Living with epilepsy - Introduce yourself & meet others

Welcome to the Epilepsy group on Mayo Clinic Connect.
Having seizures, or being told you have epilepsy, affects people in different ways. Let's learn from each other and share stories about living well with epilepsy, coping with the bumps and offering tips.

I'm Colleen, and I'm the moderator of this group, and Community Director of Connect. You're likely to also meet fellow member and volunteer patient Mentor, Dawn (@dawn_giacabazi), when you post to this group. Learn more about Moderators and Mentors on Connect.

We look forward to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one. Grab a cup of tea, or beverage of you choice, and let's chat. Why not start by introducing yourself?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Epilepsy & Seizures Support Group.


Hi @albendorf, Good Morning
I have seen second, third, and many other opinions, before finding my doctor and the best treatment for my epilepsy and myself. What I can share with you is that being treated by an epileptologist rather than a neurologist has made a huge difference. My epileptologist is also a very open doctor, treating with medical cannabis, yoga, diets, and other instruments. I am back to life!!! Do not give up on searching for the right doctor for you. Unfortunately, I can not help you with an epileptologist's recommendation in the US, as I do live in South America. But perhaps others in this group can.
All the best to you and take care!

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Thanks! I’ve never heard of that type of doctor before. But I am new to this medical dilemma. Glad to hear you are doing much better. This forum is neat, as I get to meet people from all over the world! I am a farmer in southwest Wisconsin.


Hi @albendorf
Be welcome in this group! Thank you for your wishes!
An epileptologist is a neurologist specialized in Epilepsy. If I knew that beforehand, I would have looked for one straight away when I got diagnosed with epilepsy by a psychiatrist in 2019. But as I did not know it and was at that time very new to epilepsy, I continue treating myself with this psychiatrist and then changed to other neurologists, until I learned that the best in Epilepsy is to be treated by an epileptologist.
Since you have mentioned you are new to this medical dilemma, I suggest you to have a look at the site of the Epilepsy Foundation. I have learned a lot through it.


Ouch! My first two seizures were amnesia type. I lost a lot of memory with the second one. The third seizure was the tonic-clonic type. I was unconscious for over 2 hours. My neurologist didn’t seem too concerned with my chronic headaches. She prescribed keppra for seizures and another drug for the headaches. I can’t remember what it was. But that medicine didn’t work. I am more concerned if they have the correct diagnosis, so I am getting a second opinion. If you find a drug that works for you, please let me know! Good luck and thanks for responding.

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When you lost your memory, did any of it ever return?
You mentioned you were unconscious for two hours, were you in Status Epilepticus and seizing or was most of that time when you were asleep after the seizure ended?
Of all the seizures I had in the last 50+ years I’ve never had a headache as a result from one.
Here is some information from the Epilepsy Foundation regarding headaches
Take care,


When you lost your memory, did any of it ever return?
You mentioned you were unconscious for two hours, were you in Status Epilepticus and seizing or was most of that time when you were asleep after the seizure ended?
Of all the seizures I had in the last 50+ years I’ve never had a headache as a result from one.
Here is some information from the Epilepsy Foundation regarding headaches
Take care,

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Excellent article. Thanks for sharing. All I know, was that I was unconscious for over 2 hours. Someday, I would like to compare notes with you, if you’re interested. Wish you the best!


Hello I’m Jean and just found this site. I have a seizure disorder since age 12 and I’m 62 now. I take anti seizure meds and have a VNS. Looking forward to meeting others!!


A very warm welcome, Jean!
Wishing you all a good weekend!


A very warm welcome, Jean!
Wishing you all a good weekend!

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Thank you so much have a good weekend as well.


Hello….my first time and I feel like I don’t have enough information on having seizures or dealing with having them…


Hello….my first time and I feel like I don’t have enough information on having seizures or dealing with having them…

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Hi @senoj18 Good Morning
A warm welcome to this group.
Reading and learning about epilepsy could be very helpful at this stage. At least it has helped me much when I got diagnosed in 2019. I could understand certain reactions I have had in the past (I have lived with epilepsy without knowing it for 30 years). The Mayo Clinic has several nice materials on epilepsy. Have also a look at the Epilepsy Foundation website.
Have a nice Sunday!


Hi, Perhaps I am late for connecting with this group but perhaps there is no such thing as never too late. At 39, 30 yrs ago I had my 1st seizure (maybe) w/ 3 kids not being able to drive was the worst thing I could think of. Having the seizure because of a stroke (?) wasn't great either but that was ruled out but permanent right side weakness occurred. After 12 mos I did get to drive again but finally 7 years later after my 3rd accident they found out I was having continuous generalized seizures and took away my license I was angry later called highway patrol officer and thanked him who knows whose lives he may have saved. I've dealt with severe depression but finally have gotton to the point where I am like I same I am no different than a doctor with a really crappy day with a whole lot less money and goodies but frankly thats life. I got a VNS implant 5yrs ago and the intermittent "shakes" are gone. I turn 70 in a few months my kid once 8,10 &13 are all in their 40s nearly 50 yrs of marriage and a lot of up and down there too life hasn't been easy so I realize all of you coping with epilepsy especially those with grand mal and more complicated mine probably seems like a walk in the park so whether you are at the beginning or middle or don't know where (like me) well ==== Leslie == Oh if you are diabetic, with eye problems, GI problems, Kidney, back, == well I here for all that too. I kind of have cornucopia of issues. 🙂

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