Has anyone experienced internal vibrations?

Posted by redladyjoni @redladyjoni, Nov 26, 2018

I started having the only way I can explain it is internal vibrations. I've had them for 3 months now, I went to t hihe ER and they told me it was anxiety. A doctor diagnosed me at a clinic as having Lyme disease I've started a 21-day prescription of Doxycycline I'm on day 7. I went to a psychiatrist a week ago to get something because of my nerves are just over the brink. He prescribed me Gabapentin and Valium I've only been on them a few days.
Has anyone experienced these internal vibrations?I have them almost 24/7 chest neck stomach from the hips down. I have more lab tests that should be in today, but the doctor's office said that they would not call unless there was some abnormality in the lab work.

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I have had this for over a year. I am retired. I am not able to travel or do more than one activity per day. I do feel that I am progressing, however. I am working to stretch my boundaries.

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I am sorry @mitfit. I can relate. I am praying and holding hope for a solution and healing miracles of the root causes and returning to being able to do the things enjoyed. Thank you for sharing your experience. Did you have Covid before this started worsening? Or anything you believe triggered it?


@suzq14 The surgery freed my spinal cord from compression, and since my recovery, my neck has stabilized. If I was still working at a job typing all day, I would be in pain and be causing muscle spasms. I am working as an artist and I can do that just fine, but not heavy lifting. I do still see my physical therapist now and then to work out the kinks. I need to keep the rest of my neck healthy and don't want extra pressure on the discs. I still have thoracic outlet syndrome that causes my neck and shoulders to be tight. I need to loosen that, and to loosen the surgical scar that periodically tightens up. Every patient is different.

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Thank you for sharing @jenniferhunter. I have suspected this is coming from my cervical spine. I finally have an appointment with neurology in December. Neurosurgery doesn’t sound like they want to do anything surgically because of the risks in my situation. I tried a steroid injection but it’s not solving things. I hear about Botox for migraines but not wild about that idea. (I’m getting headaches, digestive, swallowing, light and sound sensitive, with the internal vibrations.)


I am sorry @mitfit. I can relate. I am praying and holding hope for a solution and healing miracles of the root causes and returning to being able to do the things enjoyed. Thank you for sharing your experience. Did you have Covid before this started worsening? Or anything you believe triggered it?

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I had Covid in November/December, 2020 so I don't think that was the trigger.

I had total hip replacement April, 2022 and then blood clots in the lungs a month later, followed by other health episodes. I think it was the trauma of all of this that triggered it.


I had Covid in November/December, 2020 so I don't think that was the trigger.

I had total hip replacement April, 2022 and then blood clots in the lungs a month later, followed by other health episodes. I think it was the trauma of all of this that triggered it.

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Yeah. That is rough. I pray things turn around soon and that things happen that encourage you to keep persevering.


I thinki havewhat everyone is calling internal vibations. It feels like your muscles want to keep moving. like when you were a kd and you would go roller skating for hours and then when you took your skates off you had a weird sensation. I got diagnosed with hereditary spastic paraplegia but the calcium and potassium channel ions are responsible for carrying the instructions telling your muscles when tostop. there are a lot of things that cause this. Mine was found by a mitochondrial genetic test. look into the ion channelopathies. good luck to ya

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Sorry to hear about your HSP diagnosis. I had to look it up. It sounds challenging. So many things are mentioned in various discussions that I've never heard of and I've done a lot of medical reading. It's amazing what all can go wrong with our bodies. It seems there are as many different ailments out there are grains of sand. No wonder doctors have trouble figuring it all out in a brief visit. Their minds naturally gravitate to the most common ailments. Kudos to the ones who really listen to their patients and can zero in on the rare stuff. Prayers for you and all.


Are you having some sort of histamine reaction ?

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Funny you said that. I was taking Cyproheptadine for appetite. Before the tremors, my dr. stopped them. I took one yesterday because I had no appetite and I got the tremors. Also, my dr. tried Mirtazipine for appetite. When I stopped taking them, the tremors stopped. Coincidence?


Funny you said that. I was taking Cyproheptadine for appetite. Before the tremors, my dr. stopped them. I took one yesterday because I had no appetite and I got the tremors. Also, my dr. tried Mirtazipine for appetite. When I stopped taking them, the tremors stopped. Coincidence?

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hummm ……


I have had them for 15 years. Eliminated gluten and lactose - no more tremors. Been good for two years, except when I mess up and eat a piece of cheese and tremors return.

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Hello, did you have visible tremors or only internal tremors? How long did it take you for internal tremors to stop from the time you started gluten and lactose free diet? In those 15 years, I believe you get no diagnosis. A little more insight into your situation would be very helpful. Thank you... All best wishes...


A also have them and I am gluten free for and don't drink milk or consume dairy for a long time and still have the internal vibrations


A also have them and I am gluten free for and don't drink milk or consume dairy for a long time and still have the internal vibrations

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Same, although a strict diet reduced them significantly But I messed my diet a few months ago and cannot return to my strict diet, the intensity of the vibrations increased. Yet this also depends on my day, whether I am too tired or stressful. In terms of diet I'd say anti-inflammatory diet and rest helps but they don't stop the symptoms completely. So I wonder if anyone else's experience is different.

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