Chronic Digestive Disorders

Posted by rozy288 @rozy288, Jun 5, 2021

I am suffering 7 years with chronic digestive disorders , that take me out every day and night . I have Chronic Gastritis, Esophagitis, Class B GERD , small Hiatal hernia , diverticulosis. The worse thing is , I deep wet beach what tastes like sewer water 2000-3000 x a day/ night . My gut can’t handle any kind of food . It just constantly churns and is so loud , non stop . I live on Ultra Pepto . I’ve tried everything under the sun , RX wise , holistic wise , diet and elimination wise . Had so many tests done ✅. Even did acupuncture and 3 sessions of hypnotherapy. 6 Gastro Drs , in 2 states . I’m not celiac and no h pylori . I Eat small and healthy when I can eat . No fast food , no caffeine , low sugar ( just fruit) low dairy . Tried Keto and Gluten free . I’m on waitlist for Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville 6 weeks now . I’m a medical mystery and it’s now getting to me emotionally. I can’t lead a normal life . So much I want to do and I’m always sick . No Dr. has helped yet . I pray daily for relief of symptoms. Even for a day or two of relief. I’m desperately seeking and tried everything they make for gut health on Amazon. Today I will start on antidepressant . I’m sick if I eat or don’t eat and have empty stomach. We rarely go out to lunch and never to dinner . Just cook at Home . My poor body is getting weary of this . 7 years taken away and counting .
Thanks, Rosemary

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I don’t eat uncooked veggies , once in a while some celery ( not much ). I stay away from salads although I like them very much . I usually eat mango or a good apple if it’s fruit or cherrys if in season . I do like blueberries and strawberries 🍓 but don’t eat many of those . I’m low low dairy ( no milk of any kind for 7 years), even tried lactose free. I do not have Celiac they said , not do I have SIBO ( was tested a few times ), I have tried a Gluten free diet but no change . I just tried Keto but not for full 28 days , no change. I take a good prebiotic ( and have tried probiotics) along with everything else holistic they make for the gut and intestines. We eat lean meat and a lot of chicken breast and sometimes Salmon or other fish . I’ve done many elimination diets over the years . The amount of gas that my own body produces in one day/ and at night is what most people produce in a month !! It’s non stop 🛑 churning , and the deep constant belching is horrendous.
7 years of this . 5 Gastro Dr’s diff RX ‘s , sessions of hypnotherapy ( that didn’t work). Visaral Massage , Myan Massage , you name it . I’ve tried it . My diagnosis is always same , Gastritis, Esphogitis , Clas B GERD , small hiatal hernia , some IBS . It breaks my sleep as I belch over 3000 x a day and night . Comes out both ways too , mostly belching .
No caffeine since I was a teen ( I’ve had PVC flair ups all my life ), no sweets , I eat small and healthy. Just like my stomach cannot tolerate anything .
Still waiting on Mayo Clinic to call me back ( Jacksonville). I’m still on waitlist. Had last colonoscopy and endoscopy last June and many , many tests prior at Duke in NC . I live on Ultra Pepto. I’m now on antidepressant and have anxiety meds because of all this .
I’m 59 .. this has changed me and not for the better . Thanks for sharing your story and input . I appreciate it so much , Rosemary 😌

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@rozy288 288
I too have tried to get in the GI Dept. at Mayo / Jacksonville, but denied at least twice now. Did they offer you a waiting list or did you have to ask? I'm just so frustrated at trying to get an appt. and being told no longer accepting new patients. I sure hope you get your call and can be seen. Any advice?


@rozy288 288
I too have tried to get in the GI Dept. at Mayo / Jacksonville, but denied at least twice now. Did they offer you a waiting list or did you have to ask? I'm just so frustrated at trying to get an appt. and being told no longer accepting new patients. I sure hope you get your call and can be seen. Any advice?

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They got my GI Dr’s referral w/ my old and newest records 7 weeks ago at Mayo Clinic. They called me 3 weeks later to let me know I’d be put on waitlist for a Gastro Dr. there ( I want televisit first since I’m 3 hrs away). I called them 2 weeks later and I’m still on lost ( in case they get a cancellation she said ). Then this week I called GI scheduling again , I practically pleaded with the nice lady . She said she understands and will put a note to Patient Coordinator Dept. That was Mon , she said she would call me back . Today is Fri Jun 11 th 2021 . I’m not sure if I’ll get in or off the waitlist? @clutch they did offer me only waitlist . Someone said on here , just keep calling them every week and sometimes you get lucky ?? They told you they were not taking new GI patients now ? When was this ?? I sure hope it’s not true !! I know they go by severity of diagnosis. I think 7 years of a ruined life is enough to get you in. Keep trying . Keep me posted and visa versa . God Speed . Rosemary 🙏


@ rozy288
My husband keeps wanting me to go out on the boat with him. I don't think I could handle the jostling of the boat. I told him to get his brother or sister to go.. but he says it just isn't the same without you. I am still very limited on things I can do. .. I have other body problems. I had a SI joint fusion about 6 weeks ago. So far I think it worked. It changed my walk a bit so I am dealing with sore muscles and still some pain in surgery area. My ribs are giving me problems from the open surgery in 2015, but my pain specialist says he has found a way to help me with that pain, but have to get past this SI joint fusion first. I have missed out on a lot of things.. especially since 2012. I missed Thanksgiving dinners because the thought of food was overwhelming. Not a lot of bending.. don't lift over 10 pounds. Guess how much my last granddaughter weighed at birth.. I picked her up anyway. With my husband scolding me. Sometimes the pain is worth it. 😄 I have wanted to play with my grands and missed on doing a lot with them. We have 4 grands.

Covid has really messed everyone's working systems up. The Mayo Clinic is no exception. My doctors in home town .. they try not to have their waiting rooms full. They are beginning to relax with it some. Even though I have been vaccinated I will wear a mask in public.

Back to you. Have you kept a journal? Write in it what happens after you eat.. how long it lasted.. how much you ate. Does anything make it worse.. anything make it better… how lousy you feel. Yes, how you feel mentally.. write it down. All of it plays an important part in what is going on with your body. Have a written outline of your journal and of what you want to discuss with the doctors when you do talk with them. Take notes. Have someone with you if possible. An extra set of ears are definitely a good idea. My husband is the note taker. They may want to know what medications you are taking.. so have that handy. Sometimes they ask about your family health history… mostly parents, siblings, and grandparents.

I pray all goes well and you can get back to a happy life.


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@fourof5zs I just read your post and think that you have offered a lot of good suggestions. The keeping of a journal to record foods, symptoms is great. Taking a list of questions for the doctor is also a good idea.


I can’t wait on Mayo Clinic anymore, I called last week again to Gastro Scheduling ( 3 rd time ) in now 8 weeks on waitlist. Lady was very nice and was going to pass on to patient coordinator and get back to me in a day or two). Well it’s another week of suffering. I made appt at Cleveland Clinic in Weston , FL ( West of FLL) main branch in FLA .
I got televisit appt for July 9 th but I need to switch to a different Dr. so I’m hoping the wait isn’t too much longer than that .
Thanks for your input on here everyone. I’ll keep you posted on next step .
Praying 🙏 we all get healed soon . Rosemary


@clutch did they really say they are not taking new Gastro Patients when you called Mayo Clinic Jacksonville? I’m still on waitlist 8 weeks … I did make appt with Cleveland Clinic Weston Fla for televisit. The Dr. is only 38 , I hope she’s good and can finally help me ! I’m going to call Mayo for 3 rd time today to keep checking w/ them though .


I can’t wait on Mayo Clinic anymore, I called last week again to Gastro Scheduling ( 3 rd time ) in now 8 weeks on waitlist. Lady was very nice and was going to pass on to patient coordinator and get back to me in a day or two). Well it’s another week of suffering. I made appt at Cleveland Clinic in Weston , FL ( West of FLL) main branch in FLA .
I got televisit appt for July 9 th but I need to switch to a different Dr. so I’m hoping the wait isn’t too much longer than that .
Thanks for your input on here everyone. I’ll keep you posted on next step .
Praying 🙏 we all get healed soon . Rosemary

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I am so glad you got into Westin. Even once you start at mayo, it is a lot of back and forth for months. I am still not done with testing. And I still do not know anything more than i already knew. So I think this is a great option for you and I wish you all the best! message me and let me know how it goes when you do your virtual visit. I am thinking of seeking another opinion there.


@clutch did they really say they are not taking new Gastro Patients when you called Mayo Clinic Jacksonville? I’m still on waitlist 8 weeks … I did make appt with Cleveland Clinic Weston Fla for televisit. The Dr. is only 38 , I hope she’s good and can finally help me ! I’m going to call Mayo for 3 rd time today to keep checking w/ them though .

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@rozy288 ,
Yes. They communicated with my GI doctor that they were booking appointments 6 months to a year out and as of now no longer accepting new patients. I followed that up with a call myself to a Mayo GI scheduling coordinator who told me the exact same thing. I plan on calling again and asking about a waiting list, because that's more than I have right now! That makes three times I have been turned down by Mayo. Very frustrating. I must be doing something wrong !


@rozy288 ,
Yes. They communicated with my GI doctor that they were booking appointments 6 months to a year out and as of now no longer accepting new patients. I followed that up with a call myself to a Mayo GI scheduling coordinator who told me the exact same thing. I plan on calling again and asking about a waiting list, because that's more than I have right now! That makes three times I have been turned down by Mayo. Very frustrating. I must be doing something wrong !

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@clutch wow !! Yes they have a waitlist or cancellation list . I too spoke to GI scheduling 3 x . I’ve been on it for 7-8 weeks . Where do you live ? Have you considered Cleveland Clinic in Weston, FL like I just scheduled a televisit with ? Or better yet Cleveland clinic in Ohio? Are used to live an hour from there for 23 years, now I wish I still did so I could go there ( minus the cold weather)!! I’m in West Melbourne, FLA now .
I think it depends on your diagnosis and how severe it is if you get into mayo clinic in Jacksonville? Maybe you have to be critical or close to it ? I don’t know 🤷‍♀️. It sure is frustrating as you know . Keep calling them . Have your Gastro Dr. send over something stating you need to be seen ASAP . I’ve only seen this new Gastro Dr. here once ( I’ve had many prior ) and he said for me to go to Mayo and sent referral and records but I don’t think he said how severe my problems are ( thus the waitlist). Ugh 😑, right . Keep me posted .


@clutch wow !! Yes they have a waitlist or cancellation list . I too spoke to GI scheduling 3 x . I’ve been on it for 7-8 weeks . Where do you live ? Have you considered Cleveland Clinic in Weston, FL like I just scheduled a televisit with ? Or better yet Cleveland clinic in Ohio? Are used to live an hour from there for 23 years, now I wish I still did so I could go there ( minus the cold weather)!! I’m in West Melbourne, FLA now .
I think it depends on your diagnosis and how severe it is if you get into mayo clinic in Jacksonville? Maybe you have to be critical or close to it ? I don’t know 🤷‍♀️. It sure is frustrating as you know . Keep calling them . Have your Gastro Dr. send over something stating you need to be seen ASAP . I’ve only seen this new Gastro Dr. here once ( I’ve had many prior ) and he said for me to go to Mayo and sent referral and records but I don’t think he said how severe my problems are ( thus the waitlist). Ugh 😑, right . Keep me posted .

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Yes you too @rozy288 .


Thank you for your post......very helpful. Which probiotic did your Naturopath suggest?

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It was called Ultra Flora Probiotic …I do remember that is was a live probiotic, meaning its cultures were alive and it needed refrigeration. I have taken a probiotic for 10 years now. She also suggested Gallataine and DGL as digestive aids. The results of the diet change and supplements were amazing.

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