7% Saline in Nebulizer for Mac

Posted by healthybon @healthybon, Mar 7, 2023

Could you all give me your opinion?
I have Mac..don’t know species yet.

I’m new at this but have seen many posts on here about how important it is to clear the mucus. Saline in nebulizer, flutter valve!

I requested that my pulmonary call in a script for the 7% saline to be used in a nebulizer! His response was “just use the flutter valve, the saline could make things worse.”
I have read in this support group that everyone uses the saline and also videos on UTUBE…..etc. I’m confused.
What is your opinion on this?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the MAC & Bronchiectasis Support Group.

I’ve been nebulizing with 7% saline for the last eight months. I’ve had very good success with the PARI Go Green nebulizer. I just ordered the PARI TREK S for an international trip. You can get their products at nebology.com


Hello, Irene

Thank you for taking the time to advise me about the nebulizer. I appreciate your noting that these are the ones doctors recommend. I don't mind sterilizing. My concern was that many of them were marked as poor quality online (not the ones you're recommending). The link will help immensely.

I appreciate your sharing information. Best regards to you, and blessings on your health.


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Hello I also have been using ombré comppressor by advice found on this forum. It’s reliable, not tthat big or heavy and the price is good as well. I even take it with me if I go somewhere. With it I use pari and aeroclipse nebulizers- you can sterilize them, all parts by boiling or in steam bags or alcohol. Pari is compatible with aerobika so you can use both at the same time. Good luck with the choice and I hope you will find something right for your needs.


Hello I also have been using ombré comppressor by advice found on this forum. It’s reliable, not tthat big or heavy and the price is good as well. I even take it with me if I go somewhere. With it I use pari and aeroclipse nebulizers- you can sterilize them, all parts by boiling or in steam bags or alcohol. Pari is compatible with aerobika so you can use both at the same time. Good luck with the choice and I hope you will find something right for your needs.

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Hello, Lilianna--

Thank you for the tip about the Ombre compressor! The information about sterilizing the pari and aeroclipse nebulizers is also helpful. I am surprised how many of these nebulizers there are. I don't know what I would do without this site!



Hi Healthybon! I agree the saline was a huge game changer for me...everyone is different. I had no trouble at all with the 7%. My MAC and bronchiectasis have improved on imaging and all symptoms. Some areas even resolved. I do also take a lot of supplements, exercise, eat clean, do red light therapy and dry sauna regularly... so I think you have to keep trying different things and this forum is a WONDERFUL resource! All of these things have helped me improve and stay healthy. The saline really works for the airway clearance! Good luck!! Blessings!


Hi Healthybon! I agree the saline was a huge game changer for me...everyone is different. I had no trouble at all with the 7%. My MAC and bronchiectasis have improved on imaging and all symptoms. Some areas even resolved. I do also take a lot of supplements, exercise, eat clean, do red light therapy and dry sauna regularly... so I think you have to keep trying different things and this forum is a WONDERFUL resource! All of these things have helped me improve and stay healthy. The saline really works for the airway clearance! Good luck!! Blessings!

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Can you tell me a little more about the red light therapy?


What’s red light therapy?

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Hi ncalvan

It is an FDA approved therapy that does ALL kinds of crazy good stuff including clear inflammation (Nasa discovery) See company below where I got my panel. Great for hair, skin, wound/surgery recovery....

Check out MedCram https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG-iSMVtWbbwDDXgXXypARQ and all over youtube you can find doctors and scientists explaining the benefits.


Hi Healthybon and Kathleenlp,
I too was told by my Pulmon in 2023 that 7% saline may cause complications given my overall COPD condition ( Bronchiectasis and Emphysema) and she would like me to stay on 3% saline for now. My CT scan shows lots of nodules and inflammation in all 4 lobes! Having another CT Scan in two months and will go from there. I'm wondering too if an MRI would give a clearer picture of my lungs? My Pulmon is a generalist with Weill Cornell in NYC and works very closely with an Infectious Disease Doc that I now see in between my visits with the Pulmon.
Good luck with all!
Flo @frankie160


Hi ncalvan

It is an FDA approved therapy that does ALL kinds of crazy good stuff including clear inflammation (Nasa discovery) See company below where I got my panel. Great for hair, skin, wound/surgery recovery....

Check out MedCram https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG-iSMVtWbbwDDXgXXypARQ and all over youtube you can find doctors and scientists explaining the benefits.


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Kathleen I watched the videos and my question is. Where did you find the place that actually offers the red light therapy, what part of the body you expose and how often you use it. It looks simple to be done and - no pills. How long have you been doing it


Hi Healthybon! I agree the saline was a huge game changer for me...everyone is different. I had no trouble at all with the 7%. My MAC and bronchiectasis have improved on imaging and all symptoms. Some areas even resolved. I do also take a lot of supplements, exercise, eat clean, do red light therapy and dry sauna regularly... so I think you have to keep trying different things and this forum is a WONDERFUL resource! All of these things have helped me improve and stay healthy. The saline really works for the airway clearance! Good luck!! Blessings!

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Would it be possible to say more about your routine? I'm in awe of those who manage to squeeze so much in in a day! Also interested in what supplements you take.

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