Chronic Digestive Disorders

Posted by rozy288 @rozy288, Jun 5, 2021

I am suffering 7 years with chronic digestive disorders , that take me out every day and night . I have Chronic Gastritis, Esophagitis, Class B GERD , small Hiatal hernia , diverticulosis. The worse thing is , I deep wet beach what tastes like sewer water 2000-3000 x a day/ night . My gut can’t handle any kind of food . It just constantly churns and is so loud , non stop . I live on Ultra Pepto . I’ve tried everything under the sun , RX wise , holistic wise , diet and elimination wise . Had so many tests done ✅. Even did acupuncture and 3 sessions of hypnotherapy. 6 Gastro Drs , in 2 states . I’m not celiac and no h pylori . I Eat small and healthy when I can eat . No fast food , no caffeine , low sugar ( just fruit) low dairy . Tried Keto and Gluten free . I’m on waitlist for Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville 6 weeks now . I’m a medical mystery and it’s now getting to me emotionally. I can’t lead a normal life . So much I want to do and I’m always sick . No Dr. has helped yet . I pray daily for relief of symptoms. Even for a day or two of relief. I’m desperately seeking and tried everything they make for gut health on Amazon. Today I will start on antidepressant . I’m sick if I eat or don’t eat and have empty stomach. We rarely go out to lunch and never to dinner . Just cook at Home . My poor body is getting weary of this . 7 years taken away and counting .
Thanks, Rosemary

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I’m praying for you too …. We are in a horrible place in this life and having people understand it is so key . Most are sick of hearing about it , so I just don’t talk on phone anymore to anyone because I feel like I don’t have anything good to say . I just ask them how they are if I do .

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I can’t imagine 10 years feeling like you have😔 I have been sick everyday for the past 16 months with never a relief from feeling horrible. I have all the symptoms you do. Have been to 6 GI doctors, 2 ENT, 2 surgeons. 4 endoscopies, Manometry, the worst, scans, ultrasounds, biopsies, gastric emptying. All this in the past year. The last scope was done a month ago at UCLA by an interventional endoscopic surgeon. Did an EUS, endoflip, wireguided dilation, previous 3 dilations have been balloon, and he was checking to see if I have Achalasia. Now I will start taking a low dose, 10ml of an antidepressant, Nortriptyline. Hoping it will help with the nerves in the esophagus and stomach. I’m trying to keep hopefully but it is difficult.
Can’t eat hardly anything which makes it difficult to gain any weight. Hope you can enjoy your vacation but I understand with feeling so sick and fatigued, it’s hard to even do simple things. You are right no one wants to hear about it after this long. They just don’t understand how it feels to have this everyday.


I can’t imagine 10 years feeling like you have😔 I have been sick everyday for the past 16 months with never a relief from feeling horrible. I have all the symptoms you do. Have been to 6 GI doctors, 2 ENT, 2 surgeons. 4 endoscopies, Manometry, the worst, scans, ultrasounds, biopsies, gastric emptying. All this in the past year. The last scope was done a month ago at UCLA by an interventional endoscopic surgeon. Did an EUS, endoflip, wireguided dilation, previous 3 dilations have been balloon, and he was checking to see if I have Achalasia. Now I will start taking a low dose, 10ml of an antidepressant, Nortriptyline. Hoping it will help with the nerves in the esophagus and stomach. I’m trying to keep hopefully but it is difficult.
Can’t eat hardly anything which makes it difficult to gain any weight. Hope you can enjoy your vacation but I understand with feeling so sick and fatigued, it’s hard to even do simple things. You are right no one wants to hear about it after this long. They just don’t understand how it feels to have this everyday.

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Ridiculous after all those intense tests we have done ☑️. The only solution they gave you in low dose anti depressant.
It’s a nightmare that we can’t wake up from .
I’ll keep you in prayer 🙏. I’m just as sick here on vacation unfortunately.


I can’t imagine 10 years feeling like you have😔 I have been sick everyday for the past 16 months with never a relief from feeling horrible. I have all the symptoms you do. Have been to 6 GI doctors, 2 ENT, 2 surgeons. 4 endoscopies, Manometry, the worst, scans, ultrasounds, biopsies, gastric emptying. All this in the past year. The last scope was done a month ago at UCLA by an interventional endoscopic surgeon. Did an EUS, endoflip, wireguided dilation, previous 3 dilations have been balloon, and he was checking to see if I have Achalasia. Now I will start taking a low dose, 10ml of an antidepressant, Nortriptyline. Hoping it will help with the nerves in the esophagus and stomach. I’m trying to keep hopefully but it is difficult.
Can’t eat hardly anything which makes it difficult to gain any weight. Hope you can enjoy your vacation but I understand with feeling so sick and fatigued, it’s hard to even do simple things. You are right no one wants to hear about it after this long. They just don’t understand how it feels to have this everyday.

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Hello I have been suffering with stomach pain, large intestine pain, colon pain, diverticulosis and mild diverticulitis, sensitive esophagus, plus had a fall to head and now have a brain lesion and trigeminal neuralgia. The drs can’t figure out why I have pain all the time before and after I eat. I also always feel like I can’t push out still but I’m not constipated. I understand how you feel. Last 3 years I feel sick everyday with pain. Meds don’t help. I can’t taste food to much. Prayer and faith in God is what helps me. I hope they can figure out your issues. DM


I have pain too. My pain is not constant. I went to the emergency room for stomach pain about two weeks ago. They
sent me home with pain pills.


I saw this interesting article that I thought I would share. I have not been diagnosed with IBS but do have digestive issues and was thinking this might be really helpful.

--- Gas-sensing capsule to help people with gut disorders:


I can’t imagine 10 years feeling like you have😔 I have been sick everyday for the past 16 months with never a relief from feeling horrible. I have all the symptoms you do. Have been to 6 GI doctors, 2 ENT, 2 surgeons. 4 endoscopies, Manometry, the worst, scans, ultrasounds, biopsies, gastric emptying. All this in the past year. The last scope was done a month ago at UCLA by an interventional endoscopic surgeon. Did an EUS, endoflip, wireguided dilation, previous 3 dilations have been balloon, and he was checking to see if I have Achalasia. Now I will start taking a low dose, 10ml of an antidepressant, Nortriptyline. Hoping it will help with the nerves in the esophagus and stomach. I’m trying to keep hopefully but it is difficult.
Can’t eat hardly anything which makes it difficult to gain any weight. Hope you can enjoy your vacation but I understand with feeling so sick and fatigued, it’s hard to even do simple things. You are right no one wants to hear about it after this long. They just don’t understand how it feels to have this everyday.

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I’m so sorry for your issues. They sound like mine. I’m in constant pain in my upper abdomen. I can’t eat much and just continue to lose weight. I’ve had 4 different tests and 2 EGDs and nothing turns up. My dr just sends results of the tests with no comments. Can’t see her until November 28. I’m very frustrated. I know how you feel. I’m fortunate I have many people praying for me or I don’t know what I’d do. Hang in there.


I’m so sorry for your issues. They sound like mine. I’m in constant pain in my upper abdomen. I can’t eat much and just continue to lose weight. I’ve had 4 different tests and 2 EGDs and nothing turns up. My dr just sends results of the tests with no comments. Can’t see her until November 28. I’m very frustrated. I know how you feel. I’m fortunate I have many people praying for me or I don’t know what I’d do. Hang in there.

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In 2021, I went to the ER six times in a course of maybe three months for pain on right side of abdomen. Also experienced nausea w/little appetite. An ultrasound was performed the 1st time. I can't remember what other imaging tests were performed. I would be sent home with PPIs. Finally I was referred to a surgeon. He said that he thought my gallbladder had to come out. I then said that previous tests didn't show anything. He said that scans don't pick up everything in a given time. So I had my gallbladder removed. The pain disappeared but it took my body 3 months to return to normal. I lost about 20 lbs. Worst year of my life. It felt like a slow death. And to top it off, I then had a spontaneous CSF leak at the end of that year. It took my body 6 months to recover from that. I then developed a frozen shoulder the following year because of all the stress on my body.


In 2021, I went to the ER six times in a course of maybe three months for pain on right side of abdomen. Also experienced nausea w/little appetite. An ultrasound was performed the 1st time. I can't remember what other imaging tests were performed. I would be sent home with PPIs. Finally I was referred to a surgeon. He said that he thought my gallbladder had to come out. I then said that previous tests didn't show anything. He said that scans don't pick up everything in a given time. So I had my gallbladder removed. The pain disappeared but it took my body 3 months to return to normal. I lost about 20 lbs. Worst year of my life. It felt like a slow death. And to top it off, I then had a spontaneous CSF leak at the end of that year. It took my body 6 months to recover from that. I then developed a frozen shoulder the following year because of all the stress on my body.

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Thank you for sharing Jackie. I’ve had my gallbladder checked several times and it never shows anything. I’m glad you’re on the mend and I pray you’ll be completely healed.


I saw this interesting article that I thought I would share. I have not been diagnosed with IBS but do have digestive issues and was thinking this might be really helpful.

--- Gas-sensing capsule to help people with gut disorders:

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I read this article John and it sounds very promising. I’m amazed at how many people have digestive issues. Where I live, Grand Rapids, MI, it’s very difficult to get into my gastroenterologist. I’ve been trying for a year now. I’ve seen my dr at a couple of the tests she performed but I can’t see her until the end of this month. I finally sent her a message about how frustrated I was. I guess there’s a shortage of gastroenterologists in this area. I’m thinking of trying to get an appt at Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville as well be in Florida for a month this winter.

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