Ascending Aortic Dilation - Ascending Aortic Aneurysm

Posted by rory @rory, Apr 2, 2018

I was diagnosed in 2012 with ascending aorta dialation of 4.1 cm. In 2013 no change. Finally went back to dr in 2017 and echo showed 4.3 cm. 2 months later dr made me have a chest scan which read 4.5 cm. which is correct? Echo or scan? Dr wants me to have another in 6 months. Very stressful.

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MRI or scan are the best, I prefer MRI.


Here I am posting on my own question again. I played around with my online words and got more information. The B vitamins are associated with control of aortic root growth in studies of the Marfan group, as recently as 2022. I personally want to attack this thing naturally, so I will be looking at the plethora of foods high in the B vitamins. While I do not have Marfan, it is one of the connective tissue disorders heavily associated with aneurysm, as is common knowledge. Vitamin B foods are easy to eat. So I plan to go that direction. Maybe my information search will benefit someone reading this, however clumsy I have been putting it out there.


When I was diagnosed I was told the standard was 5cm for an aneurysm. Mine was 4 and a year later while waiting for an annual check up (2 months overdue) I had an emergency aortic dissection - I was life flighted to Mayo. My aneurysm measured 4.5. I had no symptoms, no other conditions, no heart problems, no medications if any kind. I would be careful about any number you are given. Make sure you are monitored!! And closely.

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Of course that I am monitoring. My doctor told me at Beth Israel MRI every two years

Also for my other operation aortic every year MRI


I agree with you. Since numbers (size) determine when surgery will be performed, the technicians must be more careful. I have an AAA, and my last scan stated it was 3.3. Last year, the scan stated 3.6. The doctor said he will operate when it's 5.0. What and who are we supposed to believe when the doctor doesn't even notice? I just had a popliteal aneurysm bypass because it was over 2.0. They found another popliteal aneurysm in my other leg and didn't even specify the size of it. When I brought it to the doctor, he said, "That's strange." I am so frustrated and angry over this.


Here I am posting on my own question again. I played around with my online words and got more information. The B vitamins are associated with control of aortic root growth in studies of the Marfan group, as recently as 2022. I personally want to attack this thing naturally, so I will be looking at the plethora of foods high in the B vitamins. While I do not have Marfan, it is one of the connective tissue disorders heavily associated with aneurysm, as is common knowledge. Vitamin B foods are easy to eat. So I plan to go that direction. Maybe my information search will benefit someone reading this, however clumsy I have been putting it out there.

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I have an AAA, and it's the size is 3.6. I've never had an MRI or Scan. They only use ultrasound.


I agree with you. Since numbers (size) determine when surgery will be performed, the technicians must be more careful. I have an AAA, and my last scan stated it was 3.3. Last year, the scan stated 3.6. The doctor said he will operate when it's 5.0. What and who are we supposed to believe when the doctor doesn't even notice? I just had a popliteal aneurysm bypass because it was over 2.0. They found another popliteal aneurysm in my other leg and didn't even specify the size of it. When I brought it to the doctor, he said, "That's strange." I am so frustrated and angry over this.

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How do they find these small anyerism. What caused them to look for them.


How do they find these small anyerism. What caused them to look for them.

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My small popliteal aneurysm was found while my veins were being mapped for my large popliteal aneurysm surgery. They used ultrasound to locate it.


My small popliteal aneurysm was found while my veins were being mapped for my large popliteal aneurysm surgery. They used ultrasound to locate it.

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Thanks ,for your reply

Lots luck


I have an AAA, and it's the size is 3.6. I've never had an MRI or Scan. They only use ultrasound.

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Hi Katya12. I see you responded to my post from last summer regarding use of vit B rich foods . I feel a need to clarify that my approach using targeted nutrients is in conjunction with blood pressure meds and a statin.... Definitely not in place of the established meds. I want to make sure it is read in context. I am still plugging away at nutritional management, along with meds and exercise modifications. My ascending aneurysm appears stable at this point, and I hope it stays that way with help from my heavily plant based nutrition plan and vit D rich foods. Good luck managing yours. It does help to share discussiins.


Hi Katya12. I see you responded to my post from last summer regarding use of vit B rich foods . I feel a need to clarify that my approach using targeted nutrients is in conjunction with blood pressure meds and a statin.... Definitely not in place of the established meds. I want to make sure it is read in context. I am still plugging away at nutritional management, along with meds and exercise modifications. My ascending aneurysm appears stable at this point, and I hope it stays that way with help from my heavily plant based nutrition plan and vit D rich foods. Good luck managing yours. It does help to share discussiins.

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I'm working on my diet now because I have been told if I don't eat a heart-healthy diet, I am not going to live much longer. All of my arteries are full of plaque. This mostly came about because of my terrible eating habits. I lost my sense of smell and taste in the late 80's due to osteomyelitis of my sinuses, thus, bad eating habits. Now that I have three aneurysms and I'm in heart failure, I have to eat healthier.
Thank you for your guidance. I need all the help I can get

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