Spouse with cognitive problems and finances

Posted by Julie Chitwood @billchitwood, Feb 25, 2022

Bill uses a computer everyday, and has nothing but problems with it. He blames his Dell and I'm pretty sure it is the user lol. He has decided to buy another one (second in a year) and going to very suspect sites. If he does get a new one it won't 'work' for him either! Once again he asked me for our address.

He still has enough memory to think he knows what he is doing. I've had to get us out of quite a few scams that he has fallen for (keeps buying hearing aids while having an excellent pair). I don't know how to protect our finances from him - at least not without major battles. So far in the past year he has bought two computers. One I could give our math teacher daughter for her school (non returnable). The other is his Dell. He also has a working Lenovo, which he says is bad - besides having a crack from his throwing it, it does work ok.

He wants to buy every ad he sees on TV - especially supplements that his doctor says are bad for him. I hid the credit card but some sites we use are auto pay and in spite of everything he remembers how to access those.

Any suggestions?

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Thank you so much for all of your information.
I have made an appointment with a specialist in the field of Dementia/Alzheimer’s referred by our neurologist but on a wait list as it is on February 1st. Hopefully we can get an earlier appointment.
So much going on now with the Holidays and doctors and tests that I want to contact a social worker in January instead. I have read about the new meds for Alzheimer’s and there can be side affects that may be bad but further testing is going on. These meds are not completely approved because testing has not been going on that long.
Happy Holidays to you!

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I am so sorry to hear about your husband’s decline. I would think that being at home with his family would be the best for him, for his security and peace of mind , and he has made that clear by saying he does not want to be in a hospital.
Other than that, I really don’t have any advice to give but I will pray for him, for you and for your family.
God’s blessings to you.


Has been a rough Fall with Bill getting weaker by the day. In Oct within 3 weeks he went from 182 to 162 pounds - is skin and bones. Doesn't want to eat more than a few bites at a time. Ended up in the hospital twice. Said he won't go again.
One assessment said he should be on hospice but the doctor on call that night said he should wait (this was a hospice group). Has gotten worse since then. Major bathroom issues. The bathroom abuts our bedroom and his 'movie room' - in other words, a very short distance. Traversing it has him so exhausted that he almost passes out before he can either get to the bed or his chair.
He was scheduled for the 4 hour dementia testing next Monday but cancelled for the moment as he isn't up to getting there much less waiting and then doing a four hour test. At this point the test could be a moot point.

He has a doctor's appointment on the 12th and I'm hoping it can be done by Zoom or Facetime. Although he does put on a great show for doctors and visitors. Which doesn't help getting him help! He can't understand why they won't give him pain pills when he denies having any pain (last few days stomach pain). He also can't understand why his hospital stays didn't 'fix' him like new.

He keeps asking me what is wrong - sometimes admitting he thinks he is dying. I don't know how to answer him as he does not want me agreeing with him on the dying. I just try to listen and be there. Don't know what else to do.

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I am so sorry to hear about your husband’s decline. I would think that being at home with his family would be the best for him, for his security and peace of mind , and he has made that clear by saying he does not want to be in a hospital.
Other than that, I really don’t have any to give but I will pray for him, for you and for your family.


Has been a rough Fall with Bill getting weaker by the day. In Oct within 3 weeks he went from 182 to 162 pounds - is skin and bones. Doesn't want to eat more than a few bites at a time. Ended up in the hospital twice. Said he won't go again.
One assessment said he should be on hospice but the doctor on call that night said he should wait (this was a hospice group). Has gotten worse since then. Major bathroom issues. The bathroom abuts our bedroom and his 'movie room' - in other words, a very short distance. Traversing it has him so exhausted that he almost passes out before he can either get to the bed or his chair.
He was scheduled for the 4 hour dementia testing next Monday but cancelled for the moment as he isn't up to getting there much less waiting and then doing a four hour test. At this point the test could be a moot point.

He has a doctor's appointment on the 12th and I'm hoping it can be done by Zoom or Facetime. Although he does put on a great show for doctors and visitors. Which doesn't help getting him help! He can't understand why they won't give him pain pills when he denies having any pain (last few days stomach pain). He also can't understand why his hospital stays didn't 'fix' him like new.

He keeps asking me what is wrong - sometimes admitting he thinks he is dying. I don't know how to answer him as he does not want me agreeing with him on the dying. I just try to listen and be there. Don't know what else to do.

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This morning he was very agitated. Was sure I no longer loved him. That I was spending all of our money. That I didn't bring him a custard filled donut (I had the other day and he wouldn't eat it and said not to get more lol). He was going to report me for being cruel. I didn't offer him enough breakfast options (French Toast; waffles; pancakes; cereal; eggs fixed any way he would like them; Cheese Danish; muffins, etc.) - he finally decided on fried eggs on toast and hot chocolate.

By now he is back to loving me and eating his breakfast.


This morning he was very agitated. Was sure I no longer loved him. That I was spending all of our money. That I didn't bring him a custard filled donut (I had the other day and he wouldn't eat it and said not to get more lol). He was going to report me for being cruel. I didn't offer him enough breakfast options (French Toast; waffles; pancakes; cereal; eggs fixed any way he would like them; Cheese Danish; muffins, etc.) - he finally decided on fried eggs on toast and hot chocolate.

By now he is back to loving me and eating his breakfast.

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I understand what you are describing. He can say such awful things to me during the day, but every morning and evening, he always gives me a big kiss and says “I love you.”


Has been a rough Fall with Bill getting weaker by the day. In Oct within 3 weeks he went from 182 to 162 pounds - is skin and bones. Doesn't want to eat more than a few bites at a time. Ended up in the hospital twice. Said he won't go again.
One assessment said he should be on hospice but the doctor on call that night said he should wait (this was a hospice group). Has gotten worse since then. Major bathroom issues. The bathroom abuts our bedroom and his 'movie room' - in other words, a very short distance. Traversing it has him so exhausted that he almost passes out before he can either get to the bed or his chair.
He was scheduled for the 4 hour dementia testing next Monday but cancelled for the moment as he isn't up to getting there much less waiting and then doing a four hour test. At this point the test could be a moot point.

He has a doctor's appointment on the 12th and I'm hoping it can be done by Zoom or Facetime. Although he does put on a great show for doctors and visitors. Which doesn't help getting him help! He can't understand why they won't give him pain pills when he denies having any pain (last few days stomach pain). He also can't understand why his hospital stays didn't 'fix' him like new.

He keeps asking me what is wrong - sometimes admitting he thinks he is dying. I don't know how to answer him as he does not want me agreeing with him on the dying. I just try to listen and be there. Don't know what else to do.

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Bill fell again this morning - trying to pick something off of the floor, which he has repeatedly promised not to do. I find it a lot easier to pick a piece of paper off the floor then getting Bill off the floor!
Had him wiggle to a better spot where I could assemble the Raizer. Within ten minutes or less I had him on his feet and settled in his chair with a cup of hot cocoa. That gadget does come in handy - unfortunately. Then repaired shelf he had taken down with him.
Fortunately, unlike yesterday morning, he is in a good mood, fall and all. I think he likes the Raizer ride upwards.


Bill fell again this morning - trying to pick something off of the floor, which he has repeatedly promised not to do. I find it a lot easier to pick a piece of paper off the floor then getting Bill off the floor!
Had him wiggle to a better spot where I could assemble the Raizer. Within ten minutes or less I had him on his feet and settled in his chair with a cup of hot cocoa. That gadget does come in handy - unfortunately. Then repaired shelf he had taken down with him.
Fortunately, unlike yesterday morning, he is in a good mood, fall and all. I think he likes the Raizer ride upwards.

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Will fell and didn’t tell me. He was sitting on the edge of the tub and lost his balance and slid down the outside. He said his rear end hurt but not enough to go to the doctor.
He is going to the doctor tomorrow because he has lumps in each breast that comes and goes - I’m wondering if it could be hormones.
Going to a specialist next year who has a great reputation with Dementia/Alzheimer’s to find out if there are better meds for Dementia. I have read Alzheimer’s meds can be helpful for Dementia and Will’s meds are at the maximum with nothing else available. Going to ask her opinion about Alzheimer’s meds and side affects I have read about. I am excited to find out more about the meds.
Take care and get some rest!


Will fell and didn’t tell me. He was sitting on the edge of the tub and lost his balance and slid down the outside. He said his rear end hurt but not enough to go to the doctor.
He is going to the doctor tomorrow because he has lumps in each breast that comes and goes - I’m wondering if it could be hormones.
Going to a specialist next year who has a great reputation with Dementia/Alzheimer’s to find out if there are better meds for Dementia. I have read Alzheimer’s meds can be helpful for Dementia and Will’s meds are at the maximum with nothing else available. Going to ask her opinion about Alzheimer’s meds and side affects I have read about. I am excited to find out more about the meds.
Take care and get some rest!

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Last night we were told that a good friend (and Bill's only buddy) had died the night before. I wasn't sure if I should tell Bill or not but decided he would want to know as he was expecting to see Kirby soon. After a momentary reaction he seemed completely okay with it, which surprised me. Earlier yesterday Bill had mentioned he wanted to die rather than continuing living the hell he is going through.
He seems to get weaker day by day. But he puts on such a good act for doctors and nurses that he don't think he needs any help. And I can't seem to get through to them.


Has been a rough Fall with Bill getting weaker by the day. In Oct within 3 weeks he went from 182 to 162 pounds - is skin and bones. Doesn't want to eat more than a few bites at a time. Ended up in the hospital twice. Said he won't go again.
One assessment said he should be on hospice but the doctor on call that night said he should wait (this was a hospice group). Has gotten worse since then. Major bathroom issues. The bathroom abuts our bedroom and his 'movie room' - in other words, a very short distance. Traversing it has him so exhausted that he almost passes out before he can either get to the bed or his chair.
He was scheduled for the 4 hour dementia testing next Monday but cancelled for the moment as he isn't up to getting there much less waiting and then doing a four hour test. At this point the test could be a moot point.

He has a doctor's appointment on the 12th and I'm hoping it can be done by Zoom or Facetime. Although he does put on a great show for doctors and visitors. Which doesn't help getting him help! He can't understand why they won't give him pain pills when he denies having any pain (last few days stomach pain). He also can't understand why his hospital stays didn't 'fix' him like new.

He keeps asking me what is wrong - sometimes admitting he thinks he is dying. I don't know how to answer him as he does not want me agreeing with him on the dying. I just try to listen and be there. Don't know what else to do.

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Hi Julie - My husband (91)was diagnosed in fall 2019 with MCI. His regression has been mostly in the short term memory area (e.g. 3 hours after Thanksgiving he remembered nothing about it - who was there, that we sat for an hour and a half at a festive table - but he thoroughly enjoyed it while it was going on. His neurologist, at the beginning, recommended the psychological evaluation, for which we got up at the crack of dawn for an 8am appt. at Yale in New Haven, 1/2 hour away. 20 minutes into the evaluation he shut it down, saying it was insulting and he wasn't going to do it. Upon consideration, I wondered if this wasn't more about neurology research than any specific help for him (since they can't "cure" dementia). He has being wearing the Exelon patch daily and that has helped him, but the benefit seems to be waning. He spent 4 days in the hospital in Sept. with iron deficiency and a gazillion tests to see why he had tachycardia and I had to be there as much of the time as possible because he could not remember what the symptoms were that got him here. Sigh, fortunately he is not belligerent and his appetite has returned after the iron deficiency was addressed. It was clear that the 4 days in the hospital had a detrimental effect on him, and I am eternally grateful to the hospitalist who asked if I could manage him at home: dementia patients waking up to unfamiliar sights and sounds really sets them back. I don't have an answer for you, but I wanted to say that my mindset now is - as long as he's safe, I'm okay with whatever he wants to do: this isn't about me. Sit all day staring into space, ruminating about his past life, eating things that in younger days were NOT on the menu - bacon, full-fat ice cream, cookies, etc? OK by me. He's driving the bus and I'm just making sure he doesn't hurt himself.


Hi Julie - My husband (91)was diagnosed in fall 2019 with MCI. His regression has been mostly in the short term memory area (e.g. 3 hours after Thanksgiving he remembered nothing about it - who was there, that we sat for an hour and a half at a festive table - but he thoroughly enjoyed it while it was going on. His neurologist, at the beginning, recommended the psychological evaluation, for which we got up at the crack of dawn for an 8am appt. at Yale in New Haven, 1/2 hour away. 20 minutes into the evaluation he shut it down, saying it was insulting and he wasn't going to do it. Upon consideration, I wondered if this wasn't more about neurology research than any specific help for him (since they can't "cure" dementia). He has being wearing the Exelon patch daily and that has helped him, but the benefit seems to be waning. He spent 4 days in the hospital in Sept. with iron deficiency and a gazillion tests to see why he had tachycardia and I had to be there as much of the time as possible because he could not remember what the symptoms were that got him here. Sigh, fortunately he is not belligerent and his appetite has returned after the iron deficiency was addressed. It was clear that the 4 days in the hospital had a detrimental effect on him, and I am eternally grateful to the hospitalist who asked if I could manage him at home: dementia patients waking up to unfamiliar sights and sounds really sets them back. I don't have an answer for you, but I wanted to say that my mindset now is - as long as he's safe, I'm okay with whatever he wants to do: this isn't about me. Sit all day staring into space, ruminating about his past life, eating things that in younger days were NOT on the menu - bacon, full-fat ice cream, cookies, etc? OK by me. He's driving the bus and I'm just making sure he doesn't hurt himself.

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Bill is eating and drinking very little. This morning he managed a half piece of French Toast and most of a cup of hot cocoa. For lunch he wanted a Twinkie. His weight loss is staggering. He is very frail (89) and he won't do anything to help himself. Doctors say to make him get up and get his own water - but watching him trying to move is painful for me and doesn't seem to help him. So I feel guilty if I get him his water and guilty if I don't get it. One hospice assessor that he should be on hospice but the doctor on duty said dying of old age wouldn't qualify (according to Medicare the weight loss and falls and general failures could be a trigger. ) At the moment I'm trying for at home care as trying to get him out at all is almost impossible. He also doesn't want to see or talk to family or friends.
One of his funny things the other day was he couldn't remember the name of something he wanted to eat but it was in a can with white stuff in the middle. I immediately guessed Twinkie and he was delighted I knew what he was talking about. His dementia seems to effect mechanical things a lot. His vocabulary is still fantastic (at one point he was an English teacher).


Last night we were told that a good friend (and Bill's only buddy) had died the night before. I wasn't sure if I should tell Bill or not but decided he would want to know as he was expecting to see Kirby soon. After a momentary reaction he seemed completely okay with it, which surprised me. Earlier yesterday Bill had mentioned he wanted to die rather than continuing living the hell he is going through.
He seems to get weaker day by day. But he puts on such a good act for doctors and nurses that he don't think he needs any help. And I can't seem to get through to them.

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It seems their emotions change very often. I have experienced the same reaction Bill has with the passing of an only friend. Will doesn’t seem to care whether he sees his only friend or not and isn’t enthusiastic about seeing him again. He almost seems as if he doesn’t want to see him, like why bother.
Bill doesn’t sound by his words or his actions (not eating) that he wants to live much longer. My Dad got so miserable with his COPD that he said he wanted to die, and he did.

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