Multifocal Adenocarcinoma of the lung, continual recurrences

Posted by Merry, Alumni Mentor @merpreb, Dec 11, 2018

We have multifocal adenocarcinoma of the lung. @linda10 and @sakota.- Please join me in this discussion.

For a short explanation of this tongue twister. Briefly, Multifocal Adenocarcinoma (MAC) of the lung is a clinical entity of multiple synchronous (less than 6 months) or metachronous (more than 6 months), often ground-glass opacities (GGO) on CT scan, typically indolent-behaving cancers. There is a scarce amt of clinical data to guide treatment decisions.
This came from

This means that more than one potential cancerous lesion, mostly ground glass, shows up at a time. For instance I had 3 cancerous lesions 10 years ago in my left lung and in the same area. They were all different sizes. They grow at different rates.

Multifocal adenocarcinoma is a very complex cancer because the medical profession doesn't know if the ground glass lesions are the primary cancer or small metastases of another primary cancer. They don't even know where they start..

Multifocal Adenocarcinoma has sub types and it's management is based on whether it's indolent or very virulent.

These are very simplistic explanations. Even doctors are confused by it and it's only been within the last twenty years that they have separated it from a Bronchioloalveolar Carcinoma (BAC).

The constant recurrences are the buggers. Not only do we have to constantly face lots of CT scans but when lung cells change, which they often do, we are in terror of another virulent cancer. I presently have several ground glass lesions. And I have had many that have disappeared. It's enough to drive you nuts and PTSD is exacerbated by the frequency of these devils.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Lung Cancer Support Group.


@colleenyoung Thanks so much for the help and info.

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Sakota-I am so sorry. I totally misunderstood what groups you wanted. Thank you @colleenyoung for stepping in.
Also I was fitted for a night guard.


Sakota-I am so sorry. I totally misunderstood what groups you wanted. Thank you @colleenyoung for stepping in.
Also I was fitted for a night guard.

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Sorry I have been gone, know you all are out there, thinking of you, hoping for the best for each of us!! Did find the right group. Surgery tomorrow morning, feeling lucky, hopeful, and very humbled by all of this. Promise to let you know outcome, bless you


Sorry I have been gone, know you all are out there, thinking of you, hoping for the best for each of us!! Did find the right group. Surgery tomorrow morning, feeling lucky, hopeful, and very humbled by all of this. Promise to let you know outcome, bless you

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@meka- My best to you. You've got this. I know that it's a tough operation. Let us all know how you are when you can. I'm sending a warm hug.


Sorry I have been gone, know you all are out there, thinking of you, hoping for the best for each of us!! Did find the right group. Surgery tomorrow morning, feeling lucky, hopeful, and very humbled by all of this. Promise to let you know outcome, bless you

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Hi @meka, thinking about you. I'm not sure if you're able to respond to messages yet, but wanted to let you know that we send well wishes post surgery.


Sorry I have been gone, know you all are out there, thinking of you, hoping for the best for each of us!! Did find the right group. Surgery tomorrow morning, feeling lucky, hopeful, and very humbled by all of this. Promise to let you know outcome, bless you

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Hi Joan- How are you doing? Is there anything that I can do for you?


Hello all- It's been very quite here which I hope means that things are stable with everyone, or waiting for the next test. I had my last CT a week ago Thursday and I am finally stable, again! I do have a couple of GG that have changed but they also stopped changing. If they grow then I will again have SBRT for it. How are you all doing? Can you bring me up-to-date? I know that Joan (@meka) may not be able to respond because she was operated on just short of a month ago and she has yet to check in.


@merry and everyone. been awhile since I checked in. Am heading to Mayo on the 25th of this month to see pulmonologist and cardiologist...…. both are for checkups. Then in June its time for another CT scan. I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop. So far been doing good, but usually am tired. Can sleep good at nite but find myself taking a nap in the afternoon. I just want my energy. I hope everyone is hanging in there, doing what you have to and keeping the faith.


Hi Joan! Welcome back. Being tired is very natural. And there is nothing wrong with napping. You have to let your body tell you what it needs. I'm anxious to know what the cardiologists and pulmonologist reports will be- or rather assessment will be.
I have an appointment with a new pulmonologist on Tuesday, mine retired. I'm actually looking forward to it.
Are you walking or exercising at all? How is your breathing?


Hi @meka, thinking about you. I'm not sure if you're able to respond to messages yet, but wanted to let you know that we send well wishes post surgery.

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So sorry it's been so long. Just keep telling folks, "still here to bitch" ! Lung healing, weather sucks, sprained back, VA already wants to do another CT on another spot that's been there, think it's changed. Want to be out walking!!! I will stop now, sorry. Still here comment came about because a dead friend died suddenly a massive stroke at 62. Had just talked to her the day before and not able to get back for Services. Life does not stop teaching!!!
My favorite time year is here, March Madness, specifically women!! Do want to say a day doesn't go by without thinking of those who reached out, reminded of courage, hope,and strength!! I will do better, thanks all, Meka


So sorry it's been so long. Just keep telling folks, "still here to bitch" ! Lung healing, weather sucks, sprained back, VA already wants to do another CT on another spot that's been there, think it's changed. Want to be out walking!!! I will stop now, sorry. Still here comment came about because a dead friend died suddenly a massive stroke at 62. Had just talked to her the day before and not able to get back for Services. Life does not stop teaching!!!
My favorite time year is here, March Madness, specifically women!! Do want to say a day doesn't go by without thinking of those who reached out, reminded of courage, hope,and strength!! I will do better, thanks all, Meka

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@meka So sorry to hear of your sudden loss and feeling your pain for not being able to get back for Services. Sending my warmest thoughts to help melt your pain- both the physical and the heart.

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