Xlear Rescue nasal spray with essential oils and mullein drops, am & pm,(herbal supplement) Has worked better for me than any "prescribed" meds.


I have never been diagnosed with Covid but received 2 doses of covid vaccine in April/May 21. Since that time it seems I have had this same chronic feeling of pflegm in the throat and constantly swallowing and never goes away. I am wondering if others that have had the vaccine and have also experienced this problem. Now 18 months later I am still struggling with these same symptoms.

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I have the exact same issue, it started in Feb of 2022 and I had received the 2 vaccines and I’m still having this issue terribly, affecting me to fall asleep until it settled down, i even went to see a surgeon and did the scope and saw nothing!!! I try everything, the doctor even prescribed nasal spray but nothing have worked yet!!!!
Looking for solution


Super interesting and so glad this works for you! I experience nasal dryness as well together with not blowing any mucus out of my nose anymore. It's all going down the back of my throat, constant thick sticky post nasal drip. Even though I don't experience any problems with my lungs, this treatment might be interesting for me as well. Can I ask what dose you take every day? I'm from the Netherlands and there are no specialized long covid clinics here, so I'm wondering which kind of doc I can go to as well. Currently working with an ENT without any progress and I'm super fed up with this being my life for the past 18 months already.

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