Anyone diagnosed with PMR after the Pfizer vaccine?

Posted by mellee @mellee, Feb 28, 2023

I received the Pfizer covid vaccine and had horrible joint pain 8/10 as a side effect. I reported it online. 7 months later I developed horrific joint pain in my shoulders, hips and knees(same pain after the vaccine, but worse). I was ultimately diagnosed with Polymyalgia Rheumatica. I wish there was a site to go to and report these things.
I am only 57 and was a runner most of my life up to the age of 51, so I am not in horrible shape for my age. The pain from that PMR was very disabling. I am now on Hydroxychloroquine 200 mg BID and Prednisone 10 mg a day. Not happy about having to take more medications.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) Support Group.


@lashley75 I think extreme stress can bring it out, at least that is what happened to my mom and I both. I don’t have an official diagnosis but mom does. I started us both on 6000 mg of moringa supplements every morning and 3000 mg at night (2 capsules in the morning and one at night) and both of us are feeling less pain. It helps with a lot of things. She was on prednisone for many years and it gave her diabetes. Maybe give moringa a try and see if you can get relief. Amazon sells it reasonably.

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Thanks for the mention of moringa for stress. I'am having stress issues since I dropped below 2mg. of Prednisone so I will try moringa and aswagandha to address it rather than increasing my Prednisone dose. Hope it works, I want off the Prednisone as soon as practicable.


Some people think conspiracy theory but I too was diagnosed with Polymyalgia at 64. I have been wondering the same thing. I had the Pfizer vaccine as well and was totally healthy before! Does make you wonder. I have been trying to get off Prednisone for two years now! Got down to 2 mg but my body is so sore it’s hard to walk! Very upsetting to spend this much time not feeling well!


I woke up sick and hurting all over after the second Pfizer jab and it's been downhill from there. Finally diagnosed with PMR 18 months ago. Trying to taper from 15 mg Pred. It's slow going. Down to 6 mg now but having stiffness and pain in both shoulders every morning.


I woke up sick and hurting all over after the second Pfizer jab and it's been downhill from there. Finally diagnosed with PMR 18 months ago. Trying to taper from 15 mg Pred. It's slow going. Down to 6 mg now but having stiffness and pain in both shoulders every morning.

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I’m so sorry 😢 I feel your pain. It’s hard to stay positive when you hurt everyday but we will get through this!


I received my second immunization of Pfizer the end of March in 2020. I started experiencing pain in my hips and shoulders while sleeping at night. I thought that at 59 years old and my mom’s terrible history of arthritis, it was just because I was getting older. It got progressively worse!By December, I could hardly walk in the morning. I was in soooo much pain. I was diagnosed in Feb of 2021. Because prednisone causes me unbearable side effects, severe depression, that was not an option. I’ve taken ibuprofen daily for a year. And I stopped to see what would happen. I’m pain free!!!!!!! Maybe I’m free of this horrible disease!!!

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I had my Pfizer vaccine one month before I was diagnosed with Shingles. Every doctor I have says that there cannot be any connection. I am in such pain from the Shingles. The only relief that I got was when my primary doctor gave me antivirals for one week, but since I have been off the antivirals the pain is increasing.
Doctor says I cannot take anymore antivirals.
I am overwhelmed with trying to find relief. I have a reaction to prednisone that causes my blood pressure to elevate over 200/140 and it takes days to return to any normal reading even with taking three blood pressure medications. It is exhausting to have this pain. I also have COPD and have not been able to find an inhaler that I do not react negatively. ie. itching etc. I sure could use some help and have one doctor to deal with all of my conditions.
Thank you


I had my Pfizer vaccine one month before I was diagnosed with Shingles. Every doctor I have says that there cannot be any connection. I am in such pain from the Shingles. The only relief that I got was when my primary doctor gave me antivirals for one week, but since I have been off the antivirals the pain is increasing.
Doctor says I cannot take anymore antivirals.
I am overwhelmed with trying to find relief. I have a reaction to prednisone that causes my blood pressure to elevate over 200/140 and it takes days to return to any normal reading even with taking three blood pressure medications. It is exhausting to have this pain. I also have COPD and have not been able to find an inhaler that I do not react negatively. ie. itching etc. I sure could use some help and have one doctor to deal with all of my conditions.
Thank you

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I thought I was the poster child for prednisone side effects; however, I did not have shingles or terribly high blood pressure. I personally believe the Covid vaccinations and boosters may have triggered my PMR and GCA. It’s been a very difficult year, fortunately things seem better. Best of luck to you!


I received the Moderna vaccine and a month later here came the awful pain. My rheumatologist feels strongly it triggered the PMR. I can't get below 4mgs daily of pred or pain is not tolerable. Is it damaging our muscles, etc.?
I have been on pred over 2 years. Do any of you take something for bones? Both hydroxi and methotrexate caused pain in my right side and we stopped them. I was first diagnosed with RA.


I received the Moderna vaccine and a month later here came the awful pain. My rheumatologist feels strongly it triggered the PMR. I can't get below 4mgs daily of pred or pain is not tolerable. Is it damaging our muscles, etc.?
I have been on pred over 2 years. Do any of you take something for bones? Both hydroxi and methotrexate caused pain in my right side and we stopped them. I was first diagnosed with RA.

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I have taken Fossmax with prednisone and methotrexate.


I was diagnosed with PMR 5 months after 2 Pfizer jabs in late 2021. Went through treatment with Prednisone then Methotrexate and Enbrel which I have been on for over a year. Still stiff and in pain but just happy to be mobile.


I was diagnosed with PMR 5 months after 2 Pfizer jabs in late 2021. Went through treatment with Prednisone then Methotrexate and Enbrel which I have been on for over a year. Still stiff and in pain but just happy to be mobile.

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I was diagnosed with PMR shortly after receiving the Shingrix vaccine in March of 2021.
My rheumatologist suggested that my PMR was adjuvant induced. (triggered by an ingredient in the vaccine that made my immune system chaotic)
Adjuvant-induced disorders have become so widespread that medical experts have coined a new term to describe this umbrella syndrome: Autoimmune/Inflammatory Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants (ASIA). 😩

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