Has anyone experienced Covid Gut? What helps?

Posted by robintromp @robintromp, Oct 14, 2022

I have been diagnosed with Long Covid Gut issues. Bloating started two weeks after I recovered from Covid and I am now in my ninth month. The GI doctors have tested me for everything and it all came back normal. Has anyone experience Covid Gut? If so, has anything helped or have things improved with time?

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Unbelievable. There is a 290 mcg of the Linzess, do you think that would help? I wonder if taking something for your gut spasms such as Bentyl (Prescription) would help you? I was in a bad way with spasms after COVID and the Levsin (Prescription) for spasms caused blurred vision, but, the Bentyl doesn't and worked beautifully. I was checked for SIBO, an endoscopy was done, esophagus was dilated, found out I have a hiatal hernia....you know the drill on trying everything. I do not have POTS and this is just a thought, ok?

Sometimes later on due to COVID we may not respond to our meds & supplements like we did before. I wonder if your meds for POTS need tweaking and they are slowing down your gut now due to COVID. I know that sounds crazy....but, COVID does crazy things. Miralax never worked well for me...you definitely have to play with the dosage.

IBS-C and spasms is hard to treat. I'm so sorry you are battling this. It sounds like you are doing all of the right things, I mentioned Magnesium 200 mg, have you tried that with your breakfast? I can't take that at night when I take my Linzess or I have the other problem. I had to try many different things until I found the right thing.

Are you able to get any form of exercise at all? Walking outside even? This can help moves things along in the gut.

Are you on a good probiotic? I had to go on one after COVID. MegaSporebiotic is a good one but strong. You have to start slow. Due to my gut senstivity, my doctor switched me to ION Gut support. Gut issues are exhausting. I empathize. I am so hopeful and prayerful for you to get great improvement soon. God Bless You!

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Thank you for the suggestions and the blessings (back at you!). What type of Magnesium do you take ?


uget1shot, I am taking the Nutrabio magnesium on Amazon. 120 capsules for around $15. 200 mg. This has Magnesium Malate & Magnesium Bisglycinate chelate. I DO NOT take this when I take my Linzess. I take this during the day and Linzess at bedtime. I hope this helps. Praying much for you to get relief.


uget1shot, I am taking the Nutrabio magnesium on Amazon. 120 capsules for around $15. 200 mg. This has Magnesium Malate & Magnesium Bisglycinate chelate. I DO NOT take this when I take my Linzess. I take this during the day and Linzess at bedtime. I hope this helps. Praying much for you to get relief.

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Thanks - took a GI Map stool test today so my doc can better direct care. I hope I pass - lol.


If you like reading research, here’s a couple of articles you might be interested in -
Recent study indicates that post COVID virus fragments, those fragments left over when your body has fought off the virus, can cause autoimmune problems. After reading this, I looked up autoimmune gastritis, and sure enough it matches stomach problems I had. Might be something to consider, discuss with your doctor. This research was done at UCLA, reported in the news by SciTechDaily.

Other article:
Long-term gastrointestinal outcomes of COVID-19,
published in Nature, March 2023, very large study
Most interesting to you might be the numbers of gastrointestinal issues of people with COVID who were not hospitalized.
Before you say “we already knew this”, I get it, it’s what you’ve been living with. But it takes a while for the medical field to adapt new practices. Most doctors will only recommend treatments after numerous studies have been done, and then replicated to prove that the outcomes apply to the general public. Studies like this one should make the COVID-gastro connection undeniable.

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