Continued Post-Nasal Drip and Constant Mucus in Throat

Posted by adominic @adominic, Mar 22, 2022

I was sick the last week or January/first week of February. Home Test-negative, rapid PCR-negative. All COVID symptoms and known prolonged exposure to infected individuals make me believe it was COVID. Since then, I have had a tremendously hard time dealing with post-nasal drip and mucus collecting in my throat. It is clear, sticky and almost impossible to remove from throat by coughing or clearing my throat. Flonase does nothing, allergy pills do nothing. Had anyone else had an issue like this post COVID? How long did it last? What did you do to cope? Small problem in comparison to others that post here, I realize.

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My MD, pulmonologist, just started me on Mucinex. Will see if it works. He said inhalers will just dry it & make it harder to cough out. It’s small, thick & very hard to get out. Apparently Covid caused bronchiectasis.


My doc suggested Flonase for fluid in my ear, and it has helped my drippy nose immensely!


I live in New Mexico, where is this grower and where can I get them?

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I don't know the name of the grower, but I do know NM wrote the book on natural remedies. I was in Taos recently & purchased mullein compound tincture from Taos Herb Company. They also have just mullein, but I wanted to try the compound. I have ordered from them online in the past.


I have never been diagnosed with Covid but received 2 doses of covid vaccine in April/May 21. Since that time it seems I have had this same chronic feeling of pflegm in the throat and constantly swallowing and never goes away. I am wondering if others that have had the vaccine and have also experienced this problem. Now 18 months later I am still struggling with these same symptoms.

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I have had constant thick phlegm since April 2021 (about 7-10 days after receiving the 2nd dose of the vaccine on 3-21-21) - I was suicidal for a while - no sleep for me or hubby having to listen to my efforts to get rid of the phlegm. I have tried so many things - nothing has worked (all suggested/prescribed by physicians). I have decided not to get another vaccine because I am sure it is the reason I am suffering. Now what? Between a rock and a hard place. Guess I'll be wearing a mask any time I go out. So damn frustrating.


I have had constant thick phlegm since April 2021 (about 7-10 days after receiving the 2nd dose of the vaccine on 3-21-21) - I was suicidal for a while - no sleep for me or hubby having to listen to my efforts to get rid of the phlegm. I have tried so many things - nothing has worked (all suggested/prescribed by physicians). I have decided not to get another vaccine because I am sure it is the reason I am suffering. Now what? Between a rock and a hard place. Guess I'll be wearing a mask any time I go out. So damn frustrating.

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tallbarb, I am not a doctor,but, this definitely looks like infection. The thick mucousy saliva that I have and get up each day is white. I've had it since last year after I had Covid in August. Is your mouth full of this in the morning when you wake up or just in the back of your throat? Does this feel like sinus drainage or just a glob in the back of your throat? Mine is in the back of my throat, not sinus drainge and I have to clear it out in the morning. I scrape my tongue several times a day and gargle with warm salt water which thins it out a little. I would insist on an ENT or Pulmonologist doing a culture of this. Bless your sweet heart. I am so sorry. I know the throat clearing is so aggravating. I clear my throat all day long. I have seen 5 doctors to no avail. Praying much for you right now. Hugs & Prayers....


I feel for you, I suffer from the exact same. In the evening it's worse than during the day, but overall it impacts my daily life big time. I'm seeing an ENT later this month. Had one visit already, but the guy didn't care and told me not to focus on it too much... Impossible haha. And the weird thing, only my left side seems to be involved, like it's coming from my left nostril only. My GP noticed that my left upper turbinate is very swollen, right is fine. So weird. Tried several nasal sprays such as Dymista and Avamys but non of them worked, they only gave me dry nose and bloody nose. Allergies are ruled out via blood test, but I'm gonna ask for a skin prick test as well just to be 100% sure (don't think it's allergies because I'm suffering 13 months already and right nostril is fine). Other weird thing is the PND started thin and watery and after a few months changed to thick and sticky. Which is actually less uncomfortable, but ok. I'm also a member of a FB group about rhinitis and PND, and there are treatments such as Rhinaer and Clarifix where they freeze a nerve to stop the PND. But lots of reviews from people that didn't benefit from that. My last resort is going to be posterior nasal nerve neurectomy where they basically disable the nasal nerve that's responsible for mucus production. But since I'm in the Netherlands and that procedure is only done in US and Thailand if I'm not mistaken, I don't know if it's really an option. Long story, sorry, but you're not suffering alone and I'll update if my ENT visit is succesfull later this month.

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Reading your story and symptoms is like reading my own! I’ve also had PND only on the left side since Covid in February 22. Was just wondering whether you managed to resolve it eventually, if so, what fixed it for you in the end? I’m currently 17 months in with the waking nightmare and would hugely appreciate the help. Thanks!


Reading your story and symptoms is like reading my own! I’ve also had PND only on the left side since Covid in February 22. Was just wondering whether you managed to resolve it eventually, if so, what fixed it for you in the end? I’m currently 17 months in with the waking nightmare and would hugely appreciate the help. Thanks!

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Sorry to hear that you suffer from the same. Unfortunately I haven't found a fix yet so I keep searching. Asked for a referral to a more specialized ENT last week when I saw my ENT who doesn't know what to try anymore. So I'll wait for my new appointment and continue my search for a solution. The only thing that gives me temporary relief is nasal rinse twice a day with xylitol/salt mixture. It's just to flush the mucus out so it takes a while again to build up. But it's still terrible. If you find anything that helps, please share as well 🙂


I have had constant thick phlegm since April 2021 (about 7-10 days after receiving the 2nd dose of the vaccine on 3-21-21) - I was suicidal for a while - no sleep for me or hubby having to listen to my efforts to get rid of the phlegm. I have tried so many things - nothing has worked (all suggested/prescribed by physicians). I have decided not to get another vaccine because I am sure it is the reason I am suffering. Now what? Between a rock and a hard place. Guess I'll be wearing a mask any time I go out. So damn frustrating.

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Same problem. I think mine was a result of the vaccine booster although I had other boosters without any problems. Wherever the constant drip came from it is annoying and I don’t think mine is a result of acid reflux. One doctor thinks it is. I am on omeprazole for about 4 weeks now and it doesn’t help the drip. I am going to try and switch to singulair soon and see if that helps


Sorry to hear that you suffer from the same. Unfortunately I haven't found a fix yet so I keep searching. Asked for a referral to a more specialized ENT last week when I saw my ENT who doesn't know what to try anymore. So I'll wait for my new appointment and continue my search for a solution. The only thing that gives me temporary relief is nasal rinse twice a day with xylitol/salt mixture. It's just to flush the mucus out so it takes a while again to build up. But it's still terrible. If you find anything that helps, please share as well 🙂

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I use same thing. It helps a bit but very temporary. I am going to start in Singulair next week. I will keep you posted


Do you think it’s something environmental , like allergies?

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