Grover's Disease tied to Shinglix Vaccine

Posted by gardeningjunkie @gardeningjunkie, Jan 14, 2020

A member of the Grover's Disease, GD, discussion questioned if he could have acquired GD from his Shingles Vaccine as he began having GD symptoms after the shot. It made me realize my last outbreak began 3 days after my Shinglix vaccine shot. I read nothing about this on the literature for this shot I studied on the internet. I saw my dermatologist yesterday to ask if there was a tie in and he said, "Yes, 100% this vaccine can initiate or cause GD symptoms to return". For those not familiar with GD look it up. It is an intensely itching and painful torso rash that comes and goes for life. The collagen in the skin is changed. I can't believe Shingles is any more miserable. I so wished I had checked with my dermatologist first. Presently a prescription is not needed for this shot and can be given at any pharmacy which has it in stock. I also did not read anything on all the pages I signed warning me that it could trigger this disease before I got this shot at Sam's Club. My dermatologist is Jonathan Bellew, DO of the Mohave Skin and Cancer Center in Arizona and Nevada.

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It has been known for some time that thimerosal - a mercury-based preservative agent found in certain vaccines (e.g., older-generation flu shots) - can trigger GD. If you are at risk of GD it is prudent to check before receiving any new vaccine to determine if it contains thimerosal.


I would say that it depends on how severe your shingles outbreak is. In my case, I spent a week in the hospital on a morphine pump when shingles covered the entire right half of my torso. Then I suffered from post-herpetic neuralgia (nerve damage), which itself is very painful, for almost two years afterward. Shingles was by far the most painful medical condition I have ever experienced. My GD is awful, but I wouldn't trade it for shingles.

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You are right, of course. I was relatively young and otherwise healthy when I had shingles. My apologies for minimizing the suffering brought on my shingles.


No coincidence. It happened to me as well as a number of other bloggers on this site . It does appear that there is some link between the Shingrix vaccine and G. D.

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It has long been known that Thimerosal - a mercury-based preservative agent contained in certain vaccines - can trigger GD. It may well be that the Shingrix vaccine contains Thimerosal.


It has long been known that Thimerosal - a mercury-based preservative agent contained in certain vaccines - can trigger GD. It may well be that the Shingrix vaccine contains Thimerosal.

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I have had GD for over ten years. Comes and goes throughout the year but my symptoms are usually with me nine months out of the twelve.
I asked my dermatologist about Rinvoq about three months ago and he said to give it a try. He gave me two weeks worth of samples. Within three hours of taking the Rinvoq my GD symptoms were gone. I thought I had found the miracle drug I have longed for. Three weeks later I got a very severe case of the shingles. The Rinvoq representative told me to stop taking the Rinvoq. Meantime, it’s been three months and still have effects of the shingles but believe it or not I have not had any GD symptoms since taking Rinvoq.
I definitely think there is a connection between the shingles and Grover’s Disease. What it is for someone much smarter than me to figure out.


I have had GD for over ten years. Comes and goes throughout the year but my symptoms are usually with me nine months out of the twelve.
I asked my dermatologist about Rinvoq about three months ago and he said to give it a try. He gave me two weeks worth of samples. Within three hours of taking the Rinvoq my GD symptoms were gone. I thought I had found the miracle drug I have longed for. Three weeks later I got a very severe case of the shingles. The Rinvoq representative told me to stop taking the Rinvoq. Meantime, it’s been three months and still have effects of the shingles but believe it or not I have not had any GD symptoms since taking Rinvoq.
I definitely think there is a connection between the shingles and Grover’s Disease. What it is for someone much smarter than me to figure out.

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I got my shingles vaccine about 5 years ago, and consequently came down with GD. There have been others on this site who have had the same experience. Of course, when I called the Shingrix hot line and asked if they had any reports of itching as the result of the vaccine, they said no, Now, the people who manufacture the vaccine are advertising all over media selling it but of course there is no mention of the possibility of getting GD as a side effect like many other medicines now do with respect to the possible side effects due to taking them.


Hi everyone. I was recently diagnosed with GD, very grateful for this group as a resource! I am a 54 y/o white female. I have not had the shingles vaccine, however I have had all the COVID vax’s, curious if there is any link? I had chicken pox in elementary school, and have not had shingles. I have been managing the rash that is on both chest and back with steroid cream and selenium sulfate 2.5%, and 24 hour non drowsy xyzal. I am very active run 24-30 miles per week so sweat irritates the rash.

What is the ratio of cilantro to all other ingredients in shake? I want to make sure I am starting with enough.

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I used to blend 1/2 bunch of cilantro with my regular smoothies ingredients: banana, blueberry, almond milk, pro biotic yogurt and bovine collagen powder and a raw egg. I did that for 6 month daily.
Now GD free and if I feel that tingle in my back torso and feel the little tiny under the skin bumps just beginning I resume the cilantro. However I don't ruin the taste of my yummy morning smoothie. I simply make my regular smoothie and drink it, then put 1/2 bunch of cilantrol with about 1/2 cut of water in the dirty blender, blend and drink it down quickly without breathing so I don't taste it. I have never found a way to make it taste good in a drink.


I used to blend 1/2 bunch of cilantro with my regular smoothies ingredients: banana, blueberry, almond milk, pro biotic yogurt and bovine collagen powder and a raw egg. I did that for 6 month daily.
Now GD free and if I feel that tingle in my back torso and feel the little tiny under the skin bumps just beginning I resume the cilantro. However I don't ruin the taste of my yummy morning smoothie. I simply make my regular smoothie and drink it, then put 1/2 bunch of cilantrol with about 1/2 cut of water in the dirty blender, blend and drink it down quickly without breathing so I don't taste it. I have never found a way to make it taste good in a drink.

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The thought of going back to the fresh-frozen Cilantro makes me gag. I've been using the oil now for a while. As I mentioned, I have been dealing with a new outbreak. Questioning whether or not the oil is as effective as fresh. The most effective way for me is ice. When the itching starts I put an ice compress on the area and leave it there until the itching stops. It will pretty much relieve the itching for a number of hours.


The thought of going back to the fresh-frozen Cilantro makes me gag. I've been using the oil now for a while. As I mentioned, I have been dealing with a new outbreak. Questioning whether or not the oil is as effective as fresh. The most effective way for me is ice. When the itching starts I put an ice compress on the area and leave it there until the itching stops. It will pretty much relieve the itching for a number of hours.

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Bad news about your new outbreak my long time GD friend. so sorry. I do understand not wanting to go back on fresh or frozen, but I do find when I blend it really well and hold my breath and chug it down quickly and follow with a glass of water I can deal with the taste. I've only been dealing with a few bumps so resumed the cilantro. I may not even be dealing with GD, these few bumps do itch but may be related to sweat and heat because of my obsessive landscape gardening. I figure better safe than sorry.
Your tip about the ice is appreciated, if I get to that point again I will try it.


You and I are probably the longest term members here. So many people I no longer see. Try the ice if you need it. Really works well for me.

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