Continued Post-Nasal Drip and Constant Mucus in Throat

Posted by adominic @adominic, Mar 22, 2022

I was sick the last week or January/first week of February. Home Test-negative, rapid PCR-negative. All COVID symptoms and known prolonged exposure to infected individuals make me believe it was COVID. Since then, I have had a tremendously hard time dealing with post-nasal drip and mucus collecting in my throat. It is clear, sticky and almost impossible to remove from throat by coughing or clearing my throat. Flonase does nothing, allergy pills do nothing. Had anyone else had an issue like this post COVID? How long did it last? What did you do to cope? Small problem in comparison to others that post here, I realize.

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Where to get these packets? I have the same problem since COVID infection last November.

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That sucks, I know how you feel. I'm from the Netherlands so I bought mine here: (I don't know where you're from, but they do ship abroad so you'd have to check). Otherwise I'd say Google for 'bicarbonate soda, xylitol, sodium chloride nasal rinse' and I think you'll find something. Good luck and let me know if it helps!


That sucks, I know how you feel. I'm from the Netherlands so I bought mine here: (I don't know where you're from, but they do ship abroad so you'd have to check). Otherwise I'd say Google for 'bicarbonate soda, xylitol, sodium chloride nasal rinse' and I think you'll find something. Good luck and let me know if it helps!

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Thank you! I am in Oregon (above California) on West Coast of USA. Thanks so much for this. Super long wait for ENT here (6 months). I'll let you know if it helps.


Thank you! I am in Oregon (above California) on West Coast of USA. Thanks so much for this. Super long wait for ENT here (6 months). I'll let you know if it helps.

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Please do! First 2 ENT's just send me home with 'live with it', but since that was impossible for me I went to a 3rd. I think covid caused a sinus infection that wasn't visible on CT scan (had two of them, all clear). Bacteries were having fun up there for 15 months... Be patient with the rinse, can take a few days before you feel something is moving. I'm gonna rinse with it for 30 days so it's safe to do that either way for you as well. I really hope you'll find som relief, the drip is horrendous really. Wish you the best!


Where to get these packets? I have the same problem since COVID infection last November.

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The brand over the counter called Neil Med Sinus Rinse has the Xylitol packets...most drug stores/pharmacy places have it.. you can also get it online..


My husband and I have had it before covid, buy its worse after covid in 2001 and 2002. I tried allergy pills. doesn't work except maybe clear the headache. What I find works and lets me sleep is Mucus ER. Its the cheap Mucinex or the store band Equate from Walmart which is a lot cheaper. I have digestive problems too and chronic alternating constipation and diarrhea. Im looking for help for that. Good luck to you.


So Finding this thread, I too have a constant post nasal drip, and cough (constant phlegm in the lungs) from what I believe is caused by the covid vaccine,... and it drives me and family members nuts... though it does seem to be better than the alternative of having all the phlegm dry up to a solid mass thereby making it impossible to breathe. I tried Mucinex pre covid and it helped, but now the sheer volume increase of phlegm has me concerned at the possible danger of not being able to breathe if i try Mucinex again. I am concerned, and will try to reduce sugar intake, but i am also glad that i am not alone in this matter. I just hope places like the Mayo Clinic will not just brush this off with an "Its fine, it will just go away statement". I've been dealing with this added constant phlegm for over a year now, and am sad that the vaccine that may have saved my life will now shorten it due to these irritating side effects.


So Finding this thread, I too have a constant post nasal drip, and cough (constant phlegm in the lungs) from what I believe is caused by the covid vaccine,... and it drives me and family members nuts... though it does seem to be better than the alternative of having all the phlegm dry up to a solid mass thereby making it impossible to breathe. I tried Mucinex pre covid and it helped, but now the sheer volume increase of phlegm has me concerned at the possible danger of not being able to breathe if i try Mucinex again. I am concerned, and will try to reduce sugar intake, but i am also glad that i am not alone in this matter. I just hope places like the Mayo Clinic will not just brush this off with an "Its fine, it will just go away statement". I've been dealing with this added constant phlegm for over a year now, and am sad that the vaccine that may have saved my life will now shorten it due to these irritating side effects.

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I am three years with your symptoms plus extreme weakness, dizziness, balance, double vision, speech impediment, and occasional confusion.
I’m 91, with otherwise exceptional health…
Vitals of a 50 year old.
Where do I go from here?
All this occurred after receiving second Pfizer jab.
Thank you.


So Finding this thread, I too have a constant post nasal drip, and cough (constant phlegm in the lungs) from what I believe is caused by the covid vaccine,... and it drives me and family members nuts... though it does seem to be better than the alternative of having all the phlegm dry up to a solid mass thereby making it impossible to breathe. I tried Mucinex pre covid and it helped, but now the sheer volume increase of phlegm has me concerned at the possible danger of not being able to breathe if i try Mucinex again. I am concerned, and will try to reduce sugar intake, but i am also glad that i am not alone in this matter. I just hope places like the Mayo Clinic will not just brush this off with an "Its fine, it will just go away statement". I've been dealing with this added constant phlegm for over a year now, and am sad that the vaccine that may have saved my life will now shorten it due to these irritating side effects.

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I've had the same symptoms since I got Covid last December. Recently, I started taking a prescription strength Naproxen and it helps. You may want to talk to your doctor about it.


I don't have any suggestions to add, but I just want to say this thread has been so reassuring. I've been having a host of weird symptoms (nausea, headaches, body aches, fatigue, afib, the list goes on and on) since getting sick in November 2022, and one constant has been post-nasal drip. All my doctors were dismissive of long COVID because post-nasal drip (to their knowledge) isn't specifically a COVID symptom. I feel justified in knowing so many others have the same issue. Thank you everyone for sharing!

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