Anyone experienced post covid tingling near mouth area

Posted by ihndz @ihndz, Mar 10, 2023

I had covid in 2020 and again January 2023, suddenly I started feeling weird, first it was a light numbness by my left lip like when you have dental work and the lip is waking up then it changed into a mild tingling sensation whenever I pass my hand gently
by my left jawline area, it's near my lower lip area on the left side only. I went to a neurologist yesterday, he prescribed a muscle relaxant to see if that will help and an MRI of my brain for next Tuesday to make sure everything is ok. Im just curious if anyone experienced something similar after covid19. Thanks in advance

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Hi @ihndz, know how frustrating this new unknown can be. You’re in the right place. When you are up to it, scrolling thru posts will see many who have tingling, numbness, weird sensations in many areas. Your neurologist already addressing you seriously with brain mri and hopeful this community can support and help you maneuver anything!🙂


Yes. I was never posted positive but has got ill several times. I have also had vaccine after which my symptoms have got worse with new symptoms developing as time passes. I began to have my symptoms in around April 2021 with tingling in extremities and especially left abdominal and left pelvic pain. I also had itchy upper lip area and a little swelling on upper left lip. A year later, I have also had my first vibration sensation occurred at my left shoulder. I also have had tingling around left lip, lower left jaw, low left cheek. A few months later, this followed with internal abdominal vibrations that sometimes goes up to my chin and lips. I changed my diet which has helped a bit with the vibrations; go and find in my profile that post posted under this forum. This is just a summary of my complex symptoms. I still have no idea what's going on with my body which is out of control; all tests etc seem to be "normal" so far.


Yes. I was never posted positive but has got ill several times. I have also had vaccine after which my symptoms have got worse with new symptoms developing as time passes. I began to have my symptoms in around April 2021 with tingling in extremities and especially left abdominal and left pelvic pain. I also had itchy upper lip area and a little swelling on upper left lip. A year later, I have also had my first vibration sensation occurred at my left shoulder. I also have had tingling around left lip, lower left jaw, low left cheek. A few months later, this followed with internal abdominal vibrations that sometimes goes up to my chin and lips. I changed my diet which has helped a bit with the vibrations; go and find in my profile that post posted under this forum. This is just a summary of my complex symptoms. I still have no idea what's going on with my body which is out of control; all tests etc seem to be "normal" so far.

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I don't have tingling but do have random all over itching, including face & lips, torso, extremities, scalp.Once I scratch one spot other areas pop up. I try not to even scratch the 1st one to avoid the cascade. Wakes me up at night even. Nothing visible. I've switched hair&shower products....doesn't matter.


Yes. I was never posted positive but has got ill several times. I have also had vaccine after which my symptoms have got worse with new symptoms developing as time passes. I began to have my symptoms in around April 2021 with tingling in extremities and especially left abdominal and left pelvic pain. I also had itchy upper lip area and a little swelling on upper left lip. A year later, I have also had my first vibration sensation occurred at my left shoulder. I also have had tingling around left lip, lower left jaw, low left cheek. A few months later, this followed with internal abdominal vibrations that sometimes goes up to my chin and lips. I changed my diet which has helped a bit with the vibrations; go and find in my profile that post posted under this forum. This is just a summary of my complex symptoms. I still have no idea what's going on with my body which is out of control; all tests etc seem to be "normal" so far.

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Hi, what does internal vibrations mean?? I see that you too had some tingling, I have a mild strange sensation whenever I touch my lower left lip/chin area. Similar to a tingling or a vibration or very mild electric nerve action, I can't even decribe it correctly lol. I don't know if i mentioned that in Oct 2022 a new dentist did a simple dental procedure and he hit my nerve twice, hurt like hell. The numbness was on my left jaw/gum line for at least a month, I dont know if this new symptom is related to that because it has been at least 4 months from Oct to Feb. I'm so confused. Hopefully the MRI comes back clean.


Good to read all of your posts. I succumbed to COVID May 2022. Was pretty sick and it took a long while to get back to my usual activities i.e. gym running, gardening, housework etc. I have carried symptoms over that time but was able to get on with my life e.g. muscle pain/ discomfort in left hip and generally. Plus more fatigue than I can remember in my whole life. About 2 weeks ago I developed a sensitivity on the left side of my top lip. It feels exactly like a cold sore brewing. But no cold sore. Then about 4 days ago I started to feel really unwell; mega fatigue, headache, appetite on and off and of course aches and pains. So I may have the virus again. I am an oldie but a fit one, however I think my age, arthritis and struggling immune system is not coping. Not sure where to go now to be tested
Yes I know! Check google. Thank you for reading my post.😀


Hi Kell, I feel the weird sensation of tingling or electric nerves on my lower ledt lip area including the part inder the mouth if i touch or caress gently my left chin area, so freaking weird. I also have like a sciata pain on my right hip area. Not sure what or why is going on, I took a muscle relaxant and honestly that hip thing feels much better than before. In regards to where to get tested. I'm not sure where you live but I have seen the kiosks all over the city, if not go to your nearest clinic or hospital they offer free testing there too, good luck 👍 clyclobenzaprine is the meds that is helping me w the pain Im taking a very low dose 5mg.


Hi, what does internal vibrations mean?? I see that you too had some tingling, I have a mild strange sensation whenever I touch my lower left lip/chin area. Similar to a tingling or a vibration or very mild electric nerve action, I can't even decribe it correctly lol. I don't know if i mentioned that in Oct 2022 a new dentist did a simple dental procedure and he hit my nerve twice, hurt like hell. The numbness was on my left jaw/gum line for at least a month, I dont know if this new symptom is related to that because it has been at least 4 months from Oct to Feb. I'm so confused. Hopefully the MRI comes back clean.

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Hi, I guess it is difficult to explain this to somwone who has not experienced it. It's a like some parts of your body acts like a vibrating cell phone. It could feel like a buzzing bee i forst thought i had a bug under my tshirt when i felt vibration on my left shoulder, and it was gone yet i have had pins and needles or still pain atbmy left shoulder. Or vibrations could be wide spread like abdominal vibrations, feels like all nerves(?)/veins(?)/cells(?) or a branching net inside your body intensely vibrate feeling like you are given electricity. For some it becomes 7/24, like me. It can get intense or get lighter more obvious when you lie down if it gets calm during the day. It feels it has to do something with the flow of blood, I mean flawed blood circulation, or infected veins, or a reaction to foreign bodies like infection or toxins. Over sensitisation is a syndrom not the root cause, I guess.

I also hqd left side teeth problem which I hope to write later. But in general I have had many symptoms...


Hi, I guess it is difficult to explain this to somwone who has not experienced it. It's a like some parts of your body acts like a vibrating cell phone. It could feel like a buzzing bee i forst thought i had a bug under my tshirt when i felt vibration on my left shoulder, and it was gone yet i have had pins and needles or still pain atbmy left shoulder. Or vibrations could be wide spread like abdominal vibrations, feels like all nerves(?)/veins(?)/cells(?) or a branching net inside your body intensely vibrate feeling like you are given electricity. For some it becomes 7/24, like me. It can get intense or get lighter more obvious when you lie down if it gets calm during the day. It feels it has to do something with the flow of blood, I mean flawed blood circulation, or infected veins, or a reaction to foreign bodies like infection or toxins. Over sensitisation is a syndrom not the root cause, I guess.

I also hqd left side teeth problem which I hope to write later. But in general I have had many symptoms...

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I understand exactly what your talking about I’ve had same feeling thru out my body since last May. It started really intense and then calmed down. I’ve had 3 vaccines and still feel it has something to do with vaccines or getting covid. Right now I have good days/bad days of mostly buzzing in my legs. At night it’s really bad and my legs feel so weak when walking. I have been to a neurologist, heart doctor, primary doctor with extensive blood work, MRI and no one can say what it is except restless leg syndrome. I know its not that because I don’t have the need to move my legs with this issue. So everyday I live with this buzzing, vibrating, and muscle spasms and everyday I hope they will not be there the next day…..take care of yourself and hopefully someday they will discover what has caused these issues.


I understand exactly what your talking about I’ve had same feeling thru out my body since last May. It started really intense and then calmed down. I’ve had 3 vaccines and still feel it has something to do with vaccines or getting covid. Right now I have good days/bad days of mostly buzzing in my legs. At night it’s really bad and my legs feel so weak when walking. I have been to a neurologist, heart doctor, primary doctor with extensive blood work, MRI and no one can say what it is except restless leg syndrome. I know its not that because I don’t have the need to move my legs with this issue. So everyday I live with this buzzing, vibrating, and muscle spasms and everyday I hope they will not be there the next day…..take care of yourself and hopefully someday they will discover what has caused these issues.

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Thank you for your thoughtful message I hope so... Because it feels no one understands. Thanks. The buzzing at the back of left knee began in December 2022 and spread around. I feel it from time to time. I do have muscle(?) twitches as well. Have you tried massaging with natural oil to your legs? Of course I am not sure but I use some supplements (see my post under my profile if you like) and apply a mixture of oil on my body which seem to work. I am not sure what exactly but maybe give it a try every night. Maybe it is the light massage itself who knows. I mix a lot of oils but maybe start with virgin oilve oil and pure coconut oil and lavender to see if the vibrations gets weak or occur less...


Thank you for your thoughtful message I hope so... Because it feels no one understands. Thanks. The buzzing at the back of left knee began in December 2022 and spread around. I feel it from time to time. I do have muscle(?) twitches as well. Have you tried massaging with natural oil to your legs? Of course I am not sure but I use some supplements (see my post under my profile if you like) and apply a mixture of oil on my body which seem to work. I am not sure what exactly but maybe give it a try every night. Maybe it is the light massage itself who knows. I mix a lot of oils but maybe start with virgin oilve oil and pure coconut oil and lavender to see if the vibrations gets weak or occur less...

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Thank you for your ideas, it’s worth a try. I also read from someone else that Vitamin C might be helpful too.

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