Would like to know people's experience using Fosamax

Posted by dschiff @dschiff, Mar 30, 2016

Would like to know people's experience using Fosamax.

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Thx WS. Yes I ordered all the books u mentioned except the exercise one is a different author I believe..but so far have only been perusing Great Bones but not the others yet. There's so much information.
I appreciate the help.

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Yes , the exercise one is by a different author . Margaret Martin a PT that has focused on osteoporosis for years has a few books on exercise , but as windyshores mentioned Melioguide, or more precisely the link http://www.melioguide is Margaret Martin’s VERY extensive place of information regarding exercise and much more. For example, she gives tips on protective ways to do very day living activities like how to shovel snow , or how to take a turkey out of an oven if really involved … and soo much more!!! Check it out !! She has tons of stuff on you-tube. Does monthly live screens in varying topics. Check it out!! Good luck!!


After using for five years, it rotted my jaw and four teeth brok. Took three hours and 10 shots to get out. The dental surgeon said that he won’t work on patient that use fosanex, but it was emergency.
Also had filling in root canal fall into my jaw, had to had my
Jaw drilled out.


After using for five years, it rotted my jaw and four teeth brok. Took three hours and 10 shots to get out. The dental surgeon said that he won’t work on patient that use fosanex, but it was emergency.
Also had filling in root canal fall into my jaw, had to had my
Jaw drilled out.

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I'm very sorry to hear that!


Yes , the exercise one is by a different author . Margaret Martin a PT that has focused on osteoporosis for years has a few books on exercise , but as windyshores mentioned Melioguide, or more precisely the link http://www.melioguide is Margaret Martin’s VERY extensive place of information regarding exercise and much more. For example, she gives tips on protective ways to do very day living activities like how to shovel snow , or how to take a turkey out of an oven if really involved … and soo much more!!! Check it out !! She has tons of stuff on you-tube. Does monthly live screens in varying topics. Check it out!! Good luck!!

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I took Fosamax for about 6 months when I started getting really dry inflammed eyes which affected my vision. Eye doctor said it was episcleritis. After reading the side effects in the Fosamax literature, Episcleritis is one of the known side effects so I went off. I couldn't risk losing my vision over osteoporosis. So now I take Native Path Bone Health Collagen which has Fortibone in it and has been proven to help with osteoporosis. I also take Vitamin K2 and Vitamin D3, along with the normal B12 and drink 3 glasses of milk per day, plus eat cheese and yogurt. I also was diagnosed with a bone spur in my hip socket after 6 months of being on the Fosamax but no way to prove if it was caused by the Fosamax or not. I would not go back on that drug or any other drug. Try treating osteoporosis naturally if you can.


I took Fosamax for about 6 months when I started getting really dry inflammed eyes which affected my vision. Eye doctor said it was episcleritis. After reading the side effects in the Fosamax literature, Episcleritis is one of the known side effects so I went off. I couldn't risk losing my vision over osteoporosis. So now I take Native Path Bone Health Collagen which has Fortibone in it and has been proven to help with osteoporosis. I also take Vitamin K2 and Vitamin D3, along with the normal B12 and drink 3 glasses of milk per day, plus eat cheese and yogurt. I also was diagnosed with a bone spur in my hip socket after 6 months of being on the Fosamax but no way to prove if it was caused by the Fosamax or not. I would not go back on that drug or any other drug. Try treating osteoporosis naturally if you can.

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Sorry to hear. I appreciate the sharing.


I took Fosamax for about 6 months when I started getting really dry inflammed eyes which affected my vision. Eye doctor said it was episcleritis. After reading the side effects in the Fosamax literature, Episcleritis is one of the known side effects so I went off. I couldn't risk losing my vision over osteoporosis. So now I take Native Path Bone Health Collagen which has Fortibone in it and has been proven to help with osteoporosis. I also take Vitamin K2 and Vitamin D3, along with the normal B12 and drink 3 glasses of milk per day, plus eat cheese and yogurt. I also was diagnosed with a bone spur in my hip socket after 6 months of being on the Fosamax but no way to prove if it was caused by the Fosamax or not. I would not go back on that drug or any other drug. Try treating osteoporosis naturally if you can.

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I took Fosamax and developed severe abdominal pain. My doctor took me immediately off of it and in a few days was fine. Will NEVER take that drug again.


I took Fosamax for 5 years and the last month of the prescription, I had a severe fracture of the T5 vertebrae in my back. I received a brace and it healed naturally. I'm actually doing pretty good now at 4 months out. So, Fosamax didn't work well for me but I never experienced any side effects while taking it.

I would definitely try it. I think it's less risky than a serious bone fracture. I believe it has the least serious side effects of any of the osteoporosis drugs and it works well for many people.


I have been on weekly Fosamax since April 2022. I have no side effects. Within 6 weeks of being on the med, pain in my Right hip subsided. Before that I was having hip pain just from standing up. The physical therapist that I worked with at the time determined that the pain was from the osteoporosis because I had no pain when sitting or lying down. That prompted me to decide to seek treatment. I recently had a DEXA scan with TBS in October 2023. Compared to the DEXA from 2021, the results now show that I have osteopenia which is an improvement. TBS is 1.22 meaning bone is “ partially degraded “. Since this is the first TBS, I’ll have to wait until the next one in October 2024 to know more. I had to see an endocrinologist in order to have a DEXA with TBS.
In addition to the Fosamax I also take supplements : Fortibone + collagen type 1&3, vit D and K … I walk 2-2.5 miles with interspersed stomping steps a few times weekly. I also use the Marodyne daily when not traveling. As much as possible I adhere to a bone healthy diet and stay away from processed foods. I recently saw the dentist and there is no deterioration in jaw bones.
I plan to stay on the Fosamax until the next DEXA + TBS in October 2024 then will take things from there.
Sorry for the long post. I hope it helps. Everyone is different so we all have to decide what’s best for each of us depending on each person’s situation.


My experience with Fosamax was disappointing. My primary doctor started me on it weekly when my DEXA showed -2.5 in spine. The two-year follow-up showed a very slight gain from -2.5 to -2.4 , but after two more years it deteriorated to -2.7. I don't recall any specific side effects, but I developed more and more muscle and body pain over the last several years. Origin unknown. In October an endocrinologist told me to start Prolia, but I am afraid of that one. I cancelled my first Prolia appt in order to get my teeth looked at and to consult with a rheumatologist, which has not yet happened. She specializes in osteoporosis, too. I imagine it will end up being an insurance matter: what will they allow me to take and when? I haven't been on anything since July.

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