Living with epilepsy - Introduce yourself & meet others

Welcome to the Epilepsy group on Mayo Clinic Connect.
Having seizures, or being told you have epilepsy, affects people in different ways. Let's learn from each other and share stories about living well with epilepsy, coping with the bumps and offering tips.

I'm Colleen, and I'm the moderator of this group, and Community Director of Connect. You're likely to also meet fellow member and volunteer patient Mentor, Dawn (@dawn_giacabazi), when you post to this group. Learn more about Moderators and Mentors on Connect.

We look forward to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one. Grab a cup of tea, or beverage of you choice, and let's chat. Why not start by introducing yourself?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Epilepsy & Seizures Support Group.


Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect.
It’s great you have control of your Tonic-Clonic seizures.
Are you taking anything besides Keppra to help with the Myoclonus? How often do have jerks? What’s your Keppra dose?
Take care,

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I used to take Keppra, for 4 years, until 2015. The side effects were horrible. I am only taking Full Spectrum CBD oil and Kava.


Hi @carissadennery
Welcome to this group :-)!
Happy to know you have control over your tonic-clonic seizures and that they have been so helpful at your work.
I have temporal-lobe epilepsy and a gluten-free diet has helped me much to reduce my seizures. Since one year, I am gluten-free in my diet and my seizures have been reduced from 12/13 seizures a month to 2/3 seizures a month. I do not have celiac disease though, but I have read many studies that gluten does provoke inflammation in the gut and this can be a trigger to seizures. Taking gluten out of my diet, has been much easier than I thought, nowadays there are so many products that are gluten-free. How has it been for you? Do you have celiac disease? I have not tried Keto diet, as this one is really hard to follow.
I also do treat myself with CBD (without any THC), as the traditional meds have worsened my epilepsy or brought more harm than benefits. Hatha yoga has also been very beneficial to me. I am happy to say that this year with those changes in my treatment I am back to life and smiling again.

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I have reacted horribly to every presc med and so it is just Kava and CBD oil. I am grateful that you have gotten relief from your seizures, meaning that they have lessened.


I have reacted horribly to every presc med and so it is just Kava and CBD oil. I am grateful that you have gotten relief from your seizures, meaning that they have lessened.

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@carissadennery, good morning

First of all, Happy 2023. I wish you and all in this group, a year of better health!

Thank you for your kind words. There are more and more studies, showing a strong relationship between the gut and the brain. Usually, epileptologists say that gluten does only affect those with celiac disease. But I do not have celiac disease according to some recent exams my doctor asked me and taking out gluten from my diet has made a huge difference in my seizures, reducing them much as I have already mentioned. The gluten that are in our food nowadays irritates much the gut! My husband who is in good health and does not have epilepsy, is also on a gluten-free diet, feeling much better. A contact of mine who has autism is also on a gluten-free diet recommended by her doctor and is better. Dr. Dale Bredesen, who is specialized in Alzheimer, also recommends a gluten-free diet to his patients. Unfortunately, traditional western medicine does not yet recognize the benefits of a gluten-free diet for those who have a brain disorder.

Curiosity, the CBD you take is Epidiolex?

Have a nice day!


I used to take Keppra, for 4 years, until 2015. The side effects were horrible. I am only taking Full Spectrum CBD oil and Kava.

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Can I ask how much CBD do you take daily and how many times a day. Is it in pill, tincture or gummy form??


Hello, I am new to this forum and wanted to learn from others about this problem. I was diagnosed with TEA or transient epileptic amnesia. Dealing with constant headaches, anyone else experiencing this? Thanks!


Hi all, I don't have epilepsy but our daughter does. It's been a long 6 years, she was dx at 7 wks old. It's so hard to see your loved one having seizures, but she is so strong and determined. She is our warrior!!


Hello, I am new to this forum and wanted to learn from others about this problem. I was diagnosed with TEA or transient epileptic amnesia. Dealing with constant headaches, anyone else experiencing this? Thanks!

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Hello, I was diagnosed with nocturnal tonic-clonic seizures about 9 months ago so I have much to learn. I have lived with migraines most of my life so I am attempting to see if there is some pattern between the two. I do know I just completed a week with covid, and that was the worst headache I have ever experienced and hope to never have to go through again!


Hello, I was diagnosed with nocturnal tonic-clonic seizures about 9 months ago so I have much to learn. I have lived with migraines most of my life so I am attempting to see if there is some pattern between the two. I do know I just completed a week with covid, and that was the worst headache I have ever experienced and hope to never have to go through again!

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Ouch! My first two seizures were amnesia type. I lost a lot of memory with the second one. The third seizure was the tonic-clonic type. I was unconscious for over 2 hours. My neurologist didn’t seem too concerned with my chronic headaches. She prescribed keppra for seizures and another drug for the headaches. I can’t remember what it was. But that medicine didn’t work. I am more concerned if they have the correct diagnosis, so I am getting a second opinion. If you find a drug that works for you, please let me know! Good luck and thanks for responding.


Hi all, I don't have epilepsy but our daughter does. It's been a long 6 years, she was dx at 7 wks old. It's so hard to see your loved one having seizures, but she is so strong and determined. She is our warrior!!

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She is a very beautiful young lady! Life isn’t fair. Hoping and praying the doctors will find a cure/treatment to suppress the seizures. I just read a book about a young girl who had very bad seizures and eventually had a positive outcome. I will pass on the name of the book later. Good luck!!


Ouch! My first two seizures were amnesia type. I lost a lot of memory with the second one. The third seizure was the tonic-clonic type. I was unconscious for over 2 hours. My neurologist didn’t seem too concerned with my chronic headaches. She prescribed keppra for seizures and another drug for the headaches. I can’t remember what it was. But that medicine didn’t work. I am more concerned if they have the correct diagnosis, so I am getting a second opinion. If you find a drug that works for you, please let me know! Good luck and thanks for responding.

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Hi @albendorf, Good Morning
I have seen second, third, and many other opinions, before finding my doctor and the best treatment for my epilepsy and myself. What I can share with you is that being treated by an epileptologist rather than a neurologist has made a huge difference. My epileptologist is also a very open doctor, treating with medical cannabis, yoga, diets, and other instruments. I am back to life!!! Do not give up on searching for the right doctor for you. Unfortunately, I can not help you with an epileptologist's recommendation in the US, as I do live in South America. But perhaps others in this group can.
All the best to you and take care!

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