Has anyone had the LEAP-MRT Food Reaction Test?

Posted by mgnunez75 @mgnunez75, Mar 28, 2016

ALLERGIES: LEAP-MRT Food Reaction Testing? Has anyone heard of this test? It tests for 130 food and 20 chemical and additives for reactivity.
I have had allergies and asthma practically since birth (40 years). I have IBS, non-celiac gluten intolerance, ADHD, have had Eczema, I'm lactose intolerant, my integrative medicine doc thinks I have "leaky gut syndrome", Im allergic to shellfish (not seafood thankfully), amoxicillin/penicillin/flexeril drug sensitivity, allergic to cinnamon gum, I have environmental allergies (grass, trees, dust, pollen, etc..), acidic pineapple sensitivity (must be thoroughly rinsed, baking soda & peroxide toothpaste, all scented laundry/bath/dish soaps/feminine products, and my newest is a possible sulfite sensitivity (shortness of breath). I have my reflux under control (I had both kinds).
I basically do a (as much as possible) Organic/Non-GMO, Gluten Free, Lactose Free, GERD-friendly, Gallbladder-friendly (mine was removed 2 years ago) diet. (HAHA!) I take a ton of supplements daily and just want to know once and for all everything I am allergic or intolerant to, so I dont have to keep finding out the hard way!

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Hi @mgnunez75, and welcome to Connect. I'm Alyse, and I'm one of the community moderators here. I'm sorry to hear about all of your allergies - I can only imagine how frustrating it can be finding out the hard way, like you said.

Have you done any type of allergy or food reaction test before? Or have you scheduled a time for the LEAP-MRT test? I found some information on the types of food allergy tests Mayo Clinic offers (http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/food-allergy/basics/tests-diagnosis/con-20019293).


MGUNEZ75 I have also had allergies all of my life. The foods I am allergic to tend to change over time. I have just been diagnosed with lichen planus, an auto imune disease that attacks mucus membranes primarily in your mouth. So, I dont thonk it is possible to identify future itmes that may cause you trouble.


Hello and thank you for posting your question about MRT testing. I have the same question and have been trying to find some reviews or folks with experience with the test. I guess I will ask my allergist. I have a nutritionist who is suggesting I so the MRT test to determine food sensitivities that are contributing to my heartburn. Best wishes to you all.


Hello and thank you for posting your question about MRT testing. I have the same question and have been trying to find some reviews or folks with experience with the test. I guess I will ask my allergist. I have a nutritionist who is suggesting I so the MRT test to determine food sensitivities that are contributing to my heartburn. Best wishes to you all.

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Hello @rse, Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. There are a couple of newer discussions where members have asked similar questions and shared their experiences that you may find helpful.

- IBS sufferers – MRT and LEAP: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/ibs-sufferers-mrt-and-leap/
- Wondering if anyone has heard of this or tried it: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/wondering-if-anyone-has-heard-of-this-or-tried-it/

Do you mind sharing how you found Mayo Clinic Connect?


From what I've heard from others on another site, this test won't really give you what you want to know - there are variances in the level of sensitivity/allergy to items, and if you moderate them, they may not matter to your system. Non-processed foods with the fewest ingredients usually sit better than others claiming to be gluten free, sugar free (they replace with sorbitol or oils) and so on. Try a FODMAP diet for a few weeks and keep a diary of what you ate and comment on how you feel the next day (ie lethargy), physical symptoms and so on. Over the years I have zeroed in on foods that do not agree with me. Ask your Dr about meds to help. Regarding supplements, my take is to be very judicious and instead concentrate on high nutritional foods. I do take magnesium citrate (cramps, low due to pantoprozole), B-12 for focus and to help get over illness. Dr recommends D3 if you are mostly indoors.

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