The Chat Room: A place to talk about this and that

Posted by John, Volunteer Mentor @johnbishop, Oct 3, 2020

Have you discovered mutual likes or common points of interest with other members while talking about the medical stuff? Sometimes these discoveries take us off topic.

Welcome to The Chat Room.
This is a place to talk about this and that over the backyard fence so to speak. To invite a fellow member or members to the chat room, simply mention their @username. They will get an email to join the conversation here.

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My name is Eileen Luna. I'm so distraught right now. I been crying on and off cuz my PCP is retiring soon on May 1,2023. She's been my doctor for 10 years. She was my motivation factor for me to be involved with my diabetes care. She would always order tests like my A1c level and my BMP test. She even got me to do CGM for my diabetes care and I change my diet around cuz she helped me to get well and to keep on going to keep my blood sugar levels on par. Now I'll be having my last labs and my last A1c level and BMP test with her on February 10,2023. I'll never find another Doctor like Dr.Mary Ellen Behmer at Metrohealth System anymore

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@rosechili1950, I love the tips that @marjou and @sueinmn shared with you. I'd also like to provide a link to related discussions where members shared tips on how to find a new doctor and how to get started with a new doctor. Such helpful information from others who have been where you are now.

- Oh no - my doctor is retiring - What do I do?
- Your Tips on How to Get Off to the Best Start with a New Specialist


@jimlondon1 Hello Jim, and welcome to Connect. What I might suggest is to read about spine issues in the Spine Group. You can have stenosis or narrowing of the spinal canal without pain which can affect walking and cause weakness. I am a spine surgery patient for stenosis that happened in my neck, years later, as a result of a whiplash. I also had some issues with walking and weakness not just in legs, but in my arms as well.

Have you been examined by a neurologist? That might be a first step to diagnose a spine problem. If you do have central canal stenosis, one of the lesser involved surgeries that might treat it may be a laminectomy. My 80-year-old cousin had this and was pretty active again 2 weeks later and doing long walks. It can be diagnosed with imaging such as an MRI.

You can find a lot of discussions that mention stenosis if you use the search function at the top of the screen.

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Thanks for the reply, one of the Drs said to go to a research and teaching Hospital like Mayo and that's what I am doing and should have done long ago, what I wrote was pretty long, what happened to me 17 years ago was I went for a routine colonoscopy when I lived in Las Vegas..the antithesist that put me under used the needle and medicine on someone else first, then re-used the dirty needle on me! I got Hepatitis C and nearly make a long story short..I have never been the same, that Dr killed 4 others and I am lucky to be alive! Thanks again for the reply and I'm going to hope Mayo finds what's wrong...what you said about you Cousin gave me hope! At 69, I am not ready to die! Thanks again! JS London..........


Thanks for the reply, one of the Drs said to go to a research and teaching Hospital like Mayo and that's what I am doing and should have done long ago, what I wrote was pretty long, what happened to me 17 years ago was I went for a routine colonoscopy when I lived in Las Vegas..the antithesist that put me under used the needle and medicine on someone else first, then re-used the dirty needle on me! I got Hepatitis C and nearly make a long story short..I have never been the same, that Dr killed 4 others and I am lucky to be alive! Thanks again for the reply and I'm going to hope Mayo finds what's wrong...what you said about you Cousin gave me hope! At 69, I am not ready to die! Thanks again! JS London..........

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Hi @jimlondon1 I’m just going to pop into the conversation you’re having with @jenniferhunter to give you the contact information for Mayo Clinic. It looks like you’re in The Villages so your nearest clinic would be in Jacksonville.

Here’s the link to get you started with contacting the clinic. Let the coordinator on the phone know that you’re interested in Jacksonville. They’ll ask some questions and then set appointment process in motion.

Jacksonville, Florida
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Eastern time, Monday through Friday

Seventeen years is a long time to be suffering. I’m 69 too and I agree, you are not ready to die!! ☺️ Me either, I’ll go out fighting tooth and claw.
Jennifer gave you good suggestions about seeking neurological help for your legs. I hope you can find some answers! You mentioned that you’ve not been the same since having Hepatitis C. Wow, that’s an incredible story about how you contacted the disease! Did you receive treatment or compensation from the hospital for that gross negligence?
Here are a couple of links to the Hep C discussions in the forum and the informative site from Mayo Clinic.

I’m looking into taking treatment for the 3rd time with Hepatitis C

After Hep C treatment.

What treatments have you taken for Hep C? Have you seen a neurologist for you legs?


Hi @jimlondon1 I’m just going to pop into the conversation you’re having with @jenniferhunter to give you the contact information for Mayo Clinic. It looks like you’re in The Villages so your nearest clinic would be in Jacksonville.

Here’s the link to get you started with contacting the clinic. Let the coordinator on the phone know that you’re interested in Jacksonville. They’ll ask some questions and then set appointment process in motion.

Jacksonville, Florida
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Eastern time, Monday through Friday

Seventeen years is a long time to be suffering. I’m 69 too and I agree, you are not ready to die!! ☺️ Me either, I’ll go out fighting tooth and claw.
Jennifer gave you good suggestions about seeking neurological help for your legs. I hope you can find some answers! You mentioned that you’ve not been the same since having Hepatitis C. Wow, that’s an incredible story about how you contacted the disease! Did you receive treatment or compensation from the hospital for that gross negligence?
Here are a couple of links to the Hep C discussions in the forum and the informative site from Mayo Clinic.

I’m looking into taking treatment for the 3rd time with Hepatitis C

After Hep C treatment.

What treatments have you taken for Hep C? Have you seen a neurologist for you legs?

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Thanks for all that info to get me started! It is only a 2 hours dive from here and will make the calls on Monday. Of course I hired a Lawyer and sued for Medical Malpractice, I got 2 and a half Million Dollars for my pain and suffering, but what good s Is that......all the money in the World means nothing to me...I would give my right arm and sleep on the street, what am I going to do with 2.5 Million Dollars if I can't enjoy it? I am only 69 and do not have any other ailments except I can't walk...I am sure Mayo will find it..I have a lot to live for...I got rid of the Hep C, the Medicine cost me 90k, but it was sure worth it...all the nurses at the NRI place said they can't believe I was 69, they thought I was 39! I may sound like Jack Benny but I got a lot going for me.....thanks again for all. the info, I am going to call on Monday!! Thanks! Jimmy London


im bipolar and a recovering alcohol. my life has turned upside down, again, but this time im drained and want to checkout,


im bipolar and a recovering alcohol. my life has turned upside down, again, but this time im drained and want to checkout,

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@jacksmom1963 Being in recovery has its stressors, and also having a mental health condition can all combine to seem overwhelming. What has happened that your life turned upside down, how does that look for you everyday? Do you have friends and family nearby who you can call on for support to see you through this dark time?

Please reach out and call 988 for the hotline and support. People there will talk to you. We care here on Mayo Clinic Connect, and I for one am glad you chose to type out this message to us. How may I help you?


im bipolar and a recovering alcohol. my life has turned upside down, again, but this time im drained and want to checkout,

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I agree with @gingerw. Please call or text 988, the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

@jacksmom1963, we're here and listening. What has turned life upside down?


My name is Eileen Luna. I'm so distraught right now. I been crying on and off cuz my PCP is retiring soon on May 1,2023. She's been my doctor for 10 years. She was my motivation factor for me to be involved with my diabetes care. She would always order tests like my A1c level and my BMP test. She even got me to do CGM for my diabetes care and I change my diet around cuz she helped me to get well and to keep on going to keep my blood sugar levels on par. Now I'll be having my last labs and my last A1c level and BMP test with her on February 10,2023. I'll never find another Doctor like Dr.Mary Ellen Behmer at Metrohealth System anymore

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Eileen - I sympathize with you, but keep the faith! Six years ago I chose to leave a terrible PCP; I realized that while he supposedly had a good military medical record, you could only trust him to diagnose and treat only the very simple issues and he was not adequate or capable for patients needing more complex care. An 80 yr old neighbor highly recommended his PCP Internist, then two other neighbors shared positive feelings about how she treated them as well. They were so right!!! I had to move to NC after 3 years with my great doctor, and I was crushed beyond belief. But NC neighbor recommendations yielded me an even better PCP than ever, which I wouldn’t have thought possible! Now I have to move again, and it’s tearing me up to leave her. Her advice on her replacement, since she has no idea of doctors where I’m moving?? She said “Ask your neighbors!” So I posted to a community/neighborhood forum that exist in a lot of places these days, asking for opinions. Of course I have to read through bias and people just throwing names out, but I can see some trends, and read validating comments that have helped me decide where to go. Good luck to you!


I just joined Mayo Clinic Connect and thought maybe you can direct me to where I can read about someone else with my problem, it is hard to believe it, but most of the people on here suffer from so many multiple aliments, that mine is "NOTHING" compared to that, but still for 17 years I have been gradually getting worse, and NONE of the Drs around here "The Villages" in Lady Lake, Fla. know! Anyway I am a 69 year old male and have had every single diagnostic test to no avail.....I feel like a teenager and have NO aliments like Diabetes, Thyroid problems, High Blood Pressure, etc. There is NO Pain involved but my legs are "DEAD" and I drag myself around with a cane to hold me up. It must be a meager thing! At 69, I am also as sharp as a tack.Will Mayo know? Thanks..James S. London

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I am 75, and had similar issues present with heavy legs and difficulty walking. I had a scan which revealed non-Hodgkin lymphoma. A gut punch as lymphoma generally presents as swellings in the lymph nodes in the neck. I have had four of six chemotherapy treatments, and am responding well. Your situation sounds similar to mine, and I feel compelled to share.


I have a lump on my testicle, they say maybe scar tissue, but worried. anyone deal with this?

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