Living with Neuropathy - Welcome to the group

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This is a welcoming, safe place where you can meet other people who are dealing with neuropathy. Let’s learn from each other and share stories about living well with neuropathy, coping with the challenges and offering tips.

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Oh my brother from another mother Ray @ray666. It definitely is a double whammy for me also. Not sure I have any real answers for you but I can tell you how I sort of cope with it. The only time I use a walker is on my trips to the bathroom at night because my balance is not great and it's darkish. The walker is not practical for me outside the home since it would be more of a nuisance and slow me down. I don't go out late in the evening much but when I do I have the senior shuffle down pat. I don't walk very fast on purpose and I'm always looking where I'm stepping.

I do have to deal with the nagging bladder issue when we go out anywhere. What has helped me is to try and use the bathroom before we go out, then not drink any liquids or limit them when we are out unless I have easy access to a bathroom.

I also use tamsulosin (flomax) daily and take it at night vs in the morning with my other meds. This was a tip I got from my pharmacist after years of taking it in the morning. At my annual wellness appointment earlier this week I discussed the issue of trouble emptying the bladder with my new PCP and she mentioned trying another medication that works differently if I wanted to try it. I think it was finasteride but she mentioned some side effects that I wasn't keen about - takes up to six months before it starts helping and can also cause sexual dysfunction. I was thinking more of the minimal invasive surgery so I may have a consult with urology this summer just not sure if I want to do it or just live with it.

Right now I'm just trying to stay warm and happy most of the snow missed us. I think we may have 3 to 4 inches of the white stuff by morning and my wife should be able to get out of the driveway to get to work at 5 am so I can wait until it's light out before I break out the snowblower and clear the driveway. It's 7 degrees now but the high for the next 3 days is 10 degrees Saturday, minus 8 Sunday and Monday for a high and minus 10 or lower at night for the next 3 days. Hoping it's warmer where you are.

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High, nice to meet you, ray666,
I live in North West NJ, we had 12 in. of snow! My husband had to shovel a path for my dog. We have 2 acres but do not have shovel all of that!
I fell due to an area "rug" I meant to pick up, my cats like to run and slide on it so there was a bump, hate using walker, Wound with a concussion! Hospital for 2 days, my fault!! The rugs a GONE.
Wish I could go to a support group.
Flomax help Urinary problems?


Hi Ray, I take Gabapentin for bladder urgency, which may be different from your situation. W/o it I wouldn't make it to the bathroom in time. It is very expensive, but w/ appeal from my urologist the price drops to about 1/5 after insurance has paid.
I also have implanted a nerve stimulator which increases my bladder control. With both the Gabapentin and the E-stim device life is almost normal. I can certainly enjoy a concert, an opera, or a play
Wishing you the very best. Hope you have a good urologist to work with.
2° in Central Oregon at 10 AM.

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Hello again!
I have Modtronic Pain implant for failed Laminectomy, A nerve stimulater for bladder control?
My nerves a bad @ L-4 and L-5! I'm going ask my Pain Management DR. about that, E-Stim Edevice
Gabapentin does nothing for me.
Do you have to lay flat to see a Urologist? I can"t lay flat due to my failed Laminectomy.
Spine is a mess from S-1 up to L-5.
Thank You so much!!
Must be sooo cold out there!!!!!
I wish we had more help for Small Fiber Neuropathy!


Hi Ray-
It is a warm -1 here at 1 pm and snowing. Three neighbors are out removing snow.
I made a huge error. I take MYRBETRIQ, NOT gabapentin for bladder urgency. I wish I could remove my prior message with the error in it.

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Hi, Joan!
There's no need to say you're sorry. I may have been confused for a moment, but so many of the therapies, pills, and ointments mentioned by others here on Connect appear to have different and/or multiple purposes: some for pain exclusively, others for numbness exclusively, and still others for both pain and numbness. I get my medications mixed up in talking about them almost every day! It's a toasty +1º here; not snowing, but we've flurries in the forecast. Here's wishing you a fine weekend!


Hello again!
I have Modtronic Pain implant for failed Laminectomy, A nerve stimulater for bladder control?
My nerves a bad @ L-4 and L-5! I'm going ask my Pain Management DR. about that, E-Stim Edevice
Gabapentin does nothing for me.
Do you have to lay flat to see a Urologist? I can"t lay flat due to my failed Laminectomy.
Spine is a mess from S-1 up to L-5.
Thank You so much!!
Must be sooo cold out there!!!!!
I wish we had more help for Small Fiber Neuropathy!

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Yes, it is a Medronic implant for bladder control.
Again, let me state I made a huge mistake in my earlier post. I take MYRBETRIQ for bladder control, not gabapentin.
No, you do not have to lay down to see a urologist. The only time I had to lay down on my back was when they used a specific CT to measure residual bladder contents, and, with an explanation of your failed laminectomy, a urologist can work around that. The CT for residual bladder contents is a new technique; they had previous methods that they can go back to. Best of luck to you!
(At about 2:30 pm it is now past the heat of the day and has dropped to -2 and is snowing hard in central Oregon.)


I would like to hear more about the Medtronic implant.

We're still holding to a comfy -1º here in Denver. Snow on the way, however, but it doesn't sound like much.

Ray (@ray666)


Yes, it is a Medronic implant for bladder control.
Again, let me state I made a huge mistake in my earlier post. I take MYRBETRIQ for bladder control, not gabapentin.
No, you do not have to lay down to see a urologist. The only time I had to lay down on my back was when they used a specific CT to measure residual bladder contents, and, with an explanation of your failed laminectomy, a urologist can work around that. The CT for residual bladder contents is a new technique; they had previous methods that they can go back to. Best of luck to you!
(At about 2:30 pm it is now past the heat of the day and has dropped to -2 and is snowing hard in central Oregon.)

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Hello joanland,

BURRRRR it's cold out there!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank You so much! I know of a good Urologist will call this week for sure.
Do you or anyone else nerve damage in the areas that. control bowel problems, passing stool?
Wishing you a good day!!


I would like to hear more about the Medtronic implant.

We're still holding to a comfy -1º here in Denver. Snow on the way, however, but it doesn't sound like much.

Ray (@ray666)

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Hi Ray,
About the implant, you have to find a Good Pain Management Doctor. Research.
I have the implant for many years and it works.
Same day surgery, Explain in lay terms.
A battery in implanted side of stomach area, than a Catheter is implanted from the battery up the spine. You are given a small remote device called a Bolus that you put over the battery that will start the Stimulater , in a short time you will feel relief from the spine pain. Medtronic is a good Company. I hope this helps.
N.W. N.J. only 1 heavy snow fall 12 in. We never get to 1 degree!
Stay Warm

the Stimulater, in a short time you feel relief from spine pain.


The nerve stimulator makes the difference from being tied to the house and being able to live a relatively normal life. I do need to state that this in conjunction with taking Myrbetriq. The Myrbetriq does about half the job and the nerve stimulator does the rest.
Evidently I have a different model than Penn describes. My control device is implanted in a hip just under the skin and in a spot where you can reach it. Small leads go to the area of the vagus nerve in the spine. I have a small controller that looks like a small cell phone that controls the internal device. And to control that small controller it came with a dedicated separate cell phone that I use to change the settings via signals the separate cell phone sends to the controller which sends them to the implanted device. The recommendation is that a person with an implanted controller carry both the small controller and the dedicated cell phone used to signal the small controller - and to keep them charged at all time. This will mean charging them about every other day, or night.
A few months ago I did have to go to ER and needed an MRI. Fortunately with this system the device can be turned to MRI-mode -- if you have the controllers with you and if they are charged. Most ERs can charge the dedicated cell phone, but they cannot charge the small controller. One does not plan on visits to the ER - so it is wise to keep everything charged and to have them with you.
Is it a pain in the b--- to keep them charged and to have them with you at all times? Yes, it is, but if something is seriously happening, a lot may depend on you having them with you and ready to use.
All in all, I wouldn't be without the implanted device!


Hi Ray,
About the implant, you have to find a Good Pain Management Doctor. Research.
I have the implant for many years and it works.
Same day surgery, Explain in lay terms.
A battery in implanted side of stomach area, than a Catheter is implanted from the battery up the spine. You are given a small remote device called a Bolus that you put over the battery that will start the Stimulater , in a short time you will feel relief from the spine pain. Medtronic is a good Company. I hope this helps.
N.W. N.J. only 1 heavy snow fall 12 in. We never get to 1 degree!
Stay Warm

the Stimulater, in a short time you feel relief from spine pain.

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Thanks, @penn. I did some reading up on the device (on Medtronic's website), and it appears the device is primarily for the relief of pain. I'm one of the fortunate ones (exceedingly fortunate!) who doesn't have pain as one of my PN symptoms. This is a seemingly endless quest we're on, all of us, looking for help with our individual symptoms. Thanks again, @penn, and I wish you well on your quest! –Ray (@ray666)


Hi Ray!!!
Happy you don't have this pain!
Appreciate you letting me know!

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