Living with Neuropathy - Welcome to the group

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I’m Colleen, and I’m the moderator of this group, and Community Director of Connect. Chances are you’ll to be greeted by volunteer patient Mentor John (@johnbishop) and fellow members when you post to this group. Learn more about Moderators and Mentors on Connect.

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Can Stem Cell regrowth of nerves diminish or remove Neuropathy of the feet and ankles?


Can Stem Cell regrowth of nerves diminish or remove Neuropathy of the feet and ankles?

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I just don't think the science is there yet but hopefully it may help others in the future. You might want to read through the following discussion on the topic.
--- Does Stem Cell Therapy work for Neuropathy?:


Freezing toes and burning soles, and walking was always my vice. Locals say , there goes the walker. Well, not so much after last treatment. My acupuncturist has helped me in the past. Saying my prayers. I’ve used anything that helps cool the soles even noxema . Prefer o natural products if i have to mix them up. Considering we all have enough toxins injected in the name of a cure. Walking always helped the icy toes, the worst of pain seems to be during sleep. It wakes me, gabbapentin prescription helps some, scared of its effects on the brain, dementia and memory issues, some permanent.
Please and thanks for remedies and input.


Hi. I have been following this group for a while. I believe I have IPN in my feet., though I haven’t gotten a formal diagnosis. I have been trying a number of non-medical solutions such as B-complex vitamins, ALA, compression socks, salv s, creams and essential oils with moderate success. I don’t want to take prescriptions meds for all the side effects. My question is this. The odd thing about my condition is that I don’t have any symptoms (like many) when I go to bed and am off my feet! I don’t have any back pain but have a diagnoses of spinal stenosis. Could it be coming from that condition?


Hi. I have been following this group for a while. I believe I have IPN in my feet., though I haven’t gotten a formal diagnosis. I have been trying a number of non-medical solutions such as B-complex vitamins, ALA, compression socks, salv s, creams and essential oils with moderate success. I don’t want to take prescriptions meds for all the side effects. My question is this. The odd thing about my condition is that I don’t have any symptoms (like many) when I go to bed and am off my feet! I don’t have any back pain but have a diagnoses of spinal stenosis. Could it be coming from that condition?

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@alfer I think it's a great thing you don't have any symptoms when you go to bed and are off of your feet. I can also understand not wanting to take any prescription meds for the symptoms. I'm pretty sure spinal stenosis can cause neuropathy symptoms and we have quite a few members who have shared their experience. You might want to have a look through the Connect search results here -


Hi. I have been following this group for a while. I believe I have IPN in my feet., though I haven’t gotten a formal diagnosis. I have been trying a number of non-medical solutions such as B-complex vitamins, ALA, compression socks, salv s, creams and essential oils with moderate success. I don’t want to take prescriptions meds for all the side effects. My question is this. The odd thing about my condition is that I don’t have any symptoms (like many) when I go to bed and am off my feet! I don’t have any back pain but have a diagnoses of spinal stenosis. Could it be coming from that condition?

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Hello, alfer (@alfer)

I, too, have IPN, which was diagnosed in the summer of 2022. I’ve no pain; my symptoms are unreliable balance and difficulty walking. I, too, have stenosis of my cervical spine. A year ago, an MRI revealed the beginnings of encroachment on the cord at C6-7. The surgeon, who called the condition “borderline,” presented me with the option of surgery or a year’s wait & see. Furthermore, he cautioned that my stenosis might have no bearing on my IPN and that surgery offered no improvement in my balance and walking. The choice was mine, and I chose a wait & approach.

Two weeks ago, I got a new MRI, and last Friday, I met again with the surgeon, who placed my two MRIs side-by-side on the light board. “Do you see a difference?” he asked. To my non-medical eyes, it appeared the encroachment had lessened and, with some shyness, said just that. “Precisely!” he said. “Your stenosis has lessened,” I asked how could that be. He replied, “It happens sometimes. The body sometimes works miracles. I suggest we do another year’s wait & see. If you have pain in the meantime, of course, call me.”

I mention this not to suggest that stenosis can or cannot have a bearing on a person’s IPN but rather to encourage getting a good, detailed diagnosis, even if getting that good, detailed diagnosis takes time, patience, and maybe even visits to several different doctors.

I wish you the best!!!

Ray (@ray666)


Where can you get one? Is it the one on Facebook? Di

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I purchased mine through the Facebook ad with no issues


Hello, alfer (@alfer)

I, too, have IPN, which was diagnosed in the summer of 2022. I’ve no pain; my symptoms are unreliable balance and difficulty walking. I, too, have stenosis of my cervical spine. A year ago, an MRI revealed the beginnings of encroachment on the cord at C6-7. The surgeon, who called the condition “borderline,” presented me with the option of surgery or a year’s wait & see. Furthermore, he cautioned that my stenosis might have no bearing on my IPN and that surgery offered no improvement in my balance and walking. The choice was mine, and I chose a wait & approach.

Two weeks ago, I got a new MRI, and last Friday, I met again with the surgeon, who placed my two MRIs side-by-side on the light board. “Do you see a difference?” he asked. To my non-medical eyes, it appeared the encroachment had lessened and, with some shyness, said just that. “Precisely!” he said. “Your stenosis has lessened,” I asked how could that be. He replied, “It happens sometimes. The body sometimes works miracles. I suggest we do another year’s wait & see. If you have pain in the meantime, of course, call me.”

I mention this not to suggest that stenosis can or cannot have a bearing on a person’s IPN but rather to encourage getting a good, detailed diagnosis, even if getting that good, detailed diagnosis takes time, patience, and maybe even visits to several different doctors.

I wish you the best!!!

Ray (@ray666)

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Thank you for your comments. I will cautiously pursue a number of professional opinions.


I have burning in my feet and legs, numbness in my hands and feet, I have periferal neurapathy. It is getting difficult to walk on a walker
Anyone have any suggestions

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