Internal Body Tremors and Tinnitus

Posted by kkinsley @kkinsley, Jun 29, 2021

I am a 47 year old female who has been in very good health most of my life. I work out daily. In January I had sudden elevated blood pressure and feelings of heart racing/palpitations. I was put on 25 mg of Losartan. An Echo and 7 day heart monitor were normal. 3 weeks into taking the medication, I developed ear ringing and feeling shaky. I was switched to Coreg (beta blocker) to see if symptoms improve.

Symptoms progressed to feelings of internal head vibrations/quivering and sometimes into chest and abdomen as well as a feeling of shakiness in my limbs off and on. I had a CT Scan and MRI as well as lots of blood tests including checking thyroid and hormonal/adrenal gland issues. All tests normal. Saw an ENT for the tinnitus and also tell me everything looks normal. Only reference in MRI was that the bilateral anterior inferior cerebellar arteries are coursing in close proximity to their respective 7th and 8th cranial nerves. Neurologist didn't think symptoms were typical of neurological diseases so these are ruled out for now. He isn't sure but only speculation that it's possible arteries have irritated cranial nerves but had no treatment to recommend. I have days when the head and body vibrations are unbearable and days when they are more manageable.

Sleeping is challenging and I started on Gabapentin (Neurontin) at bedtime which has helped my sleep. I am also now off all blood pressure medications and my blood pressure is normal again. I have perplexed my doctors. Seeking any insight here. I am beyond frustrated. Not even sure if the Blood Pressure issues and meds caused this or just coincidence in timing. Seems I have some sort of internal tremors but no tests show why yet.

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Have you had a ANA done? Over the years I’ve had every weird health issues. If they knew or thought it possible, I should have been tested but we’re talking mostly from age 10 on up. They kept sending me to the school psychiatrist and in general, nobody knew what to do with me. I stopped trying to explain years ago. HOWEVER BEFORE I DIGRESS, have you been tested for autoimmune diseases?

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No, not yet.

But now that I am no longer ignoring these symptoms as just “my body doing quirky things” I will be seeking a referral to be seen and tested as soon as possible.

Praying for answers! I’d love to have my life back

My mother has Polymyalgia so I’m not sure if I’m susceptible to an auto immune disease or disorder


No, not yet.

But now that I am no longer ignoring these symptoms as just “my body doing quirky things” I will be seeking a referral to be seen and tested as soon as possible.

Praying for answers! I’d love to have my life back

My mother has Polymyalgia so I’m not sure if I’m susceptible to an auto immune disease or disorder

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So many people have a autoimmune disease but for some reason I’ve found you have to be “pushy” or “proactive” and it’s expensive (the test). I am almost 76 and 5 years ago I was tested. Believe me, it was really difficult NOT TO SAY I TOLD YOU SO! Push for the test especially if all else is coming up negative. And good luck. I wish you all the best.

I might add I had been mentioning SLE history in family for about 30 years before finally being tested.


Hello, Sorry you are experiencing this. I know first hand how frustrating this can be. I had to have a full hysterectomy a year ago. Few days after surgery I had severe tinnitis and an internal humming or like vibrations in my body. Hard to discribe what it feels like. the only thing doctors could come up with was a plummet in my estrogen. Since I did not have any ovaries anymore my body went into surgical menopause therefore I was depleted of all hormones and very quickly. I had to go through many tests and doctors to try to get to the root cause of my vibrations and trimmers. But I believe it is the estrogen. I'm now on an estrogen patch and I can feel that the vibrations are easing up and the tinitis is not as loud as it used to be and my symptoms are more manageable now. Still there. But manageable.
Maybe you should do a hormone test and see where your estrogen is, if it is really low maybe that is the cause of your issue. I did not start to feel better until I got my estrogen level backup in the seventies range.
Hope yiu can find some answers.


I just came across your post. I had a similar experience last year just 3 weeks after my covid vax. I had an episode of irregular heartbeat ended up in hospital over night. A week or so later I started with terrible migraines and ear issues. I too have been suffering from what feels like internal tremors and feel like I am doing absolutely mad. I’m 48 and after so many different MRIs CT scans etc I’ve been diagnosed with an inner ear condition called cochlear hydrops as well as migraines. Funny thing is that I’ve never had migraines in my life prior.
Been in and out of specialist office now have and ENT Neurologist and Cardiologist but I am still unsatisfied with the lack of understanding in my symptoms.
This is now some time after your original post, have you had any progress?


I have similar vibrations that wake me ever night from sleeping. This started in Dec of 2017 as mild tingling and is now like a cell phone on vibrate is under my body. It happens every night between 3:30 and 5 am. I get the vibrations usually in my head but sometimes in my lower spine or lower legs. Had full workup/tests/scans done with no findings... I am unremarkable, yet I continue to have this every night. Things that help me is taking Hydroxyzine asap when they wake me up and then moving around to make the vibrations go away. After 20-30 min I can try to go back to sleep. Pretty sure that the Hydroxyzine is just covering up the issue and not actually stopping the vibrations. Other meds that work for are Seroquel and Olanzapine(makes me drowsy during the day). With Seroquel I am able to sleep through the night.


As someone who has experienced body tremor type, caffeine adrenal type rush in your system along with ears ringing upon being in a certain home or environment, I would strongly recommend looking into your environment. Were there any changes on the interior or exterior of your home just prior to you noticing these physiological changes. 5G and cell towers are now being placed inside residential neighborhoods. Back in the early 2000s, there may have only been 30,000 cell towers. Now there are 420,000 installed across the US. And in six years, by 2028, that number will be 1.2 million cell towers, all emitting radiation (radio frequencies), that pass through our homes. Along with electrical wiring and gas lines running under your home, all of this creates ELECTRO-MAGNETIC FIELDS (EMFs), and if sensitive to this, can send the body into adrenal fatigue. Would be a good idea to check what may have changed on the inside or outside of your home. Especially with electricity and magnetic fields from radiation, just because we can't see the waves of electricity, doesn't mean they are not in our homes. There are readers available that do check the levels of electrical power that is inside your home.


Hi there, i just started feeling the exact same. Have you gotten a diagnosis? I also around the same time started having abnormal uterine bleeding. Im on my 6th weeks of non stop vaginal bleeding.


I have the exact same symptoms and it took months for me to figure out it was my body making those vibrations and not something outside me. They were faint at first and mostly noticeable when they woke me up at night. Being so still and quiet made them noticeable. I thought it was machinery vibrations because it was so consistent and regular. I got a new refrigerator, had both HVAC systems serviced and extensively tested, new service duct. I even had the underground piers in my foundation checked thinking they were transferring vibrations from the overpass beyond the bay where I live.

Nope. It's inside and it wasn't until they got stronger that I realized it. I now have them all the time though I can ignore them if I'm physically busy with other things. Haven't slept through a full night in months. As a military retiree (Navy Officer), I have Tricare and honestly, they don't even assign us a doctor. I'm pretty sure it's just good financial policy for them to let us die as quickly as possible so we don't collect our pensions. (only sort of kidding there)

Basically, I'll get better care if I go in there with more information and can simply tell them what they need to do in terms of testing and consults. Has anyone on this thread figured out what they have?

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Hi there I am also a Navy officer and have not retired yet. But was wondering if you ever got looked at further for this or if you got a diagnosis. I am and have experienced the same thing.


Hello, Sorry you are experiencing this. I know first hand how frustrating this can be. I had to have a full hysterectomy a year ago. Few days after surgery I had severe tinnitis and an internal humming or like vibrations in my body. Hard to discribe what it feels like. the only thing doctors could come up with was a plummet in my estrogen. Since I did not have any ovaries anymore my body went into surgical menopause therefore I was depleted of all hormones and very quickly. I had to go through many tests and doctors to try to get to the root cause of my vibrations and trimmers. But I believe it is the estrogen. I'm now on an estrogen patch and I can feel that the vibrations are easing up and the tinitis is not as loud as it used to be and my symptoms are more manageable now. Still there. But manageable.
Maybe you should do a hormone test and see where your estrogen is, if it is really low maybe that is the cause of your issue. I did not start to feel better until I got my estrogen level backup in the seventies range.
Hope yiu can find some answers.

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How old are you please?


I have same vibrations and tinnitus. They both get much worse in the cold winter mos. I have a partially ruptured disk and bone spurs in my neck, I have painful Fibromyalgia. I cannot tolerate carbs - they fire up pain badly.
It never dawned on me that EMF’s could cause some of this mayhem.

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