Internal Body Tremors and Tinnitus

Posted by kkinsley @kkinsley, Jun 29, 2021

I am a 47 year old female who has been in very good health most of my life. I work out daily. In January I had sudden elevated blood pressure and feelings of heart racing/palpitations. I was put on 25 mg of Losartan. An Echo and 7 day heart monitor were normal. 3 weeks into taking the medication, I developed ear ringing and feeling shaky. I was switched to Coreg (beta blocker) to see if symptoms improve.

Symptoms progressed to feelings of internal head vibrations/quivering and sometimes into chest and abdomen as well as a feeling of shakiness in my limbs off and on. I had a CT Scan and MRI as well as lots of blood tests including checking thyroid and hormonal/adrenal gland issues. All tests normal. Saw an ENT for the tinnitus and also tell me everything looks normal. Only reference in MRI was that the bilateral anterior inferior cerebellar arteries are coursing in close proximity to their respective 7th and 8th cranial nerves. Neurologist didn't think symptoms were typical of neurological diseases so these are ruled out for now. He isn't sure but only speculation that it's possible arteries have irritated cranial nerves but had no treatment to recommend. I have days when the head and body vibrations are unbearable and days when they are more manageable.

Sleeping is challenging and I started on Gabapentin (Neurontin) at bedtime which has helped my sleep. I am also now off all blood pressure medications and my blood pressure is normal again. I have perplexed my doctors. Seeking any insight here. I am beyond frustrated. Not even sure if the Blood Pressure issues and meds caused this or just coincidence in timing. Seems I have some sort of internal tremors but no tests show why yet.

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Also note: I know zero about the nervous system other than what my Dr told me. I’m pretty sure she did not actually inject 7 & 8 directly as the nerves she injected where cranial surface nerves, but those surface nerves are all around 7 & 8 and she touched on that in our discussion when describing everything in there and what she was doing and its effects. I think I got a little over zealous in my description. I will get more detail at my checkup.

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Hello @bedmonds, I would like to add my welcome to Connect along with @kkinsley and others. It is great to see you have connected and hopefully can share your journey and what you find helpful. You can use the private message function of Connect to share contact information but I'm hoping you share what you learn here on Connect so that others following your journey may also benefit.

I'm not sure if you have seen this information but thought it might help some.
--- The 12 Cranial Nerves:

Can you provide an update after your checkup?


@kkinsley I read your post and I almost fell out of my chair. I know what the problem is because I can prove the “damage” to cranial nerves 7 & 8 is the cause. For years, I had a severe headache localized to one spot on the back of my head, but would sometimes radiate to certain areas of my head. I sought all kinds of treatments and diagnosis, therapies, drugs, and nothing worked except basic pain meds or anti inflammatoies and those stopped working when they wore off.

Finally I found a doctor who knew what was up and she did a series of 3 injections over 6 weeks of anesthesia and steroids (not sure the actual stuff, kind of like a spinal steroid shot) in to the nerves in my head around that area. Which nerves did she inject? You guessed it, 7 & 8. That was about a month ago and a shortly after the procedure, blood pressure went up, hands tremble, anxious /interval vibration feelings started, and my ears started constantly ringing. The anxious feeling is more like a “skin crawling” feeling. The only way I can describe it is it is similar to nicotine withdrawal when I quit cigarettes or taking some medications like expectorant or steroid dose packs. My heart feels beats like it would after heavy exercise or on a steroid pack. The trembling is mostly in my hands but other parts, mostly arm, shoulder etc will also tremble sometimes. It’s not like “the shakes” like you would see in some neuro illnesses but more like a vibration.

I think that the “damage” or change to those nerves have created those symptoms because nothing else makes sense and your only passing reference is the exact thing I did on purpose. No other description comes close. I am going in for a checkup in a few weeks so I will definitely post findings or thoughts. I would very much like to get in touch at least on email or messenger and keep in touch on this. It sounds like we just made big progress in diagnosing each others issue!

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Thank you for responding to my post from 2021. After way too many tests and specialists, my symptoms seem to have been peri-menopause related. So many doctors didn't make that connection. I have since now transitioned fully into menopause and I on hormone replacement therapy and feeling so much better. I still have the vibrations but much more mild than before.

I hope you find relief from your symptoms!


@nrd1 Thank you for your thoughtful response. I totally agree that the ongoing tests and medications started an unneeded spiral of worry. That is why I went off all the blood pressure medications, perhaps after it did some unwanted damage to my body, because I felt that they weren't really needed. I have also been in perimenopause for almost 3 years so did wonder about hormonal changes causing the palpitations. This was not explored sufficiently by my doctor other than doing some basic hormonal blood tests. I am not working with my ongoing workout activity, healthy eating and supplements to return to my homeostatic state. I will say, however, I do believe I have some nerve/nervous system issue caused by something because of the way the internal vibrations/tremors present. I continue to return to the neurologist to try to determine how to resolve these or perhaps over time they will go away. I am now over 2 months off all medications.

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I have internal tremors in my whole body most of the time. I found the only thing that makes them better is progesterone, because I’m in perimenopause. You might want to consider a doctor that has specialized training in perimenopause or menopause and lot’s of experience. My doctor had all kinds of my hormones tested and found my progesterone to be low. Two years ago though my first provider didn’t even test my hormones. Even if your hormones aren’t low, you may be able to request progesterone anyway and see if it helps. It seems to starting helping my tremors on about the fifth or sixth day


I'm 45 and have exactly the same symptoms. I've had an MRI and CT scans and all the blood tests under the sun but my doctors haven't got a clue. I went off all my meds myself. Actually I was on a beta blocker too I believe. I went through a traumatic period with sweats, no sleep at all and thought i was dying. I ended up in hospital and all they wanted to do was put me on more meds. I decided that something isn't right and I would have to figure it out myself. So, 3 months ago nearly I stopped my meds from doctor. it was such a dark and hard time but everyday I could feel I was slowly getting rid of the spinning and no sleep etc. I've been a lot better but I started a full time job last week which I haven't done in a year due to my mum having dementia and a broken marriage etc. So it's full on and tiring but I'm loving it. Only things is I can hear the noises and have tremors again and it's scarying me as I think it could be associated with ptsd. I've been through a terrible time in March. So my doctor today said it's tinnitus but it's so bad sometimes and I used to think tinnitus wasn't anything too serious like this. I mean for me, this is serious. Way more than ringing in my ears. How are you doing now?


Hello there,
I read your posts with interest, as I'm a 52 year old male with buzzing in my ears and innner tremors in my body (mostly torso and upper body). it is really affecting my sleep. This has been occuring for the past 7 days or so, so I am just starting out on this investigation with my doctor. Any help here at all from your experiences?
kind thanks, and I hope your health is continuing to improve.


Did you take the covid vaccine?


I have theses inner tremors that are not visible outside my body, it is very bad it akes me feel terrible and gave me high blood pressure also, had an MRI, MRA, ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAM, etc seen the neurologist three times and nobody knows anything If anyone find out what is please let me know.



Did you take the covid vaccine?

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I didn’t get the vaccine


I have theses inner tremors that are not visible outside my body, it is very bad it akes me feel terrible and gave me high blood pressure also, had an MRI, MRA, ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAM, etc seen the neurologist three times and nobody knows anything If anyone find out what is please let me know.


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Sounds like Orthostatic tremors, but is it in your legs or everywhere? For the tremors to be active, are you standing up and still? ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAM will show it only when you’re standing. Leaning on a service helps, sitting makes them go away completely. You’re not going crazy, this is very real!


No, my inner tremors are mostly in my brain and chest and body but not affects my legs or balance. Thanks for your response

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