Would like to know people's experience using Fosamax

Posted by dschiff @dschiff, Mar 30, 2016

Would like to know people's experience using Fosamax.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Osteoporosis & Bone Health Support Group.

Tried Actonel first. Reacted badly, so they put me on Fosomax. Same reactions. Both gave me headaches that lasted about four days. Both gave me constant buzzing sounds in my ears (very unpleasant and made it so hard to sleep) and both were really hard on my gastrointestinal system. Just couldn’t tolerate them! Once I stopped taking them, headaches stopped, buzzing in ears stopped- but I was left with gastrointestinal problems.


Anyone’s experience with Methotrexate for their joints would be appreciated. Thanks.


Anyone’s experience with Methotrexate for their joints would be appreciated. Thanks.

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Hello, and welcome to Mayo Connect. Our discussions are arranged (loosely) by the condition a member is experiencing, and then the question or topic they wish to discuss.

This particular discussion is specifically about using Fosamax foe osteoporosis.

Methotrexate is most commonly used to treat autoimmune conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and polymyalgia rheumatica.

Can you tell me a little more about what you are dealing with so I can help you to find a more appropriate discussion where you are more likely to get responses?



I started Fosamax following bone loss due to parathyroid disease. That was 3 1/2 years ago. In the mean time I developed breast cancer and have completed treatment 1 year ago. My oncologist did not make any suggestions on switching from fosamax, but my cancer was not hormone based. Last year with my dexa scan, I didn't see any gains. I am hoping to see gains this year.
I have had no side effects from my medication. I take it faithfully and follow the instruction (sit up, take with plenty of water, don't eat or even drink coffee or tea for one hour). I occasionally take a gentle walk within that first hour. Good luck


Hello, and welcome to Mayo Connect. Our discussions are arranged (loosely) by the condition a member is experiencing, and then the question or topic they wish to discuss.

This particular discussion is specifically about using Fosamax foe osteoporosis.

Methotrexate is most commonly used to treat autoimmune conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and polymyalgia rheumatica.

Can you tell me a little more about what you are dealing with so I can help you to find a more appropriate discussion where you are more likely to get responses?


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I have sjogren’s and osteoarthritis.


I have sjogren’s and osteoarthritis.

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Well, that helps - here is a Support Group that may be a good fit for you:
On that page, you can click "Start a new discussion"
I would suggest a title like "Interested in Methotrexate. I have Sjogrens and Osteoarthritis
Then tell a little about yourself and why you are considering it.

Or you might find this discussion of interest to you:
If you read it and click "Reply" you can enter your message there.

If you need more help, feel free to ask!


I was on fosamax for years but still my bone density got worse and so now I am on Evenity injections. Conversely my sister got good results with fosamax when she had osteopenia. I will probably go back on fosamax after I finish the course of Evenity because I never had any side effects in the years I took it
. I followed the no eating for a half hour after taking it.


It worked for me for 2+ years, but then stopped and my numbers started dropping. My doctor didn’t seem all that surprised. He wants me to start Prolia, but I will NOT do that.


It worked for me for 2+ years, but then stopped and my numbers started dropping. My doctor didn’t seem all that surprised. He wants me to start Prolia, but I will NOT do that.

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Good evening @lindaflu .......Welcome to Connect. Thanks for joining in August and especially for posting a comment about your osteoporosis medication. First of all, I am also on Fosomax (Alendronate) now after two years of Tymlos daily injections and a brief follow-up attempt with Prolia.

It did not work for me at all. So while I could still transition, I replaced it with Alendronate, (Fosamax). It seems that dosages every six months just put too much medicine in my body and have too long a half life. I was beginning to have pretty severe jaw pain. Now, with a weekly tablet taken as directed and that is to sit still for 30 minutes without eating anything, I have no side effects. We'll see how well it has protected my bone density achievement with Tymlos in a few months.

What other choices are you considering?

May you be safe, protected and free from inner and outer harm.


I was on fosamax for years but still my bone density got worse and so now I am on Evenity injections. Conversely my sister got good results with fosamax when she had osteopenia. I will probably go back on fosamax after I finish the course of Evenity because I never had any side effects in the years I took it
. I followed the no eating for a half hour after taking it.

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I also took Fosamax for years, after several years off any meds. All it did was keep my bad bones from getting worse. I started Evenity in August, will get my third injections in a couple of weeks. No side effects from daily Fosamax as long as I took a stomach protectant medication as well. The weekly pill gave me horrible stomach pain.

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