Has anyone experienced Covid Gut? What helps?

Posted by robintromp @robintromp, Oct 14, 2022

I have been diagnosed with Long Covid Gut issues. Bloating started two weeks after I recovered from Covid and I am now in my ninth month. The GI doctors have tested me for everything and it all came back normal. Has anyone experience Covid Gut? If so, has anything helped or have things improved with time?

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Same boat.
I had covid over Xmas. Months later, I’m now dealing w stomach issues of loss of appetite,rolling stomach EVERY DAY. I’m a male, weigh 190, earlier I lost 10 lbs!
That’s not good. I also may have had BRAIN FOG. I’m almost 60, and for a week or two thought I was starting dementia (?).
AND… lost my sense of smell to almost everything. But if they fix my stomach, I would be happy.
Just had blood work, stool sample…everything perfect.
Bleh…..so frustrating
***My symptoms also started 1 day after booster shot.
My wife believes this could all be in my head, lol.
Considering hypnosis, has anyone tried that?

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I sooo understand your gut issues! I had covid in Jan for 2 wks and then a very, very short, mild case July 4th. My gut issues started after the 4th....had many stool samples checked for various possibilities, bloodwork ups, and abdominal ct scan with dye contrast....NOTHING.
(I have all my vaxxes and boosts)
What I am currently doing is taking a quality probiotic, watching diet for what may make things worse and taking miralax as needed....constipation seems to be an ongoing issue.


My gut issues started a few weeks after Covid. That was 9.5 months ago. Upper abdominal pain. Right below sternum. I have had all the tests and seen 2 GI doctors. It hurts to eat or drink anything. Has anyone else had this? Cures?


Just did home test and it’s positive. Third time since May. Last was September 8. Had negative test a few weeks after.
I’m so over Covid


I had covid in January of 21. Very mild case with only fatigue, brain fog, and shortness of breath walking up stairs. Two to three weeks after I started experiencing significant bloating and belching as well as premature ventricular contractions. The bloating seemed to cause the pvcs. I am still suffering from bloating and pvcs. I have had a multitude of tests. Endoscopy, colonoscopy, ultrasound of my entire stomach, stool tests, urine tests, SIBO breath test, etc. All tests were negative, except for a polyp on my gallbladder that my gastro Dr. isn’t concerned about. I have adjusted my diet significantly which has helped somewhat. So many Dr appointments and tests over the last year and a half. Diet suggestions -avoid anything fatty and fried, dairy, gluten, and sugar. Focus on fruits, vegetables, nuts, fish, chicken, and wild game. An occasional beef filet doesn’t seem to bother me but a ribeye does.
I found an article written by a world renowned acupuncturist named Jill Blakemore. She helped a patient with my exact symptoms but is what pre-Covid. I reached out to her and have had a couple of telehealth appointments. I started going to a local acupuncturist and Jill communicated with her. However, the acupuncture didn’t seem to help. Jill also suggested a mixture of Chinese herbs that seemed to help my bloating significantly. Alternative treatments aren’t for everyone which I totally understand. For me I was at a point of desperation. And I can definitely say it helped. She changed the formula 3 different times as I improved and was hoping to help reduce/eliminate the pvcs. It did help with the pvcs but not as much as I would hope. Ultimately I would suggest Chinese Herbs after a consult with someone reputable. Unfortunately, I think (fingers crossed) it’s also a time thing. I am also doing pro and pre biotics. Still have issues but not every day so there are improvements. I also notice anxiety/stress causes me to bloat and have pvcs. Exercise will help your stomach as well and will help reduce any stress.

If anyone else has suggestions please post them for both bloating and pvcs.

Hope this is helpful.

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Have had Long Covid since March 2022. SIBO symptoms until I visited large, reputable and locally owned Herbal shop.
Saccharomyces boulardii only vs more expensive combos of various pre- and probiotics WORKS.


I sooo understand your gut issues! I had covid in Jan for 2 wks and then a very, very short, mild case July 4th. My gut issues started after the 4th....had many stool samples checked for various possibilities, bloodwork ups, and abdominal ct scan with dye contrast....NOTHING.
(I have all my vaxxes and boosts)
What I am currently doing is taking a quality probiotic, watching diet for what may make things worse and taking miralax as needed....constipation seems to be an ongoing issue.

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I've had it since November 2020 I did end up having bad gut bacteria which was treated but I still have bouts of diarrhea and indigestion. I take probiotics I think they help but a cure would be great


My daughter is ten and has had indigestion/nausea since august. I believe it stems from Covid in July. Any thoughts on how to help her feel better? The GI doc said things look fine. However our evenings are not fun and I do think anxiety plays a role in this. Looking for advice or ways to help her feel better?


I've had it since November 2020 I did end up having bad gut bacteria which was treated but I still have bouts of diarrhea and indigestion. I take probiotics I think they help but a cure would be great

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What antibiotic did they use to treat your bad bacteria? In the beginning the doctors thought I had SIBO and treated me with Rifaximin, which actually made my bloat go from only after eating to constant bloat.


What antibiotic did they use to treat your bad bacteria? In the beginning the doctors thought I had SIBO and treated me with Rifaximin, which actually made my bloat go from only after eating to constant bloat.

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I actually can't remember what antibiotic they put me on. I'm almost thinking it was just amoxicillin but I'm just not sure. It did straighten things out somewhat but probiotics are the thing that's kind of been carrying me through it seems to go in spells I get better than I have a flare up then I get better back and forth. They diagnosed it with a colonoscopy


I have been eating a finely chopped mixture of 2 whole bulbs of garlic, 2 whole lemons, 1/2 cup good quality honey, 1 large knob of tumeric, 1 large knob of ginger, 1/2 tsp. ground black pepper and 1 tsp. cinnamon. It has made a world of difference in my energy level and overall feeling of well being. I can consume it straight, but it could be mixed in with whatever you are eating. Everything is organic. I eat a tablespoon once a day, but I know others that eat it twice a day. If you can't find organic lemons, then I would suggest scrubbing them in warm water with baking soda.


My daughter is ten and has had indigestion/nausea since august. I believe it stems from Covid in July. Any thoughts on how to help her feel better? The GI doc said things look fine. However our evenings are not fun and I do think anxiety plays a role in this. Looking for advice or ways to help her feel better?

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I would suggest probiotics and prebiotics. I would also think the doctor would want to test her for bad gut bacteria or for gastritis

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