Anyone experienced post covid tingling near mouth area

Posted by ihndz @ihndz, Mar 10, 2023

I had covid in 2020 and again January 2023, suddenly I started feeling weird, first it was a light numbness by my left lip like when you have dental work and the lip is waking up then it changed into a mild tingling sensation whenever I pass my hand gently
by my left jawline area, it's near my lower lip area on the left side only. I went to a neurologist yesterday, he prescribed a muscle relaxant to see if that will help and an MRI of my brain for next Tuesday to make sure everything is ok. Im just curious if anyone experienced something similar after covid19. Thanks in advance

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Thank you for your ideas, it’s worth a try. I also read from someone else that Vitamin C might be helpful too.

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Yes, whenever I take high dose of vitamin C, it usually seem to reduce other symptoms as well. But it still depends what I also eat that day; if i eat or drink something that may aggravate my symptoms, vitamin C seemd to be less effective. I once took 1000mg Vitamin C every four hours for 5 days and it felt good.
Nowadays I take multvitamin and mineral in the morning and strong vitamin C at night along with some other supplements.


Yes! Tingly toes, hands and buzzing legs. Numb, dry and tingly mouth. Very tired after any exertion.

Someone mentioned they changed their diet, I’d be interested to hear about this.

Full MRI and EMG normal btw.


Hi, I guess it is difficult to explain this to somwone who has not experienced it. It's a like some parts of your body acts like a vibrating cell phone. It could feel like a buzzing bee i forst thought i had a bug under my tshirt when i felt vibration on my left shoulder, and it was gone yet i have had pins and needles or still pain atbmy left shoulder. Or vibrations could be wide spread like abdominal vibrations, feels like all nerves(?)/veins(?)/cells(?) or a branching net inside your body intensely vibrate feeling like you are given electricity. For some it becomes 7/24, like me. It can get intense or get lighter more obvious when you lie down if it gets calm during the day. It feels it has to do something with the flow of blood, I mean flawed blood circulation, or infected veins, or a reaction to foreign bodies like infection or toxins. Over sensitisation is a syndrom not the root cause, I guess.

I also hqd left side teeth problem which I hope to write later. But in general I have had many symptoms...

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I relate to the idea that you can feel electricity throughout your body. Mine is constant but not severe, not painful, but it affects my stability.


Yes, whenever I take high dose of vitamin C, it usually seem to reduce other symptoms as well. But it still depends what I also eat that day; if i eat or drink something that may aggravate my symptoms, vitamin C seemd to be less effective. I once took 1000mg Vitamin C every four hours for 5 days and it felt good.
Nowadays I take multvitamin and mineral in the morning and strong vitamin C at night along with some other supplements.

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Can you tell what foods make it worse? Or better?


I relate to the idea that you can feel electricity throughout your body. Mine is constant but not severe, not painful, but it affects my stability.

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Hi, do you mean your balance?


Can you tell what foods make it worse? Or better?

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I now avoid taking multi vitamins every day. From time to time, I take vitamin C, etc. An anti-inflammatory diet has helped in my case. I was on a strict diet which reduced the vibrations significantly: gluten-free, lactose-free and sugar- free diet, no processed food. I ate low-sugar fruits like avocados, kiwis, etc. At the time, I also avoided scratchy vegetables, rice and legumes. I basically eat other vegetables, meat, fish, chicken, nuts and seeds. You may try gluten-free, lactose-free and sugar- free diet maybe. My own diet was too strict. You may try and see in your own case, it takes some time to see the results. I am now not that strict with my diet, I feel better but I try to avoid gluten and lactose as much as I can. I eat more fruits now, from time to time gluten but no lactose. I know that gluten definitely affects me negatively. I have recently been diagnosed with myofascial pain syndrome (I go to physical therapy) caused by repetitive movements. But I still have pain on my upper left side and other symptoms around my body. I also have some large lymph nodes (upper right thigh) which is still being investigated. Best wishes...


Can you tell what foods make it worse? Or better?

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By the way, you will also see best results when you practice "pacing" (to rest and to save your energy), stay away from mental and physical stress as much as you can as, in my case, it aggravates the symptoms. Best.


Hi, do you mean your balance?

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Yes, I have some physio exercises for it.


By the way, you will also see best results when you practice "pacing" (to rest and to save your energy), stay away from mental and physical stress as much as you can as, in my case, it aggravates the symptoms. Best.

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Thanks, definitely good advice.


I now avoid taking multi vitamins every day. From time to time, I take vitamin C, etc. An anti-inflammatory diet has helped in my case. I was on a strict diet which reduced the vibrations significantly: gluten-free, lactose-free and sugar- free diet, no processed food. I ate low-sugar fruits like avocados, kiwis, etc. At the time, I also avoided scratchy vegetables, rice and legumes. I basically eat other vegetables, meat, fish, chicken, nuts and seeds. You may try gluten-free, lactose-free and sugar- free diet maybe. My own diet was too strict. You may try and see in your own case, it takes some time to see the results. I am now not that strict with my diet, I feel better but I try to avoid gluten and lactose as much as I can. I eat more fruits now, from time to time gluten but no lactose. I know that gluten definitely affects me negatively. I have recently been diagnosed with myofascial pain syndrome (I go to physical therapy) caused by repetitive movements. But I still have pain on my upper left side and other symptoms around my body. I also have some large lymph nodes (upper right thigh) which is still being investigated. Best wishes...

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I’m sorry you’re experiencing so much pain. Hope your awareness of triggers will start to pay off.
A neurologist told me my buzzing experiences and mouth tingles and numbness are from hyper vigilance, due to stress. So I’m doing yoga, trying sound baths, and relaxing music!

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