Has anyone experienced Covid Gut? What helps?

Posted by robintromp @robintromp, Oct 14, 2022

I have been diagnosed with Long Covid Gut issues. Bloating started two weeks after I recovered from Covid and I am now in my ninth month. The GI doctors have tested me for everything and it all came back normal. Has anyone experience Covid Gut? If so, has anything helped or have things improved with time?

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Hi , I had gerd like symptoms from day one of omicron. It wasn’t typical heartburn where you feel the burn. Mine was like a chest tightness goin up my throat. I never had a lung issue( no cough) with covid and my heart is fine.I read about a clinical study which I did on my own it was 240 mg of famoddine( rx for pepcid)
80 mg 3 times a day for 14 days felt relief in 2 day. When I stopped I came back but it’s not as bad and I cut the dose
Down to 160 a day and add in a prontix ant- acid.some days are better than others .it might have to do with your vargus nerve or gut to brain
interaction. Good luck and feel better

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Very interesting. I don't have typical GERD presentation either. Mine is more so confined to my throat where it feels like a burning sensation. I also had that chest tightness you mentioned over the summer, but that symptom has gone down quite a bit to almost not at all. Oddly though, when I got scanned, everything looked a-okay. When I got scoped, it all came back normal and negative for anything and everything so the doctor recommended that I stop using the PPI in the absence of clinical pathology. I might try going back on Amitryptaline to see if it can help correct any sort of nerve misfiring between the brain and gut, however I don't meet the IBS criteria (no pain) although my stools have been insanely off. If you figure out anything that helps you that is natural, I'm all ears, and best of luck to you in your healing sooner rather than later.


Try prebiotic Activia yogurt twice daily. Seriously. It has helped me with severe gut covid.


Hi, I had terrible gastric problems which lasted 3 months. Severe nausea, unable to eat or drink much.
After 5 weeks I crawled to the computer and looked it up on the Mayo Clinic site. It advised eating food that
helped restore the gut flora. I started with cauliflower cheese made with a white sauce and gradually over 3 days the nausea stopped. I lost about 30lbs but continued to eat gut friendly food and after 3 months I felt great.


I have had COVID symptoms for almost 3 months including nausea. I have been drinking ginger tea non stop and it seems to help most of the time. I take ondansetron when I have to.
Rachel R.


I had Covid in 2020. Since lost 30 pounds and homebound due to severe GI symptoms. Hyoscyamine helps with the cramping and the pain, Compazine helps with the nausea and vomiting, GABA reduces anxiety. Pre and Probiotics help overall but need to take lots and specific strains.
Trying to get appointment with Mayo Clinic


I doubled my probiotic.

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Did that help?

In reply to @iedhunter "Did that help?" + (show)

Did that help?

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It did help some. I have other GI issues on top of that, which complicates things some. But definitely some improvement.


Which specific strains are you taking and doubled?


YES! Got Covid in July and was put on Paxlovid. Rebounded and it got worse second time. My stomach was like a churning caldron and bowels loose. Took me about 18 days to get over. Then I got bivariant shot in early Nov and that really threw my system in turmoil. Lots of stomach churning, diarrhea, urgency to go constantly, mucousy bowel accidents, even joint pain and redness. My son has Crohn’s so I felt like it turned on a Crohn’s switch in me. Various testing was normal. It is very slowly getting better using probiotics, turmeric and some ibuprofen. Finally got in to see gastroenterologist in a couple weeks.

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