Living with Neuropathy - Welcome to the group
Welcome to the Neuropathy group.
This is a welcoming, safe place where you can meet other people who are dealing with neuropathy. Let’s learn from each other and share stories about living well with neuropathy, coping with the challenges and offering tips.
I’m Colleen, and I’m the moderator of this group, and Community Director of Connect. Chances are you’ll to be greeted by volunteer patient Mentor John (@johnbishop) and fellow members when you post to this group. Learn more about Moderators and Mentors on Connect.
We look forward to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.
Let’s chat. Why not start by introducing yourself? What concerns would you like to talk about?
Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Neuropathy Support Group.
Good evening....@memyselfi......You get the prize today for your description of the mental and emotional impact that chronic pain can have. I have been working with a behavioral therapist to help me rise above those reactions.
I also wanted to respond to your comment about the purpose of getting a skin biopsy. First, it will help with recommendations for symptom tolerance and eradication. Then, it will open the door for treatments and medications that can release you from annoying pain and the threat of falling. The results of the skin biopsy are the gold standard for insurance approval that can be required for coverage of physical therapies like MFR (myofascial release) and other treatments.
There are over 100 different types of neuropathy. The more you can zero in on the cause, the better you can be helped to develop tolerance and improve your quality of life.
May you find happiness and the causes of happiness.
I have many similarities to your situation. My main pain relief is a combination of lidocaine and a group of essential oils. I mix this myself and do obtain some relief. This relief is just not from the lidocaine since the area treated becomes warm and you can feel greater blood flow. It has taken me about a year to come up with a combination that works for me. It takes alot of determination and research to find something that works. We are all a bit different metabolically. I would encourage you to do some research on essential oils and work to find something that works for you, Good luck. PS ... I'm in my mid 70's You can find some trials that have worked with essential oils in PUBMED. Which is a peer reviewed journal source.
Goodness! How miserable. I have idiopathic small fiber neuropathy, diagnosed by punch biopsy. It started in my feet and hands, and is creeping up my legs. The only exercise I can do now without being painful, and then increasing my pain, is swimming laps. I learned from an aquatic physical therapist to use a mask and snorkel.
Anyway, I have a question. You mentioned 650 mg up to 4 times a day. What medicine is that?
A few thoughts - if you haven’t tried the seizure medicines for nerve pain (Gabapentin, Lyrica) you could try that. I found success with carbamazepine (Tegretol), which is not commonly chosen for neuropathy. My neurologist added Effexor, and I also use a muscle relaxant (Baclofen) as needed. Anything to block those pain signals.
A good physical therapist is a great thing to have. I’ve been through several, and have been with my current one for over a year. One thing she has done is identify areas that have weakened because of pain and lack of use. She also does dry needling, which works great for me.
If you can find a water therapy clinic, that is quite amazing too.
As you can see, I believe in looking for the “helpers”, and also taking medications to limit my suffering, so I can continue to be helpful too!
Your so nice!! wishing you a good day!
I was diagnosed w/ PN in 1999 when I was 23. No one has been able to figure out what the cause is. Last January I started having horrible burning pain in my calves and quads along with weakness in my legs that is causing me to fall a lot more and is making walking even harder (I have spasticity from mild Cerebral Palsy). Thankfully I don't have the severe burning pain all the time. It ranges from mild to severe and seems to come as flare ups. I can't figure out what causes the flare ups though. Resting sometimes helps, but for the most part, all I can do is wait and pray the pain goes away soon. Last September I began to have pain and weakness in my fingers, hands, and forearms. I also have Sjorgren's and Fibromylagia, along with many other chronic health problems. My neurologist wasn't helpful at all. I saw a new neurologist who thinks my neuropathy could be genetic b/c as a child I would get ingrown toenails and I never felt the pain. She ordered genetic testing for me to see if my neuropathy is genetic.
I've done some research and found out that Charcot-Marie-Tooth Neuropathy and it seems to fit all the symptoms I have. Does anyone here have Charcot-Marie-Tooth? If so can you tell me more about it, what it's like to have it and anything you do to treat it? Thank you and God Bless!
Welcome @annehouseofdreams, @mhr31 posted earlier in this discussion that they were born with CMT and may be able to share their experience and suggestions with you. There is also an older discussion on CMT that may be helpful to read what others have shared.
— CMT=Charcot Marie Tooth Disease Type 2 Neurological Disorder form of MD:
Thought I would share these references with you in case you haven't seen them:
--- CMT Research Foundation videos:
--- (2015) A brief review of recent Charcot-Marie-Tooth research and priorities:
Do you know when you will have the genetic test results?
Thank you @johnbishop for the information. I had by blood drawn for the genetic testing and a few other blood tests my dr wanted on January 10th. My dr said it would take 4 weeks for the results to come in.
I am new to the group and my diagnosis is peripheral neuropathy with neuropathy burning, sometimes stabbing in feet and in hands, they kind of tingle and I’ve noticed they’re starting to turn white. When I go out into the cold I would like to know more about the medical marijuana for peripheral neuropathy. What kind, I have used medical marijuana, but have never noticed any changes in these feelings in my hands and feet
Welcome @mcanaman, There is another discussion on medical marijuana for neuropathy that you might find helpful -
Can Stem Cell regrowth of nerves diminish or remove Neuropathy of the feet and ankles?