COVID vaccines and neuropathy

Posted by cue @cue, Feb 15, 2021

I am 85 with small fiber neuropathy that is getting worse. My neurologist thought it would be a good idea for me to wait with the covid vaccine and not be first in line to see how it affected other people with neuropathy. Probably because it is a new technology. Has anyone had a problem with neuropathy after receiving the vaccine? If so, which vaccine?

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As you know, I had my 4th Pfizer shot Jan 28 and that night the numbness and tingling started. I saw my family doctor and a neurologist several times. I had an EMG, numerous blood tests and a neck MRI. Everything normal.The paraesthesias continued through March. Then in April, my doctor had the idea of putting me on 5 days of prednisone. It seemed to help a little. By May, I felt like I was on the mend with hardly any tingling and numbness. It was 98% better. BUT, a few days ago, I was working in the garden and I felt some tingling in one of my feet and it is now back full strength accompanied with leg pains and back pain. I don't know what to think. I am seeing my doctor again an a week. Throughout this all I have taken Alpha Lipoic Acid on the recommendation of the neurologist, glutamine, my usual vitamins. Also tried gabapentin for several days, which made things worse, so I stopped. Nothing has made the slightest difference.
I live in a small southern Colorado town and have considered traveling to Denver to see a neurologist at a large teaching hospital. I called and the first appointment is 6 months out! December. Maybe I would get an answer up there. My own thought is that I have some some kind of small fiber neuropathy that was triggered by the last vaccine and that may come and go. I would love to get an actual diagnosis however. I wish you the best and hopefully these symptoms will fade for both of us.

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Hi Selene,
I'm in Denver also. Please let me know how your dr visit goes. This is happening to me also and I didn't realize it may be because of the Covid vacinnes! I am a full time caregiver for my elderly mother 24/7, so this has become beyond words for me, let alone hindered caring for someone else felling this way!
I pray you find encouraging answers!


Thank you for your comment and recommendation. It has been a battle for those of us who’ve had a reaction to the jab to get any sort of diagnosis or treatment. After over a year, I have only 2 weeks ago found a Dr who is ‘investigating’ the paresthesia/neuropathy with tests. She is Dr no.8. I have just been prescribed gabapentin while she investigates (MRI, which was fairly normal, nerve conductivity to follow, biopsy- last resort, she says). However, I found the side effects more than I can handle, so I’ve back to trying to manage it with non-prescription supplements, etc... Drs have been reluctant to attribute any causality to the vaccine (other than myo/pericarditis) and ‘anxiety’ is usually the ‘diagnosis’, as blood tests tend not to show anything ‘abnormal’, despite other manifestations - such as mine -paresthesia, neuropathy, tinnitus…

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There can definitely be neuropathy from these shots. I use non prescription treatments for my patients.
I suggest you see an integrative physician with an open mind and lots of experience


There can definitely be neuropathy from these shots. I use non prescription treatments for my patients.
I suggest you see an integrative physician with an open mind and lots of experience

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I recently embraced Integrative Medicine - I must have been living in a cave. It was through great people in this forum mentioning it for me to ask my PCP to help me explore that direction. Like a lot of folks here, I had neuropathy before the pandemic, and have been trying to share and learn from others to live with this medical mystery.
I’ve read some folks with existing PN report no change with the vaccines, and some report temporary regression with it or with actual Covid (same with Shingles). Now there are new cases of PN attributed to vaccines or illness. PN is awful and I hope research for helping us all inflicted is elevated, so we can learn, if possible, how to avoid it and not manufacture it, and pray for a cure.
For now, I am so grateful for finding this group with great mentors, moderators, and researchers, and participants sharing their tried and true (or false) remedies. Extra kudos to you and some others (@artscaping and Rachel) for promoting Integrative Medicine and/or positive & mindful thinking therapies. This horse has started drinking some of the water and finding these an integral part of the mix for dealing with the journey we’re on.


Thank you for your comment and recommendation. It has been a battle for those of us who’ve had a reaction to the jab to get any sort of diagnosis or treatment. After over a year, I have only 2 weeks ago found a Dr who is ‘investigating’ the paresthesia/neuropathy with tests. She is Dr no.8. I have just been prescribed gabapentin while she investigates (MRI, which was fairly normal, nerve conductivity to follow, biopsy- last resort, she says). However, I found the side effects more than I can handle, so I’ve back to trying to manage it with non-prescription supplements, etc... Drs have been reluctant to attribute any causality to the vaccine (other than myo/pericarditis) and ‘anxiety’ is usually the ‘diagnosis’, as blood tests tend not to show anything ‘abnormal’, despite other manifestations - such as mine -paresthesia, neuropathy, tinnitus…

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Sorry to find another sufferer from an adverse neurological reaction to the Covid vaccines! I recommend joining the Neuro V Long-Haulers Facebook group. There are many patients on that site who developed small-fiber neuropathy after the vaccines, which can be difficult to diagnose. I have sensory and motor nerve damage documented by EMG. On the Facebook site, there is a Danish physician with expertise in vaccine injuries who has been helping us.


Hi Selene,
I'm in Denver also. Please let me know how your dr visit goes. This is happening to me also and I didn't realize it may be because of the Covid vacinnes! I am a full time caregiver for my elderly mother 24/7, so this has become beyond words for me, let alone hindered caring for someone else felling this way!
I pray you find encouraging answers!

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My appointment is a video appointment in September . I will let you know how it goes. I tried to get an in person appointment with a neurologist at the university hospital there, but they are booked 6 months and further out with long waiting lists. Maybe if another doctor referred me, I could get in sooner. Medical system is so frustrating. And I am an RN.


There can definitely be neuropathy from these shots. I use non prescription treatments for my patients.
I suggest you see an integrative physician with an open mind and lots of experience

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I wonder if you would mind sharing some of the non prescription treatments that are helping your patients? In the small town I live in, there doesn't seem to be much available .


So very sorry. I have similar. Started after second vaccine. Numbness, pins and needles, lots of sensory sensations. My neurologist agrees that the vaccine has “over activated the nervous system” in some patients. It’s like a form of fibromyalgia. I’m 63. I had NO symptoms prior to vaccine. Great health. I still have symptoms. …about 16 months later. No weakness, nor lack of coordination, no pain… just “paresthesia”. It cycles… gets real bad, the entire left side of my body, then subsides. Affects sleep. It sucks yet most days i can totally ignore it. I have to actively manage the “fear” component in my thinking. If I distract myself well, I feel better. I am sorry for us, and hope you feel better soon. 🙏🏻

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Are u getting another vaccine? Has Evusheld been recommended to you for COVID protection? I had the same reaction as you to vaccine.


Last week I read a research report on NMBI based on findings at VAERS about side effects of the mRNA vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna) and apparently there are many, including neuropathy and Bell's Palsy. I knew it but doctors didn't take my complaints seriously. And in september we are advised to take a second booster but I'm hesitating- I would probably take half a dose of Moderna, but not a full dose as after every shot my symptoms got worse and lasted longer: neuropathy in both legs, stiff legs, pain all over, woozy 'out of it' feeling...the last time it stayed for 2 months. Horrible. But obviously I don't want Covid again either -had it in March 2020 and got it from my physiotherapist (I hardly saw people during the lockdowns). Ugh. The vaccines obviously were not tested on people with nerve issues.


Last week I read a research report on NMBI based on findings at VAERS about side effects of the mRNA vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna) and apparently there are many, including neuropathy and Bell's Palsy. I knew it but doctors didn't take my complaints seriously. And in september we are advised to take a second booster but I'm hesitating- I would probably take half a dose of Moderna, but not a full dose as after every shot my symptoms got worse and lasted longer: neuropathy in both legs, stiff legs, pain all over, woozy 'out of it' feeling...the last time it stayed for 2 months. Horrible. But obviously I don't want Covid again either -had it in March 2020 and got it from my physiotherapist (I hardly saw people during the lockdowns). Ugh. The vaccines obviously were not tested on people with nerve issues.

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After 16 months of disability due to sensory and motor peripheral neuropathy that began within 2 weeks of the first Pfizer vaccine, I would not even consider the current boosters. As stated in the following article, the antibodies induced by the boosters have minimal effectiveness against the current Omicron strains. The booster therefore is not worth the risk for someone who previously had an adverse reaction. Hopefully, as the article indicates, a vaccine will be developed that does not encode the toxic spike protein (and also aggravate autoimmune reactions induced by the vaccine). At that point, I might consider another Covid vaccine.


Hi Selene,
I'm in Denver also. Please let me know how your dr visit goes. This is happening to me also and I didn't realize it may be because of the Covid vacinnes! I am a full time caregiver for my elderly mother 24/7, so this has become beyond words for me, let alone hindered caring for someone else felling this way!
I pray you find encouraging answers!

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Hi @lynndenver @selene53 @cbdh19,
I see we are all in the Denver/Colorado area and wanted to connect. I've been reading through this board absolutely horrified that there are so many of us suffering from neuropathy after the COVID vaccines and yet we are all still begging for help from the medical community. I will share that several of my doctors here have admitted to me that they have other patients like us with neuropathy injuries after the COVID vaccines. Perhaps we have seen some of the same providers, or more likely, there are many of us out there who have not yet found forums like this. Please know you are not alone.

I was very healthy, in my early 30s, when I got the first two COVID vaccines in 2021, so to develop this horrible neuropathy from it at my age was a complete shock. I am so sorry you are all suffering as well. I hope your appointments go well and we can all find healing. 

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