Anyone diagnosed with PMR after the Pfizer vaccine?

Posted by mellee @mellee, Feb 28, 2023

I received the Pfizer covid vaccine and had horrible joint pain 8/10 as a side effect. I reported it online. 7 months later I developed horrific joint pain in my shoulders, hips and knees(same pain after the vaccine, but worse). I was ultimately diagnosed with Polymyalgia Rheumatica. I wish there was a site to go to and report these things.
I am only 57 and was a runner most of my life up to the age of 51, so I am not in horrible shape for my age. The pain from that PMR was very disabling. I am now on Hydroxychloroquine 200 mg BID and Prednisone 10 mg a day. Not happy about having to take more medications.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) Support Group.

Yes mellee I had almost exactly the same symptoms after my only Pfizer booster, the same timeline too, 7 months after jab diagnosed PMR, the pain was/ is horrific in the early morning, 6 months on the pain is still bad am but improving, no meds for me.


I developed PMR after Pfizer booster. Was prescribed 10 mg prednisone daily and the pain was relieved within hours. I reduced by 1 mg every 30 days. It worked perfectly for me and amprednisone free since January. No return of PMR!


I developed PMR after Pfizer booster. Was prescribed 10 mg prednisone daily and the pain was relieved within hours. I reduced by 1 mg every 30 days. It worked perfectly for me and amprednisone free since January. No return of PMR!

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Thank you smj for your helpful reply, it’s good to hear that prednisone helped you so much, think I must give it a try as the pain is wearing me down. I was in fear of not being able to come off pred, I’m waiting for appointments on 6th to ask my doc about naltrexone or pred, I would prefer naltrexone if it will reduce this pain.


Thank you smj for your helpful reply, it’s good to hear that prednisone helped you so much, think I must give it a try as the pain is wearing me down. I was in fear of not being able to come off pred, I’m waiting for appointments on 6th to ask my doc about naltrexone or pred, I would prefer naltrexone if it will reduce this pain.

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Wishing you the very best!


I was diagnosed two months after my second Pfizer booster, The pain started two days after, but I waited to see a doctor, hoping the pain was a side-effect and would eventually subside. The pain and stiffness kept getting worse until I finally saw my doctor and was then dxd with PMR. I remember have a mildly stiff neck for several weeks before that booster, so maybe I already had PMR and the booster just forced it into high gear. It's frustrating not knowing what causes this disease. I had also been dealing with chronic stress for years, so maybe that finally caught up with me...


Yes mellee I had almost exactly the same symptoms after my only Pfizer booster, the same timeline too, 7 months after jab diagnosed PMR, the pain was/ is horrific in the early morning, 6 months on the pain is still bad am but improving, no meds for me.

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I swore I would not take Pred as I am not a pill-taker, but the pain forced me into submission. Don't know how you deal with it without Pred, but my hat's off to you.


I swore I would not take Pred as I am not a pill-taker, but the pain forced me into submission. Don't know how you deal with it without Pred, but my hat's off to you.

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Thanks for your reply christi, I’m not sure if I’ve made the right decision to refuse pred, the horrific pain is less now but I have lost 22lbs, I am exhausted and looking too thin, don’t take your hat off yet!


My first pains occured within a week after my second Pfizer vaccination (March 2021) and took 4 months to diagnose because it only hurt when in bed and got worse around 4:00 to 6:00 AM. I had no inflammatory markers at all. My pain initially was in my muscles of my thighs and upper arms. No real joint pain that I can recall. I managed to taper off of the Prednisone after about 1 1/2 years (started with 10 mg), but after I contracted COVID in Dec. 2022, it came back, so I'm currently on 2 mg. It is now confined to my upper arm muscles (?deltoides). BTW, I am a registered dietitian and eat a whole foods organic diet, high in anti-inflammatory foods. There is a government agency to report this to, which I did. Here is the link:


Great to hear all of these comments. I was diagnosed with PMR at 50. Took a long time to get the diagnosis, but one day I couldn't get out of bed by myself. I guess I wasn't crazy after all.
It was in remission for a decade. In hindsight I realize that the start of my shoulder pain was likely the return of PMR triggered from the vaccine shots. I rock climb and assumed I had injured my shoulder or developed bursitis. Then it was both shoulders. Then my hips became stiff. It's identical to 10 yrs. ago. I was on prednisone about 18 months last time.
I did a couple of prednisone bursts, but don't want to go on a regular dose ever again.
I finally made an appt. to see a functional MD in about a week. They focus on what is going on in your body instead of treating symptoms. I am hoping he can help get rid of the inflammation. The process may take some time, but if I have success, I'll be sure to share. Hang in there everyone.


I received my second immunization of Pfizer the end of March in 2020. I started experiencing pain in my hips and shoulders while sleeping at night. I thought that at 59 years old and my mom’s terrible history of arthritis, it was just because I was getting older. It got progressively worse!By December, I could hardly walk in the morning. I was in soooo much pain. I was diagnosed in Feb of 2021. Because prednisone causes me unbearable side effects, severe depression, that was not an option. I’ve taken ibuprofen daily for a year. And I stopped to see what would happen. I’m pain free!!!!!!! Maybe I’m free of this horrible disease!!!

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