Anyone diagnosed with PMR after the Pfizer vaccine?

Posted by mellee @mellee, Feb 28, 2023

I received the Pfizer covid vaccine and had horrible joint pain 8/10 as a side effect. I reported it online. 7 months later I developed horrific joint pain in my shoulders, hips and knees(same pain after the vaccine, but worse). I was ultimately diagnosed with Polymyalgia Rheumatica. I wish there was a site to go to and report these things.
I am only 57 and was a runner most of my life up to the age of 51, so I am not in horrible shape for my age. The pain from that PMR was very disabling. I am now on Hydroxychloroquine 200 mg BID and Prednisone 10 mg a day. Not happy about having to take more medications.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) Support Group.


I had all the recommended Covid vaccine shots on schedule (Canada). Mine were all Pfizer. The last one was October 2023. I was diagnosed with PMR in February 2024 but the symptoms certainly began in November 2023. My understanding is that the type of vaccine, mRNA, may be linked to occurrence of PMR. I have never had Covid. How concrete is this correlation between an MRA vaccine and PMR?

Also, my osteoarthritis, primarily in my knees, is much worse than before PMR, is there any evidence that PMR worsens osteoarthritis?

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@slf202mcinfo. I can trace the onset of PMR to the last in the series of Pfizer vaccines. The symptoms actually started the year before, they were mild, they would come and go, and I couldn’t t connect them to anything. But after I took the last Pfizer booster, all the ‘phantom’ symptoms I’d been experiencing came together, stronger, more painful and debilitating and I was diagnosed PMR. (Jan 2023) I’m lucky my internist knew how to treat it, she started me on a strong dose of Prednisone for about 2 weeks and I tapered successfully from there. I wish you the best of health.


@slf202mcinfo. I can trace the onset of PMR to the last in the series of Pfizer vaccines. The symptoms actually started the year before, they were mild, they would come and go, and I couldn’t t connect them to anything. But after I took the last Pfizer booster, all the ‘phantom’ symptoms I’d been experiencing came together, stronger, more painful and debilitating and I was diagnosed PMR. (Jan 2023) I’m lucky my internist knew how to treat it, she started me on a strong dose of Prednisone for about 2 weeks and I tapered successfully from there. I wish you the best of health.

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That is exactly my experience, first the “phantom” symptoms you mention and then the same but debilitating symptoms after my last booster. Thank you very much for sharing your experience. It definitely helps me make some sense of my own.


You are so welcome. PMR frustrating at first because you don’t know how long it will last, etc. But hang in there and you’ll get beyond this! 🌞


In November 2021 I did my civic duty and I had the Pfizer booster shot.
5 days later I found myself paralyzed and unable to basically move as the pain was excruciating. I went to the ER, informed them that the only thing I did was to get the booster, mind you I never even had Covid. To make a long story "shorter", Doctor # 7 finally diagnosed me and through research; cone to find out that if you had the Pfizer shot and you are female, over 65, caucasian AND specifically of Scandinavian decent; there is a high probability of getting PMR. I thanked Pfizer for ruining my life. Pfizer is following my case but has yet to "apologize". Life has been hell, I also had 2 strokes twice. Prednisone & Humira but neither is making much difference. I tried all the other medications as well and did the Ivermectin protocol to no avail. So, my question is to find others who developed PMR from the shot.

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I came down with Covid end of March 2022. This happened 4 months after receiving the J&J Covid booster. I had no illnesses or health issues that would have caused the PMR. I was told any vaccine can cause PMR. I will not be having any vaccines any time in the future.
I am still fighting PMR and trying to taper down the prednisone. Currently on the autoimmune protocol diet and taking expensive supplements while under the care of a functional/naturopath physician. My rheumatologist is only interested in medications to treat the symptoms.


My life… My health… has been negatively affected since being administered two doses of the Pfizer vaccine. It all began one year after receiving Pfizer vax. Reviewing my medical history & you can see how my vitals (BP) has drastically risen. The fatigue is debilitating, along with the weight I’ve gained. I’m sick all the time, because my immune system has been attacked, it truly has been altered. Most days, I don’t want to live. This is my new norm.? I’m devastated


Absolutely I agree! My immune system has been so altered as well. The fatigue, the joint pain, constantly getting sick. I still cannot believe that 6 weeks after being forced to take the vaccine, I got strep throat. I have not had any throat problems, much less strep throat since I was 8 years old and had a tonsillectomy! It is infuriating and an emotional rollercoaster. The new norm is scary and truly devastating. 🙁 Prayers for you my friend! < 3


@thefishlady, I noticed that you wished to post a URL to an article with your post. You will be able to add URLs to your posts in a few days. There is a brief period where new members can't post links. We do this to deter spammers and keep the community safe.

Here is the Cureus article outlining the case study

- An Unusual Side Effect of the COVID-19 Vaccine: A Possible Trigger of Polymyalgia Rheumatica (2022)!/

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this is the conclusion of that paper :
The temporal relationship between COVID-19 vaccination and PMR has yet to be established, but our case report will add to the literature review. We hypothesize that the COVID-19 vaccine triggered the autoinflammatory state in our patient leading to PMR. Myalgias are a commonly reported adverse effect of the COVID-19 vaccine. We emphasize that physicians should pay attention to persistent myalgias and obtain ESR and CRP levels when appropriate to evaluate possible PMR, which response well to corticosteroid treatment. However, these cases are rare and should not prevent the population from receiving the vaccine, as the benefits of the COVID-19 vaccine outweigh the risks.


I will be seeing my PCP on Friday of this week. I know she will suggest the shingles vaccine. I really think the COVID shots caused my PMR. I had the Shingles
vaccine when it was a single dose. Does anyone think I should avoid the shingles vaccine for now?


lDeveloped clear symptoms of PMR to weeks to the day, after getting the first Pfizer vaccine, no previous tx or hx of PMR or RA or OA. I dont blame the Pfizer vaccine, I think any of the vaccines out at the time would have kicked off the PMR autoimmune onslaught and resulting three year regimen to get PMR under effective control. Taking Pred worked the first day in reducing the shoulder/saddle area immobility, otherwise I would still be the Tinman in a rainstorm. Tests show no Rh factor level of concern, but h=tests at the time indicated barely any adrenal functioning. Exhaustive fatigue still a daily problem, have to push through it or would be lying down 18 hours a day, but some days have to let the asparagus and dahlias fight it out alone against weeds in my gardens.


i read your story and the same situation applied to me. I am or was an extremely active 78 yr old. After the covid vax i was diagnosed with PMR. Horrible lifestyle changes. after 2 1/2 yrs on prednisone i finally tapered off. 3 months later horrible pain all over and fatigue. Rheumy has me back on pred 10mg then 7.5 (if i cut them accurately). i may have to b on this for life. very depressing but the upside is no pain. Lately there are numerous online articles about the vax side effects including PMR.

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